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A siege engine needs operators to make it work, and so too does an einherjar paragon need backup to keep him in top warring condition. Allies who can enchant him up with magical enhancements, wards and healing incantations are welcome in keeping him operating as a machine of war. Allies who can keep him from falling prey to traps and tricks are certainly a welcome addition. Since he often takes on a different perspective about the world, and may be prone to getting into trouble, the guidance of a trusted ally to direct his efforts and energies (during combat or rest and relaxation) prevents unwanted circumstances from hampering the party.
A siege engine needs operators to make it work, and so too does an einherjar paragon need backup to keep him in top warring condition. Allies who can enchant him up with magical enhancements, wards and healing incantations are welcome in keeping him operating as a machine of war. Allies who can keep him from falling prey to traps and tricks are certainly a welcome addition. Since he often takes on a different perspective about the world, and may be prone to getting into trouble, the guidance of a trusted ally to direct his efforts and energies (during combat or rest and relaxation) prevents unwanted circumstances from hampering the party.
'''Abilities:''' The einherjar paragon is born for war. With good saves and a variety of skills waiting for him, he can focus directly on [[SRD:Strength|Strength]] to deal damage and [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] to make up for his slightly lower [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]]. Some Einherjar choose to focus on [[SRD:Dexterity|Dexterity]] instead of [[SRD:Strength|Strength]]. His weakness comes from a lack of versatility, and as he advances past his paragon career, he will need to specialize in his chosen area of combat as well as prevent himself from falling victim to the common shortcomings of so many warriors, the ability to fend off spells and magically powered monsters. As einherjar paragons are reborn from mortal stock, they lack the innate knack for skills that most [[SRD:Outsider Type|outsiders]] possess.
'''Abilities:''' The einherjar paragon is born for war. With good saves and a variety of skills waiting for him, he can focus directly on [[SRD:Strength|Strength]] to deal damage and [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] to make up for his slightly lower [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]]. Some einherjar choose to focus on [[SRD:Dexterity|Dexterity]] instead of [[SRD:Strength|Strength]]. His weakness comes from a lack of versatility, and as he advances past his paragon career, he will need to specialize in his chosen area of combat as well as prevent himself from falling victim to the common shortcomings of so many warriors, the ability to fend off spells and magically powered monsters. As einherjar paragons are reborn from mortal stock, they lack the innate knack for skills that most [[SRD:Outsider Type|outsiders]] possess.
'''Races:''' This class is specifically for [[Einherjar (3.5e Race)|einherjar]].
'''Races:''' This class is specifically for [[Einherjar (3.5e Race)|einherjar]].
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'''Class Skills ([[Skill Points::6]] + [[SRD:Intelligence|Int]] modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)'''<br/>
'''Class Skills ([[Skill Points::6]] + [[SRD:Intelligence|Int]] modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)'''<br/>
{{3.5e Skills|Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (religion), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Profession, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope}}
{{3.5e Skills|Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (religion), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Profession, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope}}
====Class Features====
====Class Features====
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All of the following are class features of the einherjar paragon.
All of the following are class features of the einherjar paragon.
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' He gains proficiency with an exotic weapon of his choice or an exotic armor proficiency. He may opt to delay this choice at his discretion.  
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' He gains proficiency with an exotic weapon or an exotic armor proficiency of his choice. He may opt to delay this choice at his discretion. Additionally, he may sleep in his armor without becoming [[SRD:Fatigued|fatigued]].
'''Initiator Levels:''' A level in einherjar paragon counts as an initiator level (despite not granting maneuvers).
'''{{Anchor|Greater Morale}} {{Ex}}:''' At 1st level, when an einherjar paragon is affected by a numerical morale bonus, that bonus is treated as one greater. He is easily roused to glory for victory.
'''{{Anchor|Greater Morale}} {{Ex}}:''' At 1st level, when an einherjar paragon is affected by a numerical morale bonus, that bonus is treated as one greater. He is easily roused to glory for victory.
