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User:Franken Kesey/Biological Reconstruction (3.5e Power)

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Author: Franken Kesey (talk)
Date Created: 04/10/19
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Biological Reconstruction
Psychometabolism (Healing)
Level: Egoist 2, Psyblade Psyblade 2, Psyblade 3, Psyblade 4, Psyblade 6 , Wildknife 2, , , , ,
Display: Mental
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One willing touched creature.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Power Resistance: No
Power Points: 5

Repairs the cells of target creature, healing 2d8 hit points of damage. But this cellular medicine takes a toll on the body inflicting 2 points of Constitution ability burn to the target.

Unlike normal heal and cure spells, this also heals undead. However, since, undead typically do not have Constitution scores (unless they are living dead), they are instead inflicted with 2 points of Charisma burn (unless living dead, which receives normal Constitution burn). This ability burn bypasses the normal undead immunities.

This has no affect on creatures without normal cellular biology, like constructs, elementals, oozes, and creatures with the extraplanar, incorporeal, xenoblooded or xenotheric subtypes.

Augment: You can augment this power in one or more of the following ways.

  1. For each additional power points you spend, increase the damage healed by this power by 1d8 (to a maximum total of 4 augments healing 6d8-2 (25)).
  2. If you spend 2 extra power points, eliminates any sickness suffered by the character, and improves a nauseated condition one step.

For every two additional power points you spend on any augmentation, increase the amount of Constitution burn by 1 (Charisma if undead).

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