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User:Leziad/Telekineticist (3.5e Class)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
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Date Created: 14 September 2013
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A psionic character who use telekinesis above all else. 1 Psionics Other


Telekineticists are masters of force and the mind, they move objects and crush people with their brain. Overall the telekineticist is the equivalent of a psionic warlock specializing in psychokinesis, capable of issuing their very limited supply of powers almost at will. Unlike psions and other psionic classes, the telekineticist use psi-like abilities powered not by power point but rather by telekinetic energy points. These points are unlike power points in many respect, the telekineticist possess very few of those points but can recharge them all with a single action. The telekineticist sacrifices versatility for effectiveness and the ability to keep going through an entire day with her powers.

Making a Telekineticist

Telekineticists are very focused psionic characters, capable of using their powers over and over again. They make great ranged combatants using their psi-like abilities and telekinetic assaults.

Abilities: Intelligence is the most important ability to Telekineticist , although constitution and dexterity are always useful for survival.

Races: Any race can become telekineticist, although races with psychic potential tend to become telekineticists more often than others.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: As rogue.

Starting Age: Simple.

Alternate Class Features: Egocentrist Telekineticist

Table: The Telekineticist

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Hidden Talent, Energy Display, Kinetic Resonance, Fire Ammunition, PSA-Inertial Armor and Matter Agitation, Telekinetic Hands, Telekinetic Pool
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Cunning Fighter, Remote Fighting, Up the Walls
3rd +1 +1 +3 +3 Hover, PSA-Levitate, Psionic Meditation
4th +2 +1 +4 +4 Kinetic Barrier, Telekinetic Slam
5th +2 +1 +4 +4 Control Matter, PSA-Complete Telekinesis
6th +3 +2 +5 +5 Improved Telekinetic Hands, Telekinetic Smash
7th +3 +2 +5 +5 Self Healing, PSA-Force Eruption
8th +4 +2 +6 +6 Improved Control Matter, Telekinetic Zoom
9th +4 +3 +6 +6 PSA-Cervical Break, Telekinetic Flight
10th +5 +3 +7 +7 Greater Force, Kineticist
11th +5 +3 +7 +7 PSA-Move Earth
12th +6/+1 +4 +8 +8 Telekinetic Crush
13th +6/+1 +4 +8 +8 PSA-Tachyon Bolt
14th +7/+2 +4 +9 +9 Improved Self Healing
15th +7/+2 +5 +9 +9 PSA-Graviton Manipulation
16th +8/+3 +5 +10 +10 Power of the Brain
17th +8/+3 +5 +10 +10 PSA-Kinetic Rending
18th +9/+4 +6 +11 +11 Mind Over Matter
19th +9/+4 +6 +11 +11 PSA-Supreme Ego Barrier
20th +10/+5 +6 +12 +12 Kinetic Ultima

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Autohypnosis (Wis), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Psicraft (Int), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Psionic Device (Cha), Use Rope (Dex).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the telekineticist .

The Difficulty Class of a telekineticist's psi-like and other abilities is DC 10 +1/2 HD + the telekineticist 's intelligence modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Telekineticist are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword. Telekineticist are not proficient with armor nor shields.

Hidden Talent: The telekineticist gains Hidden TalentXPH as a bonus feat.

Energy Display (Su): At the telekineticist's option she may radiate a colorful (color chosen at 1st level) light from herself and any objects she is currently manipulating with one of her abilities (as the light spell but fancier) at any time. This light replaces the normal display of her psi-like abilities. Additionally the telekineticist can control light.

Kinetic Resonance (Su): A telekineticist is able to twist spoons, shatter mirrors and overall damage objects into uselessness. As an attack a telekineticist can do 2 point of force damage per level to an object or a construct within medium range. Unattended object take 6 point of force damage per level instead.

Fire Ammunition (Su): A Telekineticist may fire ammunition such as bolts, arrows or bullets as if she was wielding the projectile weapon of her size by itself (heavy crossbow, longbow and sling). She merely needs to hold the ammunition in one of her hands and take an attack action to fire. It comes without saying that the Telekineticist does not need to reload. Using Fire Ammunition cost 1 telekinetic energy point.

Psi-Like Abilities (Ps): The telekineticist has a limited selection of psionic powers which are fueled by her telekinetic abilities. Using a psi-like ability from this class uses up a number of telekinetic energy points equal to the level of the power.

The telekineticist receives inertial armor and matter agitation at 1st level, costing 1 telekinetic energy point. At 3rd level, she receives psionic levitate for 2 telekinetic energy points. At 5th level, she receives complete telekinesis'' for 3 telekinetic energy points. At 7th level, she receives force eruption for 4 telekinetic energy points. At 9th level, she receives cervical break for 5 telekinetic energy points. At 11th level, she receives move earth for 6 telekinetic energy points. At 13th level, she receives tachyon bolt for 7 telekinetic energy points. At 15th level, she receives graviton manipulation for 8 telekinetic energy points. At 17th level, she receives kinetic rending for 9 telekinetic energy points. Finally, at 19th level, she receives supreme ego barrier for 9 telekinetic energy points.

As psi-like abilities, the powers come pre-augmented up to your character level as your manifester level.

Telekinetic Hands (Su): A telekineticist can use her mind to exercise kinetic force at a distance, allowing her to multitask with great ease. She can create (and dismiss) an unseen servant at will as a free action, and she may have a number of 'servants' equal to her class level plus her intelligence modifier. Unlike a normal unseen servant it counts as having a strength score equal to half the telekineticist's intelligence score. Additionally the telekineticist may use her intelligence instead of her strength score for carrying capacity and strength checks.