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'''{{Anchor|FoeWrack}} {{Ex}}:''' At 1st level, whenever an einherjar paragon is damaged by his foe, he gains a damage bonus to his weapon damage equal to his einherjar paragon level on all attacks against that foe for one round. An einherjar paragon musters all the ire he can against those who harm him.
'''{{Anchor|FoeWrack}} {{Ex}}:''' At 1st level, whenever an einherjar paragon is damaged by his foe, he gains a damage bonus to his weapon damage equal to his einherjar paragon level on all attacks against that foe for one round. An einherjar paragon musters all the ire he can against those who harm him.
'''{{Anchor|Astral Stride}} {{Su}}:''' At 2nd level, as a [[SRD:Move Actions|move action]], an einherjar paragon may teleport himself a distance up to half his land speed. If he attempts to teleport himself into an occupied or solid space, the ability fails and he moves nowhere. He may only take up to his maximum [[SRD:Carrying Capacity|carrying load]] with him. As a celestial being from another plane, he has learned to step between planes and get the drop on his foes.
'''{{Anchor|Astral Stride}} {{Su}}:''' At 2nd level, as a [[SRD:Move Actions|move action]], an einherjar paragon may teleport himself a distance up to half his land speed. If he attempts to teleport himself into an occupied or solid space, the ability fails and he moves nowhere. He may only take up to his maximum [[SRD:Carrying Capacity|carrying load]] with him and may not stride while grappled unless he succeeds on an opposed [[SRD:Grapple|grapple]] check to do so. As a celestial being from another plane, he has learned to step between planes and get the drop on his foes.
'''{{Anchor|Longstrider}} {{Ex}}:''' At 2nd level, an einherjar paragon's [[base land speed]] increases by 10 feet. He's quick to battle, and his otherworldly legs carry him with the power of a mighty horse. Einherjar paragons can move at this speed even when wearing [[SRD:Armor|medium or heavy armor]] or when carrying a [[SRD:Carrying Capacity|medium or heavy load]] (unlike most other creatures, whose speed is reduced in such situations), even when running.
'''{{Anchor|Longstrider}} {{Ex}}:''' At 2nd level, an einherjar paragon's [[base land speed]] increases by 10 feet. He's quick to battle, and his otherworldly legs carry him with the power of a mighty horse. Einherjar paragons move at their full speed even when wearing [[SRD:Armor|medium or heavy armor]] or when carrying a [[SRD:Carrying Capacity|medium or heavy load]] (unlike most other creatures, whose speed is reduced in such situations), even when running.
'''{{Anchor|Muster Vitality}} {{Su}}:''' At 2nd level, an einherjar paragon may muster forth his vital forces to heal his body. He may restore himself for 1d6 HP per his HD as a [[SRD:Swift Action|swift action]] a number of times per day equal to his [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] bonus (minimum of 1). Additionally, any healing he receives, including from this ability, is treated as though [[SRD:Empower Spell|empowered]].
'''{{Anchor|Muster Vitality}} {{Su}}:''' At 2nd level, an einherjar paragon may muster forth his vital forces to heal his body. He may restore himself for 1d4 HP per his HD as a [[SRD:Swift Action|swift action]] a number of times per day equal to his [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] bonus (minimum of 1). Additionally, any healing he receives, including from this ability, is treated as though [[SRD:Empower Spell|empowered]].
'''{{Anchor|Racial Boost}}:''' At 3rd level, an einherjar paragon gains a +2 racial bonus to either his [[SRD:Strength|Strength]], [[SRD:Dexterity|Dexterity]] or [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]]. He may only apply this bonus to an ability he hasn't already boosted with a racial bonus.  
'''{{Anchor|Racial Boost}}:''' At 3rd level, an einherjar paragon gains a +2 racial bonus to either his [[SRD:Strength|Strength]], [[SRD:Dexterity|Dexterity]] or [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]]. He may only apply this bonus to an ability he hasn't already boosted with a racial bonus.  
