Special Attack (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Spazalicious Chaos (talk)
Date Created: 2011/02/24
Status: Finished
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Special Attack

You switch out extra attacks for one massive one.

Class: Any (other than primary casters).

Prerequisites: Special

Level: Depends on Class

Replaces: Iterative Attacks (see text)

Benefit: Whenever your base attack bonus would grant an iterative attack, you instead choose one of the extraordinary abilities below. Where ever it mentions "the iterative attack bonus you gave up" means the results are a function of the iterative attacks bonus as it would have stood if it were still in place. Thus, if you gave up your second iterative attack, the special attack is a function of that second attacks attack bonus. Each of these attacks is a full round action.

  • Bangarang! (Must be proficient in at least three thrown weapons, Dex 13): Any thrown weapon you use returns to your hand after attacking, regardless of if it hit or missed, as an instant action. In addition, its flight path can include a number of targets for assault equal to half the iterative attack bonus you gave up, rounded up. The flight path can not be longer than the weapons maximum range, and you only suffer range penalties equal to the targets distance from you, not the total flight distance.
  • Raid! (Must be proficient with at least three one handed or larger melee weapons, Str 13): You can throw a one handed or larger melee weapon as a line attack five feet wide and a length in spaces equal to half the iterative attack bonus you gave up, rounded up. This attack may be avoided for half damage on a reflex save, DC 10+ your attack bonus.
  • Earth Breaker! (Must be proficient with at least three two handed melee weapons, Str 13): By smashing a two handed melee weapon into the ground or any other solid surface, you can deal weapon damage to any who fail a reflex save equal to 10+ your attack bonus in a circle centered on you with a diameter in spaces equal to half the iterative attack bonus you gave up, rounded up. Variant For Monks: Ground Pound! (Prereq- Monk lvl 8, Unamrmed Strike, Str 15) As per a regular Earth Breaker attack, but made with an unarmed strike. Thrown Variant: Meteor Strike! (Prereq- Proficient in at least three thrown weapons, Str 13, Dex 13, Jump 10 ranks) As per a regular Earth Breaker, but at least 10 vertical feet must be attained above the target space before the attack is made. How this is accomplished does not matter.
  • Panic Shot! (Must be proficient in at least three projectile weapons, Dex 13): You make attacks of opportunity with your projectile weapons, and threaten all spaces in a radius equal to half the iterative attack bonus you gave up, rounded up.
  • Sonic Attack! (Dex 13, Str 13, Int 13): You make make a charge attack that allows one attack against every creature that you can reach from that line, up to a maximum number of targets equal to half the iterative attack bonus you gave up, rounded up.

NOTE: ALL of these attacks are intended to bump up the balance level of any given class by one step.

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AuthorSpazalicious Chaos +
ClassAny (other than primary casters). +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryYou switch out extra attacks for one massive one. +
TitleSpecial Attack +