Discipline Specialist (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 17th June 2015
Status: Finished
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Discipline Specialist

You are a super specialized psion, to the point you cannot even normally learn powers of other discipline. However in exchange for your extreme dedication you gain some nifty abilities.

Class: Psion

Level: 1st, 2nd

Replaces: Power Known, 1st level bonus feat

Benefit: A discipline specialist gain the following special ability based on her chosen psionic discipline:

Power Known: A discipline specialist can only learn powers from her discipline through taking class level, she may still take powers from other discipline through feat such as expanded knowledge.

Discipline Focus: A discipline specialist reduce the cost of all power from her specialized discipline by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and no longer need to expend her psionic focus when manifesting power of her favored discipline modified by metapsionic feats. She is still limited to only applying a single [metapsionic] feat to any power she manifest.

Improved Power: A discipline specialist also improve one iconic power of her discipline, usually in the form of a powerful additional augment, she automatically add that power to her power known list whenever it become available.


Improved Power: Your empathic transfer gain the following augment: For 2 additional power points you spend, you halves the damage you take and double the hit point recovery.

Shift Features: By expending your psionic focus you can replicate the effect of disguise self for 10 minutes, you may keep expending your focus to maintain the duration indefinitely. This is not an illusion but rather a psychometabolism effect.

Egoistic Egoist: A 2nd level egoist specialist make any psychometabolism power you use on herself (and no other creature) is automatically extended for free.


Improved Power: Your control object gain the following augment: For 2 additional power points you spend, you may replicate the effect of animate object instead of this power normal effect.

Telekinesis: At 1st level a kineticist specialist is constantly under the effect of a fully augmented far hand of her manifester level. She can switch around which augment is active as a swift action. At 5th level she can instead use complete telekinesis the same way she could use far hand, she may not use telekinetic thrust however. At 10th level she gain the ability to use telekinetic thrust as well.

Energy Specialist: A 2nd level egoist gain the focused energy feat as a bonus feat. Unlike the normal feat she may also select force.


Improved Power: Your burst gain the following augment: For every additional power point you spend, increase the speed bonus granted by this power by 5 ft.

Psionic Jaunt: As a swift action you may expend your psionic focus to teleport to a location up to 10 ft. per class level as long as you have line of sight and line of effect to it. At 5th level you double the distance of your jaunt and no longer need line of sight. At 10th level you no longer expend your psionic focus in order to use this ability and no longer need line of effect.

Movement Mastery: A 2nd level nomad specialist movement speed increase by 10' and gain the Up the Walls feat as a bonus feat even if he does not meet the prerequisite.


Improved Power: Your precognition gain the following augment: For 2 additional power points you spend, you may have this power affect a touched willing creature.

Deep Insight: A 1st level seer specialist can tap into the mind of countless individual for skills, she gain half her class level as an insight bonus on all knowledge checks. At 5th level she gain the Dark Knowledge ability of an archivistHoH of her class level.

Prescience: A 2nd level seer specialist gain the ability to allow you or one willing ally to reroll a single d20 roll as an immediate action, they must accept the second result even if worse. This ability is usable once per day per creature.


Improved Power: Your psionic minor creation gain the following augment: For 2 additional power points you spend, you may make the duration of this power 'instantaneous'.

Psicrystal: A 1st level shaper gain psicrystal affinity as a bonus feat.

Enduring Construct: A 2nd level shaper specialist may make the duration of any of her astral construct 5 minute unless it would normally be longer.


Improved Power: Your psionic suggestion gain the following augment: For 2 additional power points you spend, you may have make an insidious suggestion instead of a normal suggestion.

Alluring Voice: A 1st level telepath specialist can enhance her voice, posture and body language. Non-hostile creatures are one step friendlier towards you than normal (to a maximum of Friendly). This is only an 'initial attitude' - if you take any actions that harm or offend them, their attitude will adjust appropriately. At 5th level she gain the fascinate ability of a Bard of her class level.

Telepathy: A 2nd level telepathy specialist gain telepathy out of 10 ft per class level.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4523 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassPsion +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryYou are a super specialized psion, to the point you cannot even normally learn powers of other discipline. However in exchange for your extreme dedication you gain some nifty abilities. +
TitleDiscipline Specialist +