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'''{{Anchor|Pick a Fight}} {{Ex}}:''' At 4th level, as a [[SRD:Swift Actions|swift action]] once per round, an einherjar paragon may designate any target as a foe for the purposes of his [[#FoeWrack|FoeWrack]] ability. Additionally, his [[#FoeWrack|FoeWrack]] damage bonus is now equal to the total of all his [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]]. In his lust for war, he no longer cares who may or may not hurt him, and he can summon his deep strength to lay waste to his opposition.
'''{{Anchor|Pick a Fight}} {{Ex}}:''' At 4th level, as a [[SRD:Swift Actions|swift action]] once per round, an einherjar paragon may designate any target as a foe for the purposes of his [[#FoeWrack|FoeWrack]] ability. Additionally, his [[#FoeWrack|FoeWrack]] damage bonus is now equal to the total of all his [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]]. In his lust for war, he no longer cares who may or may not hurt him, and he can summon his deep strength to lay waste to his opposition.
'''{{Anchor|Repairing Touch}} {{Su}}:''' At 4th level, an einherjar paragon's equipment repairs itself. Any gear or item he wears or wields (but not carries) repairs 1 HP per round. An einherjar paragon relies on his gear to stay in working order. The magical energies that flow from him into his gear restore and maintain his equipment, ensuring he can stay in the battle as long as he can.
'''{{Anchor|Repairing Touch}} {{Su}}:''' At 4th level, an einherjar paragon's equipment repairs itself. Any gear or item he wears or wields (but not carries) repairs 1 HP per round. He can mend broken gear, restoring any magical properties, so long as he has all the parts to do so. An einherjar paragon relies on his gear to stay in working order. The magical energies that flow from him into his gear restore and maintain his equipment, ensuring he can stay in the battle as long as he can.
'''{{Anchor|Tough Skin}} {{Ex}}:''' At 4th level, an einherjar paragon gains +2 natural armor. He's a thick-skinned, scar-covered brute.  
'''{{Anchor|Tough Skin}} {{Ex}}:''' At 4th level, an einherjar paragon gains +2 natural armor. He's a thick-skinned, scar-covered brute.  
'''{{Anchor|Fast Healing}} {{Ex}}:''' At 5th level, an einherjar paragon gains [[SRD:Fast Healing|Fast Healing]] 1. The magical energies flowing within him pump his blood, heal his wounds, and urge him forward for war.
'''{{Anchor|Fast Healing}} {{Ex}}:''' At 5th level, an einherjar paragon gains [[SRD:Fast Healing|Fast Healing]] 1. The magical energies flowing within him pump his blood, heal his wounds, and urge him forward for war. His [[Einherjar (3.5e Race)|Restorative Carousing]] now restores 1 point of [[SRD:Ability Score Loss|ability damage or drain]] per hour as well.
'''{{Anchor|Rally Call}} {{Su}}:''' At 5th level, as either a non-action once per minute or a [[SRD:Standard Actions|standard action]] at will, an einherjar paragon can belt out a rallying call to drive a fighting spirit into one of his allies, bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to hear the einherjar paragon shout. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1 + 1/2 his [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]]. An affected ally receives a +2 morale bonus on [[SRD:Saving Throw|saving throws]] against [[SRD:Charm Subschool|charms]] and [[SRD:Fear Effect|fear effects]] and a +2 morale bonus on attack and weapon [[SRD:Attack Damage|damage rolls]]. Rally Call is a mind-affecting ability. At 10 [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]], and every five [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] thereafter, this bonus increases by 1 (+3 at 10th, +4 at 15th, and +5 at 20th). He knows just what to say to get his allies to give extra effort, to see battle from his eyes, pushing onward stronger and more determined. An einherjar paragon is naturally resistant to his own Rally Call.
