Multiclass (3.5e Feat Type)

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Multiclass feats help mitigate the level-dependent penalties of multiclassing.

Name Summary
Adept of the Horological Mysteries Combine temporal adepts with time mages for doubletime action.
Always Learning While those of your profession generally have a thirst for the knowledge of other spells, when they turn away from this profession, they generally lose this interest; you, on the other hand keep researching these new and interesting uses for your magic.
Anointed Champion You were inducted into a secretive order of crusaders, paladins and war-priests that teach the secret arts of Champion’s Might, a splinter school of Devoted Spirit that teaches how to directly channel divine power into martial maneuvers.
Arcanist Warlock Innate Spell, but for Warlock/Casters.
Ascetic Artist Combine your monk and bard levels into a seamless whole.
Ascetic Initiator Monk and Tome of Battle base classes stack for Unarmed Strike and one ToB ability
Ascetic Performer You combine your martial skills with your artistic prowess, balancing two apparent opposites.
Ascetic Priest Level your unarmed strike damage and turn undead level at the same time.
Ascetic Sage Combine monk and unarmed swordsage levels for a stronger, more skillful whole.
Ascetic Savant Monk and SwordsageToB levels stack for unarmed strike, speed bonus, quick to act.
Beshadowed Gate When you multiclass between Gate Knight and Shadowknife certain abilities keep advancing.
Bloodcloud Prodigy You have learned to mesh the twin paths of the Bloodcloud.
Bloodspiller Oh how pretty that shade of red is...
Bloodspiller, Greater
Busy Multiclasser You can multiclass a lot without making you horrible at everything.
Caster Training Choose a prestige class which does not give full spellcasting progression (or none at all), it now gives full or partial progression.
Charismatic Blood You always thought your ancestors were different, you just didn't realize it involved dragons.
Chivilrous Knight Your Knight levels and Paladin levels stack for the purposes of Knight's Challenge DCs, Lay on Hands, and special mount. You can use your lay on hands when protecting allies.
Chivilrous Mage Your Knight levels and Sorcerer levels stack for the purposes of Knight's Challenge DCs. You can sacrifice spell slots to improve some Knight class features. Your HP from sorcerer levels also increases.
Chivilrous Performer Your Knight levels and Bard levels stack for the purposes of Bardic music progression and Knight's Challenge DCs
Chivilrous Rogue Your Knight levels and Rogue levels stack for the purposes of Sneak Attack damage and Knight's Challenge DCs
Congregate Monk Your monk and chorister levels stack for a bunch of stuff.
Continued Mind Enhancement Soulblade weapon enhancement continues to increase at half of normal rate while taking other classes.
Continued Mind Enhancement, Rogue Balance Soulblade weapon enhancement continues to increase at normal rate while taking other classes.
Continued Training You continue training with one of your classes, even after you multiclass.
Cross-Style Training An exchange student, studier of more eclectic martial arts, or simply someone who feels a special bond with a specific weapon, you can use a non-traditional weapon at the same level of mastery as your peers.
Daring Exile Ronin and SwashbucklerCW levels stack for Grace, dodge bonus, and Cheap Shot dice.
Daring Minstrel Your bard and swashbuckler level stack for grace and spellcasting.
Daring Swordsman Swashbuckler and warblade levels stack for initiator level and grace.
Dedicated Steed Multiclassing paladins and other classes which provide special mounts, they can now have their other classes now count to determining the power of the mount.
Devoted Extremist Paladin and Soulborn level stack for Smite damage and Special mount progression
Devoted Paladin Combine paladin and crusader levels for a stronger, devoted whole.
Devoted Templar Crusader and paladin levels stack for initiator level and smite damage.
Divine Stalker You have learned to meld together your sacred skills with those of the hidden blade to make yourself a truly terrible opponent.
Draconic Occultist You decided to take the path of draconic magic from a peculiar angle.
Dragonblessed Commander You are able to project your dragon shaman and marshal auras at a full strength despite your varied studies.
Dragonblood Prodigy You can multiclass with sorcerer without completely boning yourself.
