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Grogger (3.5e Race)

Revision as of 22:28, 2 August 2023 by The bluez in the dungeon (talk | contribs) (The bluez in the dungeon moved page User:The bluez in the dungeon/Grogger to Grogger (3.5e Race) without leaving a redirect: Complete)
Author: the bluez in the dungeon (talk)
Date Created: 2nd August 2023
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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They are dwarf-like creatures, of small stature and great thirst for alcohol.


True to their name, groggers are little bundle of alcoholism and unpleasantry, but they work hard and have a very solid work ethic, which fuels their natural booze addiction.

They are born, raised and live almost all of their lives in place where they can drink, especially taverns.

Physical Description

They resemble dwarves in body shape, but are gnome-sized. Their beards are almost as big as their torso, and are full of food and dirt. They have very reddish, plump noses, reddened ears and are mostly bald. They have a very round tummy, with rolls of fat. They are incredibly resistant to physical harm.

They have a biological need for alcohol, despite its effects.

Groggers are an only-male population, but, despite still being able to have intercourse, they are completely sterile.

Instead, they reproduce in a unique, and disgusting way, which they have no control of: sometimes, when a grogger drinks too much, it feels the need to throw up, and sometimes, when this happens, he vomits a baby grogger, which is born already intoxicated and covered in puke. The little one is usually raise within the tavern is born in.


Not many races like to have around loud drunkards but they can make themselves so useful that they can be at least tolerated. They live primarly among dwarves, humans, gnomes and halflings. Some have been accepted by orcish clans.


They are mostly chaotic neutral, but many examples of good or evl grooger may be found.


Usually they live among other races, but occasionaly some groups may create autonomous societies.


They are said to have been made by a god of drunkness while intoxicated, but the name of this deity is lost behind thousands of liters of booze. They pay respect to this nameless god with their constant drinking.


Not very educated, most of them just know Common.


They adopt the usual names of the society they live in, but have the unique custom to use their taver of birth as their surname (such as Bob of the Little Stallion). They bring the tavern's colors and sign as a banner.

Racial Traits

  • +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence: They are of strong constitution but their brains lack due to their constant intoxication.
  • Fey (Spiritfolk) 
  • Small: As a Small creature, a grogger gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –4 size penalty on special attack (bull rushes, grapples, overruns, and trips) checks, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but it uses smaller weapons than humans use, and its lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
  • Grogger base land speed is 20 feet.  
  • Alcohol-Fueled Grogginess: Grogger need alcohol to survive. If they don't drink at enough to risk becoming intoxicated (must make a saving throw) each day they become or suffer an headache until they meet the condition above. They never suffer headaches from intoxication and have a +2 to saves against intoxication. For every day they go without alcohol they suffer a point of burn to their Constitution score. 
  • Alehouse Experience (Ex): They always treat Knowledge (local) as a class skill and may use it to make a special Knowledge check, adding their HD as a bonus, to locate any taverns or places where alcohol is selled, learn about them, their usual clients and the type of booze they sell. 
  • Bottoms Up!: Always ready to rise their drinks up, they gain the Bottoms Up feat for free. 
  • Dwarven Stock: Despite not being true dwarves, they are similar enough. They count as dwarves for the purpose of meeting requirements[1]
  • Fire Spit (Ex): By gulping down a swing of any kind of booze they may spit out a ball of fire. As a standard action, groggers that have just drunk alcohol may spit it out as a flaming sphere with a range of 15 feet. The sphere deals 1d6 of Fire damage + 1d6 per very 5 HD the grogger has. It also leaves an area of difficult terrain in the square it lands it, which deals 1 point of Fire damage to creatures that pass through it or that start their turn on it. The difficult terrain lasts one round per damage die of the fire ball. 
  • Hardworker: Despite their alcoholism, they are quite proficient at their jobs: groggers have maximum free ranks on a singular Craft or Profession skill of their choice. They don't count penalties from Intelligence or Wisdom on such rolls. 
  • Tavern Brawler: Being literally born in a tavern, they quickly learn how to move around. When in a closed space, they ignore difficult terrain due to furniture scattered around, liquids spilled, silverware, glassware and bodies on the ground, and gain a +2 to checks to move through and around enemies. They always count as having cover for the purpose of hiding in such locations. They gain the Improvised Combatant feat for free.
  • Automatic Languages: Common
  • Bonus Languages: Any, except for secret ones
  • Favored Class: Barbarian
  • Level Adjustment: +0
  • Effective Character Level: 1

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  1. Groggers are meant to replace dwarves, and this trait takes care of that.