'''{{Anchor|Rally Call}} {{Su}}:''' At 5th level, as either a non-action once per minute or a [[SRD:Standard Actions|standard action]] at will, an einherjar paragon can belt out a rallying call to drive a fighting spirit into one of his allies, bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to hear the einherjar paragon shout. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1 + 1/2 his [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]]. An affected ally receives a +2 morale bonus on [[SRD:Saving Throw|saving throws]] against [[SRD:Charm Subschool|charms]] and [[SRD:Fear Effect|fear effects]] and a +2 morale bonus on attack and weapon [[SRD:Attack Damage|damage rolls]]. Rally Call is a mind-affecting ability. At 10 [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]], and every five [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] thereafter, this bonus increases by 1 (+3 at 10th, +4 at 15th, and +5 at 20th). He knows just what to say to get his allies to give extra effort, to see battle from his eyes, pushing onward stronger and more determined. An einherjar paragon is naturally resistant to his own Rally Call.
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'''{{Anchor|Eternal Homestead}}:''' At 6th level, an einherjar paragon is granted a homestead on Ysgard. This enchanted homestead is a one-room viking hall 20 feet wide by 100 feet long. A wooden throne with carven stags, boars and wolves sits at the head of the hall. The entrance is a pair of massive wooden doors, barred with a great timber. Every day at dawn, noon and sunset, a glorious feast appears on the solid oak longtable that dominates the center of the hall. Firewood for the fire is magically replenished daily. Nearby, there is a barn, eternally stocked with hay and stalls for 8 horses. A great stone well from which cool clear water can be drawn sits in a clearing nearby. With this homestead, he is granted the boons listed below:
'''{{Anchor|Eternal Homestead}}:''' At 6th level, an einherjar paragon is granted a homestead on Ysgard. This enchanted homestead is a one-room viking hall 20 feet wide by 100 feet long. A wooden throne with carven stags, boars and wolves sits at the head of the hall. The entrance is a pair of massive wooden doors, barred with a great timber. Every day at dawn, noon and sunset, a glorious feast appears on the solid oak longtable that dominates the center of the hall. Firewood for the fire is magically replenished daily. Nearby, there is a barn, eternally stocked with hay and stalls for 8 horses. A great stone well from which cool clear water can be drawn sits in a clearing nearby. With this homestead, he is granted the boons listed below:
:''{{Anchor|Ysgardian Horse}}:'' He gains the use of a [[SRD:Celestial Creature|celestial]] [[SRD:Heavy Warhorse|heavy warhorse]]. He may summon this horse as a [[SRD:Full-Round Actions|full-round action]], when not on Ysgard, for a total number of hours per day equal to 2 × his [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] total. The Ysgardian Horse has a number of [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] equal to his character level –3. An einherjar paragon's mount gains [[#Astral Stride|Astral Stride]] and [[#Longstrider|Longstrider]] while he's mounted atop it.
:''{{Anchor|Companion Mount}}:'' He gains the use of a [[Einherjar Paragon (3.5e Racial Paragon Class)/Companion Mount|special companion creature]] which typically serves as a mount. He may summon his companion as a [[SRD:Full-Round Actions|full-round action]] when not on Ysgard, for a total number of hours per day equal to 2 × his [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] total. The companion mount gains a level in its [[Einherjar Paragon (3.5e Racial Paragon Class)/Companion Mount|special class]] whenever its master gains a level.
:He may dismiss this horse as a [[SRD:Standard Actions|standard action]]. If he dismisses this horse while still mounted, he returns to his Eternal Homestead with it. He may take himself and up to the horse's [[SRD:Carrying Capacity|maximum carrying capacity for a heavy load]] with him.
:An einherjar paragon may dismiss his companion mount as a [[SRD:Standard Actions|standard action]]. If he dismisses his companion mount while still mounted, he returns to his Eternal Homestead with it, along with up to the mount's [[SRD:Carrying Capacity|maximum carrying capacity for a heavy load]].
