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Exorcism (3.5e Cleric Domain)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 23rd November 2015
Status: Complete
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Exorcism Domain

You have the ability to exorcize bad spirits and otherworldly influences, as well as countering them, entrapping them, and who knows what else.

Granted PowersEdit

As a standard action you may attempt to grant another save to any creature within medium range against a possession effect (such as magic jar or a [compulsion] effect); even if the second save fails, the duration of the compulsion/possession is cut in half. This ability may only be once per particular creature per day. Additionally, you gain a +4 bonus on turn checks against incorporeal undead.

Exorcism Domain SpellsEdit

  1. suppress influence
  2. magic circle against alignment
  3. alhazarde lance
  4. dismissal
  5. undeath to death
  6. banishment
  7. soul bind
  8. portal recall
  9. imprisonment

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