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Lament (3.5e Maneuver)

258 bytes added, 09:13, 3 March 2011
|discipline=Hollow Nymph
|subj=One creature
|dur=Three Five rounds|save=Will partial
|summary=Enemies weep for your sins.
''A quiet moan, that's all it takes - communicating all you've been through, all you've done...''all you're going to do.
The target of this maneuver suffers makes a -1 morale penalty to all saves Will save against (DC 12 + Charisma modifier). On a failure, the target is fascinated for its the duration. Each roundObvious threats posed by the martial adept count as only potential threats, she takes and all saving throws to break the fascination triggered by the martial adept's actions are at a -2 cold damage as frozen tears shift and slash inside her eyesmorale penalty. Using Succeeding on a saving throw against this maneuver again on (including the initial save) triggers a target currently suffering under it resets the duration wave of guilt and self-loathing, leaving the maneuvertarget shaken for 1 round. This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

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