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User:Luigifan18/Mysto Majora Kijadhimov (3.5e NPC)

< User:Luigifan18
Author: Luigifan18 (talk)
Date Created: October 31, 2012
Status: In progress
Editing: Just how many bonus spells per day
does one get for having 70 Charisma?
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Mysto Majora Kijadhimov in Mobian (hedgehog) form.

Mysto Majora Kijadhimov

CR 80

Female Human Sorcerer 70, Boss 5, Archmage 5
NE Medium Humanoid
Init/Senses +15/Listen , Spot
Languages Slavic (Ukrainian), Common, Draconic, Infernal, Celestial, Elven
AC , touch , flat-footed
(+15 Dex, +6 armor of the planes)
Miss Chance 20% (armor of the planes)
hp 666 (75d4+525, 5 extra lifebars HD); 6 lifebars (only 75 HD used to determine hp, effective hp is 6× listed value)
Immune Non-epic debilitation
Fort/Ref/Will +45/+53/+69
Speed 30 ft. land, 300 ft. fly (perfect); Time Travel, bamf, baleful transposition
Melee Spin Jump or
Melee Homing Attack
Ranged Magic Spear +55 (3d6+30 piercing and force)
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +40/+47
Atk Options Spin Jump, Homing Attack
Special Actions Spellcasting, Seal Area, Rage Form (Half-Dragon), Death Throes, Spin Jump, Homing Attack
Arcane Epic Spells Known ({{{saesd}}}, 8/day):
momento mori, declaration of death, Veles serpent, Perun eagle
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 80th, share spells):
9th (7/day)—4+1 (wish, axe of Perun, magic missile maelstrom, black blade of disaster[1], 1 other)
8th (7/day)—4 (Perun bolt, blackfire[1], flensing, 1 other)
7th (7/day)—4+1 (barghest's feast[1], Veles missile, arcane aura, improved phantasmal killer, 1 other)
6th (7/day)—4 (4 others)
5th (7/day)—5 (night's caress[1], wrack[1], 3 others)
4th (7/day)—5 (Veles whirl, backlash[1], detect survivors, rocks fall, 1 other)
3rd (7/day)—5 (magic missile battery, blacklight[1], rainbow blast[1], shadow binding[1], 1 other)
2nd (7/day)—6 (Tarn's violent prophet, aetherion orb, bamf, baleful transposition[1], infernal wound[1], 1 other)
1st (At will/day)—6 (spontaneous search[1], spell flower[1], detect parentage, color spray, true strike, 1 other)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 40, Con 24, Int 60, Wis 60, Cha 70
SQ Familiar, Permanent flight, Boss Health, Time Travel
Feats Sorcerous Prodigy (1 HD), Excellent Trainee (Human bonus feat), Combat Casting (3 HD), Spell Penetration (6 HD), Skill Focus (Spellcraft) (9 HD), Exceptional Trainee (12 HD), Skill Focus (Concentration) (15 HD), Magical Aptitude (18 HD), Epic Spellcasting (21 HD), Improved Combat Casting (Sor 23), Greater Spell Penetration (24 HD), Spell Knowledge (arcane aura, black blade of disaster) (Sor 26), Point Blank Blast (27 HD), Contractual Boss Immunity (30 HD)
Skills Bluff +33 (+30 Cha, +3 familiar), Knowledge (arcana) (89 ranks +25 Int, +10 synergy), Knowledge (religion) +114 (89 ranks, +25 Int), Spellcraft (89 ranks, +25 Int, +10 synergy, +3 Skill Focus), Tumble
Possessions Enchanted Sorceress's Garb (cloak, +10 enhancement to Charisma), armor of the planes (+6 armor, greater plane shift at will, 20% miss chance), raskovnik (+60 Open Lock, trapfinding, +25 Disable Device, Use Magic Device, Use Psionic Device)
Familiar Mysto's familiar is a snake with 70 HD and 333 hp. (She chose a snake as her familiar in emulation of Veles. Like Mysto herself, the snake has six lifebars, so its actual hp is 333 × 6.)
Permanent flight Mysto is able to fly by virtue of her immense magical talent. Her flight is a supernatural ability, so the only thing that can completely negate it is an antimagic field or similar effect. It can be temporarily dispelled with dispel magic (assuming that the dispeller can beat her very high caster level), but this just causes her to slowly descend for 1d4 rounds, after which her flight resumes.
Seal Area This spell-like ability acts as a wall of force that cuts off all escape routes to an enclosed area. In an open area, it manifests as a sphere or hemisphere of force that seals an area with a radius of Mysto's choosing up to 100 feet. Antimagic cannot dispel it, but a mage's disjunction targeting the sphere has a 45% chance to create an opening for the caster to get through. Mysto can dismiss this effect at any time, but it is also automatically dismissed upon Mysto's death. This ability can only be used once per day.
