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Kinetic Warrior (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 29th June 2023
Status: Complete
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Kinetic Warrior

Instead of developing their kinetic talents, a kinetic warrior pursues the path of war with conventional weapons. As a result they gain incredible proficiency in infusing their weapon with their kinetic energy, allowing them to wreak havoc on the battlefield.

Class: Kineticist

Level: 1st

Replaces: Kinetic Blast (Altered)

Benefit: A kinetic warrior gain the following class features:

Armor and Weapon Proficiency: A kinetic warrior gains proficiency with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor and all shields (except tower shields).

Energize Weapon (Sp): A kinetic warrior cannot use her kinetic blast as a ranged attack or with any form infusion except energize weapon. The kinetic warrior may use energize weapon with any kinetic blast, reduce its burn cost to 0, is treated as 2 levels higher than normal to calculate bonus damage, and add half her Constitution modifier to damage rolls made with a weapon enhanced with energize weapon. Finally she may apply her elemental overflow bonus (or any class features which replaces it with the same restriction, such as Overwhelming Power) to all attacks made with a weapon enhanced by energize weapon.

Composite blasts used through energize weapon behave as blue flame, including double the Constitution bonus to damage (adding the kineticist's full Constitution modifier). If a kinetic blast has an altered damage die, such as chrono blast, this alteration carries on to energize weapon. If a kinetic warrior has the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, she may enhance two-weapons with her energize weapon wild talent. A kinetic warrior gains the energize weapon wild talent as a bonus infusion. Furthermore the kinetic warrior cannot select any other form infusion to her kinetic blast unless she has the Ranged Versatility feat, which she may use this archetype to qualify for. A kinetic warrior can gain the kinetic blade form, even from other sources of wild talents.

This ability alters kinetic blast.

Warrior’s Gather Power (Su): A kinetic warrior does not count any hand wielding a shield or weapon she is proficient as occupied for the purpose of her gather power class feature.

This ability alters gather power.

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