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Limb Manifesto (3.5e Guide)/Nightmare

< Limb Manifesto (3.5e Guide)
Revision as of 19:33, 13 November 2012 by Franken Kesey (talk | contribs)
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Unlike the shiva, the focus here is to get a diversity of natural attacks. Not meant to be used below level 6 (would only have leveled in two classes at 5th), anything below has been omitted. At 20th level, will have 6 claws, 5 tentacles, 4 heads, 2 wings, spines (that can be fired) and one tail; and an average damage per round of ~2,100!



Starting Ability Scores (Before Racial Adjustments): Str19, Dex14, Con14, Int8, Wis8, Cha8 (32 point buy)



  • Slow: +1 to your hit points gained at each level; but, base land speed is halved (round down to the nearest 5-foot interval).


  • Shaky: You take a −2 penalty on all ranged attack rolls.
  • Vulnerable: −1 penalty to Armor Class.
ECL Class Ability Scores BAB AC/Flat/Touch2 Saving Throws2 Feats Bloodline Transaction
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Fort Ref Will
Previous1 2LA, Bloodline, Shape Eater 2 35 12 20 6 8 8 +5 15/12/13 +7 +3 +0 Multiattack, Practiced Attacker, Product of Infernal Dalliance, Secondary Arms +2 on Spot Checks, Lion Head Gauntlets of Ogre Power(-4000), Ioun Stone, pale blue(-8000)
6th Farspawn Scion 1 36 12 20 6 8 8 +6/+1 15/12/13 +9 +3 +2 Improved Multiattack +1Strength
7th Farspawn Scion 2 36 12 20 6 10 8 +7/+2 15/12/13 +11 +5 +2
8th Shape Eater 3 37 12 22 6 10 8 +8/+3 15/12/13 +12 +6 +2 Dragon Head Ioun Stone, pink(-8000)
9th Shape Eater 4 37 12 22 6 14 4 +9/+4 15/12/13 +12 +6 +3 Extra Legs, Constricting Fiend
10th Shape Eater 5 47 12 22 6 10 8 +10/+5 15/12/13 +13 +7 +3 Affinity
11th Bloodline 47 12 22 6 10 8 +11/+6/+1 15/12/13 +13 +7 +3 Belt of Giant Strength+6(-36,000)
12th Shape Eater 6 50 10 22 6 10 8 +12/+7/+2 15/12/13 +14 +8 +4 Tentacle Parasite Bat Wings
13th Body Sprouter 1 50 10 28 6 10 8 +12/+7/+2 15/12/13 +14 +8 +4 Amulet of Health+6(-36,000)
14th Body Sprouter 2 50 10 28 6 10 8 +13/+8/+3 15/12/13 +15 +9 +5 +2 on Listen Checks
15th Body Sprouter 3 50 10 28 6 10 8 +14/+9/+4 15/12/13 +17 +9 +6 Tentacles of Dagon, Thrall to Demon
16th Body Sprouter 4 56 10 28 6 10 8 +15/+10/+5 15/12/13 +18 +10 +6 Serpent Head Manual of Gainful Exercise+5(-137,500)
17th Body Sprouter 5 56 10 32 6 10 8 +15/+10/+5 20/12/18 +19 +12 +10 Manual of Bodily Health+4(-110,000)
18th Shape Eater 7 57 10 36 6 10 8 +16/+11/+6/+1 22/12/20 +19 +15 +11 Spines of Fury +1Strength
19th Shape Eater 8 57 10 36 6 10 8 +17/+12/+7/+2 22/12/20 +22 +15 +11
20th Shape Eater 9 64 10 36 6 10 8 18/+13/+8/+3 24/12/22 +22 +18 +12 1, 2 Goat Head
  1. Everything that was acquired before level six.
  2. Needs to be updated

Class Features of NoteEdit

Shape EaterEdit


  • Least Ability Score: +2Str
  • Least Ability Score: +2Con
    • Both gained prior to 6th


  • Minor Ability Score: +4Str
    • Gain at 10th
  • Increased Size: increase size to huge (+2Str, -2Dex)
    • Gain at 12th
  • Minor Ability Score: +4Con
    • Gain at 18th


  • Major Ability Score: +6Str



+5 Balance (3r+0Dex+2sy)
+4 Bluff (5r-1Cha)
+28 Climb (1r+27Str)
+20 Disguise (17r-1Cha+2sy+2kit)
-7 Hide (1r+0Dex-8size)
+5 Intimidate (4r-1Cha+2sy)
+30 Jump (1r+27Str+2sy)
+6 Knowledge(the planes) (8r-2Int)
+4 Profession(astrology) (4r+0Wiz)
+37 Swim (2r+27Str+8racial)
+20 Tumble (20r+0Dex)

Ability Scores: Str64, Dex10, Con36, Int6, Wis10, Cha8

HP: 7d8+9d12+171(261)

AC: 10Base+6natural-2size-1flaw = 13

BAB: +18/+13/+8/+3

Saves: fort+23, ref+7, will+13

Size: Huge

Speed: Land 10’, Swim 40’, Fly (average) 75’.