Dragonfire Secrets Your prowess in mixing eldritch arts and draconic powers improves.
Dual Classing A universally applicable multiclass feat.
Dualist Mage You can combine different divine and arcane when going into a prestige class.
Eldritch Binder Combine binder and warlock for the purposes of eldritch blast damage and binding level.
Eldritch Dragon Combine your dragonfire adept and warlock levels for breath weapon and eldritch blast.
Eldritch Fist Combine monk and warlock levels to become the ultimate punchlock!
Eldritch Thief Your sneak attack and eldritch blast stack together. Sneaky Blasts!
Esoteric Multiclasser You multiclass between classes like a lunatic.
Eternal Inheritor You, young elf, have inherited the weapon of a great elven warrior of an order known as the Eternal Blades.
Euphoric Blade Learning to meld the blade from within your soul with the tempestuous emotions of your mind, you learn to ride the high that comes from wielding your blade in order to manifest ever-greater powers.
Extraordinary Mage You share your levels in your "mage" classes
Extremist Ambusher Rogue and SoulbornMoI levels stack for Smite Opposition, Share Incarnum Defense, and Sneak Attack dice.
Faithful Templar Cleric and crusader levels stack for turn undead, domain abilities, steely resolve.
Fell Artisan You combine your knowledge of the Artificer's art with your dark magic.
Fighting Caster You stack your caster level and fighter level together for stuff.
Fist of the Forest Combine ranger and monk levels to make a pugilist protector of the forest.
Ghostwalker You've combined your Riftwalker and Cryptic training.
Grimspirited Hairs You bound a grim spirit in your hairs, this allow you to channel the power of both worlds.
Hero Of Legend You've chosen to write your own legends - Autobiography of a Hero.
Hexing Binder You can tap into the power of the mysterious entities that are bound within you to strengthen your curses.
Hexing Knight You are a special breed of dark paladins who have learned to use their smiting attacks to amplify the curses you have placed upon your foes for a brief time.
Hexing Mage Your hexblade and wizard levels stack for the purposes of hexblade's curse and familiar benefits
Hexing Musician A multiclass feat for bard and hexblade.
Holy Hunter Combine your paladin and ranger levels for the purposes of smite evil and favored enemy, and combine your animal companion with your paladin mount benefits.
Honorable Extremist Knight and Soulborn level stack for Knight’s Challenge DC and Smite damage.
Incarnum Occultist Eldritch powers and the force of souls surge through your body and spirit.
Initiator of the Gate Combine Gate Knight and an initiator class, gaining benefits from both.
Jade Phoenix Inheritor You have inherited the weapon of an arcane warrior, one of the thirteen Jade Phoenix Magi, because you are the current incarnation of that Mage.
Knight of Wrath Stacks your level of barbarian and evil paladin for the purpose of advancing damage reduction, rage, smite good and deadly touch.
LA Progression Your level adjustment dice stack with one of your base class for the purpose of determining level-dependent abilities.
Martial Extremist Fighter and Soulborn level stack for Smite damage and for fighter feat qualification.
Martial Rogue Mix Fighter and Rogue for the purpose of sneak attack, fighter level, and bonus feats.
Maximum Gär Go full badass, and do things that should be magical just by bitch-whipping physics.
Monastic Adept You are best monk.
Monastic Focus Another class advances stunning fist as if monk. Counts as Monastic Training for pre-reqs.
Monastic Gestalt Add your monk levels and another class together to determine level-dependent benefits.
Monastic Knife Use a mind blade in conjunction with monk fighting techniques
Moral Extremist Incarnate and Soulborn level stack for Incarnum radiance use and Smite use.
Moral Outlaw Incarnate and Rogue level stack Incarnum radiance and Trap sense. Gain new class skill for Incarnate and Rogue level.
Moral Performer Bard and Incarnate level stack for Inspire courage and Incarnum Radiance bonus.
Multi-Caster You can cast from another spell list, at a reduced rate of growth.
Multiclass Progression Stack two classes together for the purpose of determining class features with some limitations.
