Teleport (3.5e Power)

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Author: Foxwarrior (talk)
Date Created: 11/20/11
Status: Squid.
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Psychoportation [Teleportation]
Level: Psionic Psuperhero 1
Display: Auditory
Manifesting Time: Standard
Range: 10'
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 1

You may teleport to any point you can see within range, bringing up to your maximum load with you.

Augment: For every two power points spent augmenting Teleport in any way, its save DC increases by 1, if it has a save.

No Vision: By spending one additional power point, you can negate the need to see your targeted location, but you must either visualize it clearly or specify a distance and direction. If you specify a distance and direction that leaves you inside an object, the teleporting creature or object takes 2d6 points of damage and is shunted to the nearest open space within range. If your visualization of the target location is ambiguous, the creature or object is transported to the place within range that most closely fits its visual description.

Increased Range: By spending two additional power points, you can increase Teleport's range to Close. By spending four additional power points instead, you can increase Teleport's range to Medium. By spending six additional power points instead, you can increase its range to Long. By spending eight additional points instead, you can increase its range to 1 mile per manifester level. By spending ten additional power points instead, you can increase its range to 100 miles per manifester level. By spending twelve additional power points instead, you can increase its range to either "Anywhere on this plane" or "Within 5d100 miles of the targeted point on the specified plane."

Transport Allies: By spending any number of additional power points, you can bring a number of willing creatures with you equal to the number of additional power points spent.

Teleport Objects: By spending one additional power point, you and any willing creature targets may choose to just transport objects up to their maximum load.

Fast Manifest: By spending five additional power points, you can manifest Teleport as a move action. This can't be combined with any augment that lets you transport unwilling creatures. You may spend ten additional power points instead to manifest Teleport as a swift action, or fifteen additional power points instead to manifest Teleport as an immediate action.

Teleport as an attack: By spending four additional power points, you can teleport a touched creature and its maximum load instead, although it gets a Will save to resist. This augment is required for the following augments:

Ranged Attack: By spending three additional power points, you may target a creature within Close range with a ranged touch attack. By spending five additional power points instead, the range can be Medium. For seven additional power points instead, the range can be Long.

More Targets: By spending any number of additional power points, you may target one additional creature per two power points spent on this augment.

Warp Mooks: By spending two additional power points, all creatures with HD equal to or less than half your manifester level within 10 feet of the targeted creature must make a Will save or be transported with the target. If multiple targeted creatures are within 10 feet, only one Will save is necessary. For every three more additional power points spent on this augment, the distance from a targeted creature increases by 10 feet, and maximum number of HD increases by 1, to an absolute maximum of 1 less than your character level.

Attack Action: By spending eight additional power points, you can manifest Teleport as an attack action. This can't be combined with any augment that lets it target multiple creatures.

Create Portal: By spending five additional power points, you can create a portal up to 5' wide and 5' long on one unoccupied touched surface, connected to another created portal on another unoccupied touched surface at your teleportation target. Creatures, objects, line of sight, and line of effect can all pass through the portals. The portals last for as long as you concentrate, to a maximum number of rounds equal to your manifester level. This augment can't be combined with any augment that allows you to transport more things or creatures, since it no longer teleports individual targets. This augment is required for the following augments:

Enlarge Portal: By spending any number of power points, you can increase the maximum width and length of the portal by 5' per power point spent in this way.

Unlimited Concentration: By spending two additional power points, you can concentrate on the portal for as long as you want.

No Concentration: By spending three additional power points, you don't need to concentrate on the portal for it to exist. This can't be combined with augments that let you concentrate on it for an unlimited time.

Increased Duration: By spending two additional power points, you can increase the portal's maximum duration to 1 minute per manifester level. By spending four additional power points instead, you can increase its maximum duration to 1 hour per manifester level instead. By spending six additional power points instead, you can increase its duration to permanent. By spending eight additional power points instead, you can increase its duration to instantaneous.

Portal Attack: By spending eight additional power points, the locations of the portals do not have to be unoccupied. Creatures in those spaces get a Reflex save to avoid falling through. Creatures who are larger than the size of the portal do not need to make a Reflex save.

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Facts about "Teleport (3.5e Power)"
AuthorFoxwarrior +
DescriptorTeleportation +
DisciplinePsychoportation +
Identifier3.5e Power +
LevelPsionic Psuperhero 1 +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryMove people and things from one point to another without crossing the intervening distance. +
TitleTeleport +