Frog Chant, Wildmage Variant (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Wildmage (talk)
Date Created: 15-01-2017
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Frog Chant, Wildmage Variant [Anarchic] There is a ancient language of primordial chaos that have resently been made, it is almost unknown even to the slaads unless they know it and just don't say, it words are filled with change and power when they are not just nonsens, it is said it was first spoken by frogs but it changed them into the basis animals they are today and the forgot who they was. The words of frog chant often changes and no way can it be written without losing all it power.Prerequisites: Any Chaotic Allignment, INT 15, CHA 15, base Will save bonus +5.Benefit: Besides communicating which its realy not good at, With this feat comes the knowlede of four words of power from Frog Chant they are all (Su) in nature.

Least word, Word:

By starting up a conversation using words from Frog Chant with a inanimated objekt you can communicate with inanimate objects be they a dead body, a lamp post, a gravestone or any other non-living inanimated object. You are able to ask questions of and receive answers from inanimate objects. A inanimate objects sense of its surroundings is limited, so it won’t be able to give (or recognize) detailed descriptions of creatures or answer questions about events outside its immediate vicinity, but i can often tell in detail about a creature if it have had prolonged contact. The inanimated objects often have a Trait or two which is almost all of their personality. You can only use this ability on an inanimated object that are not withind 500 ft. of another inanimated object you have spoken to in a 10 day.

Lesser word, Discord:

As a Immedaite action you can scream a single word from Frog Chant and target youself and chosen creature with a Wildstrike DC equal to 10 + HD/2 + charisma modifier, With a caste level equal to 1/2 your HD

Whenever you use Frog Chant in this manner, you take 1d4 points of Charisma damage.

Greater word, Change:

As a Full round action, you can shout random words of frog chant anyone who can hear you must make a fortitude save DC equal to 10 + HD/2 + charisma modifier, if the save is failed the target is infected with a special form of Demon Blessing where the only change is that the target, if and when transformed into a Howler instead roll on the following table to see what the target is transformed into:

{ Normal: A nonchaotic creature that tries to utter Frog Chant without learning it properly is affected as by a feeblemind spell, while an lawfull character is struck dead. Fortunately, it is impossible to make someone speak Frog chant words against his will, because their pronunciation is so exacting.Special: If you are immune to the ability damage a specific word deals you cant use it.

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Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorWildmage +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteAny Chaotic Allignment +, INT 15 +, CHA 15 + and base Will save bonus +5. +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryYou have learned or been cursed with the power of frog chant +
TitleFrog Chant, Wildmage Variant +
TypeAnarchic +