Multiclasser You multiclass like a madman.
Outlaw Druggist You combine Chemist and Rogue for the determining some class features.
Outlaw Hunter Rogue and Ranger levels stack for Favored Enemy bonuses and Sneak Attack damage dice
Paragon Multiclassing You multiclassing with racial paragon classes extremely well.
Practiced Combatant You are able to keep up with your martial training even when you diversify your studies.
Practiced Initiator Your Initiator Level rises by 4, up to the limit of your HD
Practiced Invoker Choose an invoking class that you possess. Your invocations from that class are more powerful.
Practiced Multiclasser Two of your class features stack with your levels in another class.
Practiced Psionics After learning a few new tricks, you've redoubled your efforts to master your manifesting.
Practiced Spellcasting Increase your spellcasting level by 1.
Practiced Transmogrify You practiced your ability to turn into stuff.
Practiced Turner Turn/Rebuke level increases by four, to maximum of Hit Die.
Prestigious Progression Choose a base class, then a prestige class. You count half of your levels (rounded down) in the prestige class as level in the base class for the purpose of getting new class features, and full class for the purpose of determining the power of class features.
Psi-Ki Fist
Psionic Brute You have learned to control your anger, harnessing the psychic potential of your rage, and manipulating the flow of adrenaline in your body, at your choosing.
Psyblade While most soulknives are psionic in nature, you have learned to delve more deeply into the psychic powers within your mind when compared to most soulknives.
Psychic Swordsman Psychic warrior and warblade levels stack for initiator and manifester level.
Raging Hunter Combine barbarian with ranger for a furious defender of the wild!
Redistribution of Features You can use class features to gain access to forces that lie beyond your capabilities as a multiclasser.
Sagacious Outlaw Rogue and swordsage levels stack for initiator level, quick to act, sneak attack.
Sage Stalker Ninja and Swordsage levels stack for some purposes
Shadow Pact You have learned to combine your two dark and insidious methods of power into a whole.
Shapeshifter Extraordinaire Transmogrifier and Shape Eater become one class.
Soulsage Combine soulknife and swordsage levels for a stronger, more versitile whole.
Stalking Ambusher Rogue and Ranger levels stack to determine your Trap Sense and to increase your effective druid level as well as your spellcasting ability.
Sublime Practice Multiclass Initiator level increase.
Sublime Progression Stack two classes together for the purpose of determining maneuvers and stances.
Sublime Soulknife Mind blade is discipline weapon, soulknife levels increase initiator level.
Supernatural Homunculus You infuse your most accomplished creation with eldritch and occult forces.
Supernatural Maker You infuse your creations with eldritch power, building yourself a path still unexplored.
Swift Fencer ScoutCAdv and SwashbucklerCW levels stack for Grace, dodge bonus, and skirmish.
Swift Outlaw Rogue and ScoutCAdv levels stack for Battle Fortitude, Fast Movement and Sneak Attack damage dice
Swift Warrior ScoutCAdv and Fighter levels stack for skirmish bonuses and feats.
Thieving Sage Spellthief and swordsage levels stack for sneak attack and steal spell.
Thieving Warden Rogue and Ranger levels stack to determine your Rogue Special abilities and your spellcasting ability as a ranger.
Timevoid You've spent hours in nontime training yourself to react even in heavy armor, and utilizing your control over time to warp your hungry Gate.
Tormentor Of Souls You have learned to store copies of souls in trinkets, and how to stab voodoo dolls. Time to combine the two.
Totemic Explorer You are an expert in tracking and pathfinding, with a penchant for mysticism.
Totemic Hunter Your meldshaping abilities help your hunt in innovative ways.
Wandering Tinker One feat for all your Bardtificer needs.
Witch Knight Training You're a master at pulling sharp, pointy things, lasers and eldritch nightmares out of seemingly nowhere.
Witch-Paladin You stack your paladin and warlock level together, it fun.
Wrath of the Bloody Mist Your rage demands the whole world be painted red.

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SummaryMulticlass feats help mitigate the level-dependent penalties of multiclassing. +