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Forgebender (3.5e Feat)

Author: Zhenra-Khal (talk)
Date Created: 10/5/2017
Status: Complete so far
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Forgebender [Bending] Prerequisites: Any three Fire bends, one of which must be Guaranteed Ignition; Any three Earth bends, one of which must be the Bend Metal passive; Strength 15+, Constitution 15+.Benefit: Upon taking this feat, you add these bends to the Bender of Fire and Bender of Earth lists for the purposes of what bends you can choose. You also gain the Forgefire passive bend as a bonus Minor Bend.

Forgefire (Minor, Passive): You can use your elemental talents to aid your crafting. When making a Craft check related to metal or glass, you may add your combined Bender of Fire and Bender of Earth levels to the check. You can also heat metal and glass within 5ft, maintaining it as a swift action. This deals 1 damage per bending level each round to anyone touching it, (Or on-hit if the object is used as a weapon), and is usually used to cook food without a fire.
Weld (Major): As a standard action, you can weld two metal objects or two glass objects together by touch, fusing them into a whole. They can be broken back apart with the appropriate Break DC, but doing so deals damage to both objects equal to half their maximum hit points, which may destroy the objects outright. You can weld doors or containers shut, fuse the links of a chain to each other to turn the chain into a rodlike improvised weapon, and so on, but getting a welded door open and so on still uses the above Break DC.
Glassbender (Minor, Passive): You can manipulate glass as you would metal, and you can turn sand into glass as a swift action, though this sand-to-glass function requires the Sandbender feat. When used with glass instead of stone or earth, damaging Earth bends, such as Rock Throw, deal half their damage as Piercing (Rounded up), and the rest as Slashing.
Steelsear (Minor): You can replicate the effects of the Heat Metal spell at a caster level equal to your Bending level (Using your Fire Bending save DC). You must maintain the bend as a swift action each round for the duration; Otherwise it ends early.
Crumple (Major): You can crush metal within Close range, attempting to Break the object, with a Bending Level check instead of a Strength check. If used on a suit of metal armor a target is wearing, they can attempt a Fortitude Trap save to escape the effects. If they fail, their armor takes 1 damage per bending level and the target is rendered immobile. If rendered immobile, they must make a Reflex save or fall prone; The target can attempt a Strength check each round with a DC equal to your bending DC to remove the immobility so that they can get up. If used on a target already rendered immobile by this bend, you can attempt to crush the life out of them with their own armor. In doing so, you force the target to make a Fortitude save. If they fail, they begin suffocating. Others can attempt to remove the armor, and magical healing that revives the suffocating target above 0 hp again stops the suffocation, but they begin suffocating on the next round unless the armor is somehow removed.
Earthen Gift (Minor): You can pull minerals from the earth for use in forging; You must be in contact with the earth to do this. Each minute spent channeling this bend, you can pull up five cubic feet of a common mineral material (Bone, quartz, glass, etc.), a cubic foot of a base metal (Iron, copper, aluminum), five cubic inches of precious metals (Silver, gold, platinum) or a cubic inch of rare metals (Adamantine, alchemical silver, mithral). Cold Iron cannot be drawn from the earth in this way. This bend can be used five times for each type of mineral (Common, base, precious and rare) in a cubic area 500ft per side before the area is depleted of useful minerals.
Liquisteel (Major): You can liquefy and reshape metals, by breaking them down rather than heating them. This can be done as a standard action at Close range, and items in the possession of unwilling creatures receive a Will saving throw to avoid it. If you're trying to change one item into another instead of just turning the metal into liquid, you can attempt the appropriate Craft check.
However, upon being attacked by a metal weapon, you can attempt an opposed roll as an Attack of Opportunity to liquefy the metal so the attack splashes harmlessly off you. This doesn't function on weapons that aren't metal (Like quarterstaves) or weapons whose mass is less than half metal (Like an arrow, but not a sword with a wooden handle). When you do this you make a Bending Level Check opposed to the target's Will save; If you win, the item is destroyed. The item gets a +1 bonus on the save for each effective +1 enhancement bonus it possesses. If the attacker wins, you take damage from the attack normally. The metal solidifies again in 1 round, but generally it's so deformed by then (Such as your sword blade now being a puddle splattered on the ground) that it's useless.

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