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Libero (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 4th April 2024
Status: Complete
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The libero is a swashbuckling rogue who fights against those who oppress the populace. The libero is a rebel at heart, although not always benevolent. The libero is a natural fighter, who does not rely on hidden strikes to bring down her foes. Instead she uses lightning quick strokes of the blade, delivered with deadly precision.

Class: Unchained Rogue

Level: 1st-20th

Replaces: Finesse Training (Altered), Sneak Attack, Trapfinding, Danger Sense, Debilitating Injuries, Master Strike

Benefit: A libero rogue gain access to the following class features:

Finesse Training (Ex): In addition to the normal effect of finesse training, the libero can treat her weapon chosen at 3rd level as a one-handed piercing melee weapon for all feats and class abilities that require such a weapon.

This ability alters finesse training.

Rebel's Identity (Ex): While some libero openly act against their enemies, many prefer to hide behind a colorful cloak or a mask. A libero gains both the dual identity and seamless guise class features of a vigilante . At 7th level she gains the quick change social talent, and at 13th level the immediate change social talent.

Alternatively, at 1st level the libero may eschew the use of a dual identity. Doing so grants her the Extra Panache feat. A libero whose dual identity is exposed, may also eschew it in the same manner.

This ability replaces the trapfinding class feature.

Panache & Deeds (Ex): A libero gains the swashbuckler’s panache class feature along with the following swashbuckler deeds: dodging panache and the unique daring dash and libero inspiration deeds. The libero’s rogue level is treated as her swashbuckler level for any deeds she gains, and stacks with any swashbuckler levels she has.

Daring Dash (Ex): As long as a libero has a at least 1 point of panache left in her panache pool, she may make a charge attack and take the withdraw action as a standard action. When charging using this deed she only moves up to her normal speed, instead of double her speed.
Libero's Inspiration (Ex): Whenever a libero would make a skill check, she can spend 1 point of panache. If she does she adds 1d6 to the result of the check. If she uses this deed on a skill that she selected through the rogue's edge class feature, then she may do so without spending any panache, but she must have at least 1 point of panache remaining in her panache pool.

This ability replaces the sneak attack dice gained at 1st level.

Libero Talents: A 2nd level libero does not have access to rogue talents which requires or alter her sneak attack. Instead she may select Amazing Inspiration and Tenacious Inspiration as rogue talent and apply them to her libero inspiration deed. She uses her rogue level as her effective investigator level for the purpose of meeting the prerequisite of these deeds.

This ability alters the rogue's talent class feature.

Rebel's Resolve (Ex): A 2nd level libero's will is stronger than that of a common man. She adds her Charisma bonus as a bonus on her will saving throws, to a maximum of the amount of panache that she has in her panache pool.

This ability replaces danger sense class feature.

Improved Deeds (Ex): At 3rd level the libero gain access to the following swashbuckler deeds: dazing charm deed, kip up, menacing swordplay, precise strike, and swashbuckler initiative.

This ability replaces the sneak attack dice gained at 3rd level.

Liberator's Charge (Ex): At 4th level, a libero's base land speed increases by 10 ft. Additionally she receives a +4 bonus on melee attacks when charging with light or one-handed piercing weapons while charging. At 10th and 16th level the libero's base land speed increases by an additional 10 ft.

This ability replaces debilitating injuries class feature.

Libero's Weapon Training (Ex): At 5th level, a libero gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with any one-handed or light piercing melee weapons and thrown weapons. While wielding such a weapon, she gains the benefit of theImproved Critical feat. These attack and damage bonuses increase by 1 for every 4 levels beyond 5th level (to a maximum of +4 at 17th level).

This ability replaces the sneak attack dice normally gained at 5th, 9th, 13th and 17th level.

Advanced Deeds (Ex): At 7th level the libero gains access to the following swashbuckler deeds: swashbuckler’s grace and targeted strike. Additionally, the libero may select any swashbuckler deeds that she does not possess as a rogue talent. In order to do so, she must be of a level equal or greater than the level the swashbuckler would normally receive such talent.

This ability replaces the sneak attack dice normally gained at 7th, 11th, 15th and 19th level.

Vanquisher Strike (Ex): This ability behaves as the master strike class feature, except that it applies once per round when the libero successfully confirms a critical hit with a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon.

This ability replaces master strike.

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