Version 3.1
|author_name=Ganteka Future
|date_created=31 May 2008
|status=10 October 3 November 2016: v3.01
[[Summary::A strong, resilient, fire-resistant fabric often used to make armor, clothing or armoradventuring gear.| ]]
Thin and heavy gossamer can be used to make armor normally made from fabric or leather. Simply add the cost of the gossamer suit to the armor's base cost, reduce the armor's check penalty by 2 and can be donned in half the time of the base armor.
| align="left" |Heavy Armor || +11,000 gp
==Gossamer Adventuring Gear==
{| class="zebra d20"
{{Anchor|Table: Gossamer Adventuring Gear}}
! align="left" | Item !! Cost !! Weight
| align="left" | Backpack (empty) || 200 gp || 1/2 lb.<sup>1</sup>
| align="left" | Bedroll || 100 gp || 1 lb.<sup>1</sup>
| align="left" | Blanket, winter || 240 gp || 1 lb.<sup>1</sup>
| align="left" | Pouch, belt (empty) || 20 gp || 1/8 lb.<sup>1</sup>
| align="left" | Rope, Thin (50 ft.) || 100 gp || 1 lb.
| align="left" | Sack (empty) || 15 gp || 1/8 lb.<sup>1</sup>
| align="left" | Sheet, Thin (sq. yd.) || 100 gp || 1/4 lb.
| align="left" | Sheet, Heavy (sq. yd.) || 150 gp || 1/2 lb.
| align="left" | Tent || 400 gp || 5 lb.<sup>1</sup>
| class="foot" colspan="3" style="white-space: normal;" |
# These items weigh one-quarter this amount when made for Small characters.<br/>Containers for Small characters also carry one-quarter the normal amount.<br/>These items weigh and cost twice as much for each size larger than listed.