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Spiritual Barbarian (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 7th February 2016
Status: Finished
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Spiritual Barbarian

A spiritual barbarian does not distrust magic like most of her kin, instead she embrace it as part of her spiritual tradition.

Class: Codex Barbarian

Level: 1st, 2nd, 6th, 11th

Replaces: Saving Throw, Superstitious Defense, Magic is Icky, Magicproof Skin, Magebane

Benefit: A spiritual barbarian possess a good will (but bad fortitude) save and the following class features as detailed below:

Minor Rites (Su): A spiritual barbarian is capable of performing minor rites as a 1 round action, replicate one of the following spell: bless, bless weapon, divine favor or produce flame. The duration of each effect is only a single minute, but otherwise it has a caster level equal to your class level.

Spiritual Guide (Su): A 2nd level spiritual barbarian gain the ability to call upon the spirits she worship for guidance, she can call upon a single spiritual guide at 2nd level and another one at 6th and each 6 level thereafter. Calling upon a spiritual guide is a swift action and she stay attuned to it for 1 round per class level, until she become unconscious or until she call upon another. After using a spiritual guide she must wait 5 rounds before calling upon it or another again. She select her spiritual guides from the list below:

You may call upon a spiritual guide once per day at 2nd level and one additional time per day each 4 level thereafter. All saving throws associated with the abilities of your spiritual guides are based on your highest mental ability score. Any class that progress rage also progress the number of time you can use spiritual guide it power but not additional spirit guides.

Spiritual Guide
Spirit Description Effect
Ancestors The long-dead spirits of your ancestors offer you guidance and protection. The spirits of the ancestors guard your soul and warn you of incoming danger, granting you a +2 bonus on Initiative and the effect of protection from alignment (whichever alignment is opposed to yours). Additionally you may use augury once every 5 round.
Becursed Witch The spirit of a long dead witch offer you her hexes. Upon calling upon this spiritual guide you gain the ability to inflict a dire curse as a standard action, at first it replicate the effect of doom. When you reach level 3 you may use curse of impending bladesSpC instead, when you reach level 6 bestow curse and when you reach level 14 greater bestow curseSpC. You may only affect a creature once per 24 hour with your curses, no matter if the creature make a saving throw or not.
Earth The spirit of the planet itself. The earth grant you it sight, you gain Tremorsense equal to 10 ft plus an additional 10 feet per 3 class level you have. When you reach 12 class level you gain Tremorsight instead Tremorsense.
Fire It said that the burning flame possess a will of it own. You gain the ability to see perfectly in fog and smoke as per see through fog. You are constantly under the effect of flame breath, when you reach 10th level you it upgrade to greater flame breath and to primeval flame breath at 16th.
Kami The kami are Gods, they inhabit everything around us. When calling upon this spiritual guide you immediately replicate the effect of commune with spirits, when you reach 6th level you instead use commune with greater spirits and when you reach 15th level you replicate commune with elder spirits.
Sky The sky see all under it and rain down wrath. You gain the ability to use know direction as a supernatural ability at will, you are always under the effect of speak with animals (bird only) and you treat all wind effect as one-step less severe when advantageous. Additionally you may end the guidance early as a swift action, replicating the effect of call lighting. At 10th level ending the effect early replicate call lightning storm instead.
Totem Animals Your own personal totem animal. Upon calling upon this spiritual guide you gain two of the abilities listed in the beast shape I list, at 8th level you may instead pick three under beast shape II and when you reach 16th four under beast shape III.
Vengeful Dead The spirit of murdered soul filled with anger. Upon calling upon the vengeful dead you gain the ability to designate a single creature you can see. When you rage, you gain an extra +4 bonus to strength when attacking that creature (and only that creature). When and if the creature is slain you immediately recover 2 hit point per Hit Dice it had.

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