Attack: 18BAB+27(Str)-2(multi attack)-2(huge sized)= +41/+36/+31/+26


  • Claws (6): 3d6(base)+27(Str)= 31.5 Slashing
  • Heads(4):
    • Lion: 3d6(base)+27(Str)=37.5
    • Dragon: 2d6(base)+27(Str)=34
    • Serpent: 1d8(base)+27(Str)=31.5
    • Goat: 4d6(base)+27(Str)=41
  • Other:
    • Tentacles (5): 1d8(base)+27(Str)=31.5
    • Bat Wings (2): 1d2(base)+27(Str)=28.5
    • Tail: 8d6(base)+27(Str)=55
    • Spines (2): 1d8+27(Str)=31.5

DPR, against AC 40: 2,100.125

  • Claw DPR: all claws total to: 663.75
    • Brachyura: 1st(37.5x.90)=33.75, 2nd(37.5x.80)=30, 3rd(37.5x.55)=20.625, 4th(37.5x.30)=11.25; crits(37.5x2=75x.05)=3.75x4=15. 110.625 damage per round (each),
  • Heads: all heads total to: 455.5
    • Lion DPR: 1st(37.5x.85)=31.875, 2nd(37.5x.75)=28.125, 3rd(37.5x.50)=18.75, 4th(37.5x.25)=9.375; crits(37.5x2=75x.1)=7.5x4=30. 118.125 damage per round
    • Dragon DPR: 1st(34x.90)=30.6, 2nd(34x.80)=27.2, 3rd(34x.55)=18.7, 4th(34x.30)=10.2; crits(34x3=102x.05)=5.1x4=20.4. 107.1 damage per round
    • Serpent DPR: 1st(31.5x.90)=28.35, 2nd(31.5x.80)=25.2, 3rd(31.5x.55)=17.325, 4th(31.5x.30)=9.45; crits(31.5x2=63x.05)=3.15x4=12.6. 92.925 damage per round
    • Goat DPR: 1st(41x.90)=36.9, 2nd(41x.80)=32.8, 3rd(41x.55)=22.55, 4th(41x.30)=12.3; crits(41x4=164x.05)=8.2x4=32.8. 137.35 damage per round
  • Other: all other total to: 980.875
    • Tentacle DPR: 1st(31.5x.90)=28.35, 2nd(31.5x.80)=25.2, 3rd(31.5x.55)=17.325, 4th(31.5x.30)=9.45; crits(31.5x2=63x.05)=3.15x4=12.6. 92.925 damage per round (each), or 464.625 total (all tentacles).
    • Bat DPR: 1st(28.5x.90)=25.65, 2nd(28.5x.80)=22.8, 3rd(28.5x.55)=15.675, 4th(28.5x.30)=8.55; crits(28.5x2=57x.05)=2.85x4=11.4. 84.075 damage per round (each), or 168.15 total (all wings).
    • Constrictor DPR: 1st(55x.90)=49.5, 2nd(55x.80)=44, 3rd(55x.55)=30.25, 4th(55x.30)=16.5; crits(55x2=110x.05)=5.5x4=22. 162.25 damage per round
    • Spine DPR: 1st(31.5x.90)=28.35, 2nd(31.5x.80)=25.2, 3rd(31.5x.55)=17.325, 4th(31.5x.30)=9.45; crits(31.5x2=63x.05)=3.15x4=12.6. 92.925 damage per round (each), or 185.85 total (two spines).
Limb Break Down by Level
Level Claws Heads Head Notes Tentacles Other
6th 6 1 Lion Head 0
7th 6 1 2
8th 6 2 Dragon Head 2
9th 6 2 2 Constrictor Tail
10th 6 2 2
11th 6 2 2
12th 6 2 3 Two Bat Wings
13th 6 2 3
14th 6 2 3
15th 6 2 5
16th 6 3 Serpent Head 5
17th 6 3 5
18th 6 3 5 Spines
19th 6 3 5
20th 6 4 Goat Head 5


Start copying limbs the moment it sees potential hostile creatures (even in social settings); copying limbs that it thinks will be the most effective in the upcoming encounter. Each round, as a standard action, can sprout up to 15 limbs and place them as far as 150’ away.