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Token Master (3.5e Prestige Class)/Homebrew Tokens

< Token Master (3.5e Prestige Class)
Homebrew Token Augmentations
Feather Token Effect
Arbor You can choose to remain conscious as a tree. You still can't do anything beyond its limits. Your senses are limited to 60 ft.
Bind Undead are no longer immune to the effect. The DC for any effect increases by +4.
Bridge The created bridge can be up to 20 ft by 10 ft.
Chest The created chest holds 900 lbs, and slows falls of creatures up to 20 lbs. In addition if its lock is broken or an open lock check fails against it, it sounds an audiable alarm for 1 minute.
Crown If the token is removed, the effect does not end but is surpressed. Duration decreases regardless. You can specify the exact style of the garbs including specific regalia or identification.
Eye The token lasts 6 rounds, and if used to cure blindness it can physically regenerate missing eyes.
Finger You can choose to bring along one additional creature, or set it on an object and teleport a single object up to 500 lbs to its destination.
Flame You can change the color of the flame or mentally snuff and reignite the flame anywhere within 60 ft of it as a free action. When thrown, it has a 20 ft increment for 2d6 damage, and a DC 15 Reflex save vs catching on fire.
Harbor The harbor lasts for twice as long (2 days, or 6 hours). Four continual flame lanterns (as common, bullseye, or hooden) light up each of the corners.
Jug The water can be any temperature within the normal range for liquid water (almost freezing to near boiling), and there's a 25% chance of aligned water. Any damage from extreme temperatures is limited to 1d4 cold or fire damage a round.
Key The passage is 20 ft deep. You can choose to form a good wooden door to cover the passage on either end if you wish, with a simple (DC 20) lock.
Legs The speed of the legs increases to 40 ft, and they can stand from prone as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Rocket You need not travel the full distance, and you take no penalties traveling upward as if you had (perfect) maneuverability. You get a save riding an exploding rocket, even if you aim it at a target.
Spoon Produces food for 4d8 people. It now cures all disease as per remove disease.
Stone Throwing the token produces two stones (or up to two avalanches) with the same action which must be aimed at seperate targets. You can choose to have avalanche activate, or perform a traditional (20/x2) critical hit.
Sword The token summons any light or one-handed slashing weapon with a +1 enhancement that persists for 1 minute.
Wing For every 60 ft you fall, you can move 60 ft horizontally. The effect spreads to a 10 ft cube.

Improved Homebrew Token Augmentations
Feather Token Effect
Arbor You can roll twice on duration and take the better option. Whenever you are damaged at all, you can roll duration again and choose the new duration. If the new duration would release you, the effect ends.
Bind Whenever a creature is affected by your token regardless of their save, you become aware (but no other information is transmitted). The DC for any effect increases by +8.
Bridge The created bridge can be up to 40 ft by 15 ft. You can choose to have the bridge bend up to 90 degrees by using 5 ft of length.
Chest The created chest holds 1200 lbs, and slows falls of creatures up to 30 lbs. If unburdened, the chest can be suspended in mid-air as if on solid ground, and can be moved with a DC 15 Strength check.
Crown In addition to previous effects, for the duration you can alter the appearance of your outfit anywhere within the limits of disguise self as a standard action. You can even choose not to appear rich.
Eye The token lasts 10 rounds, and if used to cure blindness it cures the total number of eyes afflicted.
Finger You can choose to bring along three additional creatures, or set it on an object and teleport a single object up to 1500 lbs to its destination.
Flame In addition to previous effects, the fire can give twice as much (or half as much) light and heat without changing size. When thrown, it has a 50 ft increment for 4d6 damage, and a DC 15 Reflex save vs catching on fire.
Harbor In addition to previous effects, you can control the light sources direction, color, and toggle them as a free action. Ships docked to the harbor are cleaned and repaired 5 points of damage every hour they are docked.
Jug In addition to previous effects, aligned water has a 100% chance if you desire it. It can also pour simple flavored beverages such as tea, soda, coffee, and cheap alcohols.
Key The passage is 40 ft deep. You can choose to form an iron door to cover the passage on either end if you wish, with a good (DC 30) lock.
Legs The legs can now air walk, but their speed drops back down to 20 ft in the air.
Rocket Double the distance you can travel, or increase your maneuverability to good, chosen on activation. Your exploding rocket now deals minimum damage to you before the save. Damage from the rocket is not reduced before hardness.
Spoon Produces food for 8d8 people. It now cures all disease and poison.
Stone Throwing the token produces three stones (or up to three avalanches) with the same action which must be aimed at seperate targets. You can choose to have avalanche activate, or perform a stronger (20/x3) critical hit.
Sword The token summons any slashing weapon with a +1 enhancement that persists for 10 minutes. You also gain a single +1 special ability such as Keen or Flaming.
Wing You can expend the wing early as a standard action to gain the effect of fly for 3 minutes. The effect is discharged once it ends.