At 6th level this ability improve she become able to remotely use objects within close range. She may also bestow great kinetic power on a single weapon she has, as a full-round action she may bestow the animated weapon template ona single weapon she touches. She may only have one of such weapon at any time.

Telekinetic Pool: A telekineticist possess a number of telekinetic energy points equal to 3 plus her intelligence modifier. She may recharge them by spending a full-round action focusing her psionic energy. She gains an additional telekinetic energy point at 3rd, 6th and each 3rd level thereafter.

Cunning Fighter (Su): At 2nd level, a telekineticist learns how to strike with cunning, placing their blows for optimal damage in minimal time. By spending 1 telekinetic energy point, they can use their Intelligence instead of their Strength or Dexterity to attack rolls. Alternatively (or in addition to) this, they can spend 1 telekinetic energy point to add their Intelligence to damage in place of their Strength or Dexterity. This benefits last for 1 round, and activating this ability is a free action that can be performed at the beginning of her turn.

Remote Fighting (Su): A 2nd level the telekineticist is able to user her telekinesis to fight remotely, so her reach increase by 10. Additionally any weapon weighting under a ton she wield are considered weightless.

Up the Walls: A 2nd level telekineticist gains up the walls as a bonus feat even if she does not meet the prerequisites.

Hover (Su): A 3rd level Telekineticist can hover at a speed equal to her base land speed with perfect maneuverability so long as she has at least one telekinetic energy point in her pool.

Psionic Meditation (Ex): A 3rd level telekineticist gains variant psionic meditation as a bonus feat, additionally she may remain psionically focused even if she no longer has any power points, but has at least one telekinetic energy point in her pool.

Kinetic Barrier (Su): A 4th level telekineticist adds her intelligence modifier or her character level (whichever is lower) as a deflection bonus to her AC as long as she has one or more telekinetic energy point in her pool and is wearing no armor. Additionally, as long as she has at least one telekinetic energy point in her pool, the telekineticist may catch any ammunition from missed ranged attacks against her (and usually fire them back with fire ammunition) as a free action.

Telekinetic Slam (Su): A 4th level telekineticist's telekinetic powers have grown enough she can harm creatures solely with them. As an attack action she may make a ranged touch attack dealing 1d6+her intelligence modifier in force damage. Creatures hit by this ability must make a reflex save or be moved 5 feet in any direction the telekineticist into an unoccupied square. This ability requires line of sight and can be performed at close range. Using telekinetic slam cost 1 telekinetic point.

Control Matter (Ps): A 5th level telekineticist is able to control matter around herself with more ease, as a 1 round action and by spending a number of telekinetic energy points she can replicate the effect of control light (1 point), control flames (1 point), control object, control air (2 point) or control sound (2 points).

At 8th level she gains the ability to use control body as a psi-like ability by spending 4 telekinetic energy points. Additionally she may now concentrate on powers as a swift action.

Telekinetic Smash (Su): A 6th level telekineticist gains the ability to perform a telekintic smash, doing so requires her to take a full-round action and designate a target within medium range. That creature is allowed a reflex save, if it fails it is lifted off the ground and brutally smashed on the ground, dealing 1d6 force damage per telekineticist level and making the creature Prone. Using telekinetic smash cost 2 telekinetic energy points.

Self Healing (Su): A 7th level telekineticist uses her powers to automatically seal all her wounds, she gains fast healing equal to half her class level or her intelligence modifier, whichever is less. This ability is active only if the telekineticist has 1 or more point in her telekinesis energy pool. By spending 3 telekinetic energy point the telekineticist may reattach one limb pressed against the wound.

At 14th level this ability improves, making the telekineticist immune to effects of bleeding and dismemberment (including a vorpal weapon) as her telekinetic power keeps her together.

Telekinetic Zoom (Su): As a swift action an 8th telekineticist may pay 2 telekinetic energy points, if she does she may move her base land speed or up to 100 feet (whichever she prefer) immediately.

Telekinetic Flight (Su): A 9th level telekineticist gains a flight speed equal to her base land speed with perfect maneuverability for as long as she has 1 or more telekinetic point in her pool.

Kineticist (Ex): A 10th level telekineticist is always under the effect of freedom of movement and tyranny of movement.

Greater Force (Su): A 10th level telekineticist can create a 5' by 5' field of pure telekinetic force (act as a wall of force) within medium range. Using this ability requires a standard action and costs 2 telekinesis energy points. Alternatively the telekineticist may use a full-round action and 4 additional telekinetic energy point to create 3 cube instead.

Telekinetic Crush (Su): A 12th level telekineticist is able to crush a creature with her telekinetic strength. As a full-round action she designates a creature within medium range, and that creature must make a fortitude save. If the save is failed it takes 2d6 force damage per telekineticist level and become nauseated for 3 round. If the save is a success the creature take 1 force damage per telekineticist level and is sickened for 1 round. Using telekinetic crush costs 4 telekinetic energy point.

Power of the Brain (Su): At the beginning of a 16th level telekineticist's turn, she regains one point of telekinetic energy.

Mind over Matter (Su): Any items carried by a 18th level telekineticist weighting under 1 ton per character level is considered weightless.

Kinetic Ultima: A 20th level telekineticist is a master of kinetic force, once every five minutes she may replicate the effect of time stop at the cost of a standard action and 9 telekinetic energy point, however she is staggered for its duration. Additionally she becomes able to act during other people's time stop but is also staggered for it duration.

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