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Merge Entity (3.5e Epic Spell)

115 bytes added, 14:09, 12 April 2019
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As a minor negative effect, reciever may, or may not recieve one or two visual characteristics of the source creature. Such as skin/eye/hair color, claws, fangs, horns, etc.
Reciever may get benefits of such a spell safely only once, if performed second time, success rate is only 15%, and if it faled, reciever will undergo an unpredictaple mutation, which may well be fatal. If reciever have a higher stats, or already possess some of the source creature's abilities, they will not change.
The changes are permanent, and resulted creature is the new natural state for the reciever. It cannot be undone even with Miracle/Wish spell, and the source creature can be revived only by True Resurrection, Miracle or Wish spell, even then revived will be a cripple, and have a lot of wish/miracle spells to regain at least some of its former abilities.