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Extend Spell (4e Feat)

Author: Sam Kay and ShadowyFigure
Date Created: 7th April 2009
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Extend Spell [Metamagic]

At the cost of power you sling powers further than ever.Tier: HeroicPrerequisites: Ability to use one or more Arcane powers.Benefit: You gain the Extend Spell At-Will Power.

Extend Spell
Feat Power
At the cost of power you sling powers further than ever.
At-Will ✦ Metamagic
Free Action Personal
Effect: You take a – 2 Penalty to Damage, and gain a +5 bonus to the Range of the power
Decrease the penalty to -1 at 11th level and to 0 at 21st level.

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