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Stormbender (3.5e Feat)

Author: Zhenra-Khal (talk)
Date Created: 10/8/2017
Status: Complete
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Stormbender [Bending] Prerequisites: At least three Water bends, one of which must be Long Distance Bending, at least three Air bends, one of which must be Forceful Gust; At least three Fire bends, one of which must be Lightning BoltBenefit: Upon taking this feat, you add these bends to the Bender of Water and Bender of Air lists for the purposes of what bends you can choose. You also gain the Stormguard passive bend as a bonus Minor Bend.

Stormguard (Minor, Passive): You can sense natural change in the weather 1 day in advance with 80% accuracy.
Windshaper (Minor): You can replicate the effects of Control Winds, complete with the casting time and duration, using your Bender level in place of caster level.
Stormshaper (Major): You can replicate the effects of Control Weather, complete with the casting time and duration, using your Bender level in place of caster level. You must know Windshaper to learn this Bend.
Stormcaller (Major): When it's storming and there is a possibility for lightning, you can call massive lightning bolts from the sky as an attack action. Each is a 10ft-wide, 100ft-tall cylinder of lightning, and can be called down in any squares within Long range (But the area of these bolts may not overlap; No two bolts can be made to strike the same area in a single round). These bolts deal damage equal to the damage your Lightning Bolt bend deals, with a Reflex save for half. This bend is added to the Fire list, not to Water or Air.
Refreshing Rain (Minor): You must know the Heal Water bend to learn this bend. During stormy, raining weather, you can cause the rain to heal targets, granting one living creature per Bending level Fast Healing 1. You must spend a Swift action each round to maintain this effect, and can change the recipients as a standard action. This Fast Healing increases by 1 for every 5 Bending levels you possess.

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