Lorekeeper [Skill]
You are a delving scholar and keeper of knowledge, you acquire ancient lore and unlock the secret of the past.
Benefits: This is a skill feat that scales with your ranks in Knowledge.
- 0 ranks: You gain a +3 bonus on Knowledge checks and may use Knowledge skill untrained without penalties.
- 4 ranks: You may use Knowledge (Arcana) instead of Use Magic Device when trying to activate arcane scrolls, and Knowledge (Religion) instead of Use Magic Device for divine scrolls.
- 9 ranks: By spending 8 hours studying, you can reroll a previously failed Knowledge check.
- 14 ranks: You automatically memorize any text you read perfectly, as if using the Autohypnosis skill. There is no limit to the amount of text you can memorize this way.
- 19 ranks: You gain a +2 inherent bonus to Intelligence, this stack with other inherent bonuses to a maximum of +6. This bypasses the normal limit of +5 granted by inherent bonuses.
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