Boss Health As a 5th-level boss, Mysto has 5 fewer HD than normal for a character of her level, but she has six life bars. When one health set is depleted, the next set of health is activated and takes any of the remainder of damage. All death effects completely drain a set of health, but otherwise have no ill effects. Petrification drains one health set and stops Mysto for a number of rounds equal to the DC of the effect, during which any damage is dealt to her next health set. If Mysto's last health set is depleted, then she starts dying as per normal. Cure spells can only restore a current health set, but a Heal or Restoration spell brings back a single lost health set to full strength. This is an extraordinary ability.
Rage Form Mysto's Boss Rage Form, which she assumes when she loses three life bars, is a half black-dragon. She chose this form in honor of Veles, the Slavic god of magic, water, and earth (among many other things), whose symbol is a gigantic serpent — sometimes interpreted as a dragon. In her rage form, Mysto has all of the abilities granted by the half-dragon (black dragon) template. The Rage Form ends as soon as Mysto regains a health set, no matter how many she has remaining.
Death Throes If Mysto is reduced to 0 hp, all six of her lifebars completely depleted, her body will explode in a great blast that deals 10d6 acid damage to everything in a 100-foot radius. Affected creatures may attempt a DC 97 Reflex save to halve the damage. This explosion kills Mysto, but as long as even 1 of her Horcruxes remains intact, she'll return sooner or later.
Time Travel Mysto's signature ability, and perhaps her most dangerous, is the power to travel through time - in fact, her powers over time are even stronger than those of Mephiles the Dark! Mysto didn't do anything to earn this power - she was just born with it, though she didn't realize that she had it until she had already been developing her talents as a spellcaster for quite some time. Mysto can freely teleport herself and up to 10,000 pounds of material (including other creatures) to any location at any point in time at will. She usually uses this to retreat to a quiet spot when she needs to refresh her spell slots, then return to the exact same point in time she left to continue a fight right where she left off. Alternatively, she may use it to effectively clone herself - sometimes repeatedly - to overwhelm her enemies. If truly ticked off, Mysto will head off to the past to try to murder the target of her wrath while he/she/it is still too young and weak to defend him/her/itself from a level 1 sorcerer, nevermind a level 80 one! (The party will have to try to chase her down and fight her off before she can erase her target from history.)
Spin Attack When Mysto was sealed into the Torn World by Anita Belnades, she also found her power greatly weakened. The loss of her power made it impossible for Mysto to maintain her human form, and so she wound up in the form of a Mobian hedgehog. While waiting for her power to return, Mysto experimented with her new form and found that it wasn't all bad - she could actually use it to make herself a respectable threat in physical combat. She still spends most of her time in hedgehog form, even though she's fully regained her power by now and could regain her human form whenever she wants to. Whenever Mysto jumps while in hedgehog form, she makes an attack roll against any creature that she collides with. This is a melee attack and considered to be a natural weapon. If it connects, it does 2d8+7 slashing and bludgeoning damage.
Homing Attack While in midair and curled up into a ball in hedgehog form, Mysto can manipulate the vectors of her trajectory to launch herself directly at an opponent within Close range. This is a standard action that involves making a Jump check and progressing 10 feet towards the opponent, plus 5 feet for every 5 points on the Jump Check. If Mysto reaches the opponent, she makes an attack roll that ignores Dexterity and Dodge modifiers to AC. If she beats the target's AC, she slams into the foe, dealing 4d8+10 slashing and bludgeoning damage. If Mysto successfully collides with a foe or other eligible target using a Homing Attack (regardless of whether or not she actually does damage; it still counts if she fails by less than the foe's armor and/or natural armor modifier), she bounces approximately 5d4+20 feet into the air and can perform the Homing Attack again on the same target or a different one on her next turn. The Homing Attack can only target creatures at the same altitude as Mysto, up to 35 feet below her, or up to 10 feet above her.

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