:In Ysgard, he may mount up his horse and return to the same spot on another plane from which he last dismissed his horse from.
:In Ysgard, he may mount up his companion and return to the same location, on another plane, from which he last dismissed his companion mount. If he performs a 1 hour ritual, he may mark a location as a special return point (by scribing runes, generally into stone). If the inscribed rune is moved from the location's space, the return point is broken (though it may be re-established by putting it back). He may have 1 return point per 3 of his HD. Creating a new return location that would exceed his limit nullifies his oldest return point. Return points [[SRD:Detect Magic|detect]] as moderate [[SRD:Conjuration|Conjuration]] (Teleportation).  
:Only gear given to the horse while on Ysgard stays with it. If the horse is slain while summoned, it is un-summonable for 24 hours. If the horse is slain while in Ysgard, he must ''[[SRD:Atonement|atone]]'' and pray for a new mount.
:Only gear given to the mount while on Ysgard stays with it (unless such gear is worn while the paragon is riding his mount as it is dismissed home). Any gear removed from the mount vanishes and returns with the mount when the mount is dismissed or slain. If the mount is slain while summoned, it is un-summonable for 24 hours. If the mount is slain while in Ysgard, he must ''[[SRD:Atonement|atone]]'' and pray for a new companion.
:His patron deity may see fit to bestow upon him a different creature as a mount (or even as an animal companion), however, that creature must still have a number of [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] equal to his character level –3. If he gains a creature that does not serve as a mount, he may return to Ysgard with it by touching it as he dismisses it.
:His patron deity may see fit to bestow upon him a creature that does not serve as a mount. If he gains a creature that does not serve as a mount, he may return to Ysgard with it by touching it as he dismisses it.
:The summoning of this horse is measured in hours. If he summons this horse for 10 minutes and dismisses it, it counts as an hour for the purposes of daily time remaining.
:The summoning of this companion is measured in hours. If he summons his companion for 10 minutes and dismisses it, it counts as an hour for the purposes of daily time remaining.
:This supernatural ability to summon this horse is the equivalent of a spell of a level equal to 1/2 the einherjar paragon's level. Summoning this horse is a [[SRD:Conjuration School|Conjuration]] ([[SRD:Summoning Subschool|Summoning]]) effect.
:This supernatural ability to summon this horse is the equivalent of a divine spell of a level equal to 1/2 the einherjar paragon's total character level. Summoning his companion is a [[SRD:Conjuration School|Conjuration]] ([[SRD:Summoning Subschool|Summoning]]) effect.
:''{{Anchor|Ysgardian Servant}}:'' The einherjar paragon's patrons craft him a servant in a form of his choosing. He gains the ownership of a celestial NPC-classed "human" of his alignment with the elite array in the gender and physical appearance of his choosing. The Ysgardian Servant has a number of HD equal to his character level –5 (maximum of 6 HD). This servant typically manages his homestead while he is away.
:''{{Anchor|Eternal Servant}}:'' The einherjar paragon's patrons craft him a servant in a form of his choosing. He gains the service of a celestial NPC-classed "human" of his alignment with the elite array in the gender and physical appearance of his choosing. The Ysgardian Servant has a number of HD equal to his character level –5 (maximum of 6 HD). This servant typically manages his homestead while he is away.
:He may summon this servant as a [[SRD:Full-Round Actions|full-round action]], when not on Ysgard, for a total number of hours per day equal to 2 × his [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]].  
:He may summon this servant as a [[SRD:Full-Round Actions|full-round action]], when not on Ysgard, for a total number of hours per day equal to 2 × his [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]].  

Latest revision as of 00:45, 16 October 2018

Author: Ganteka Future (talk)
Date Created: 25 February 2010
Status: v1.2.2
Editing: Clarity if necessary.
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To realize the potential granted to them as re-born warriors, einherjar become paragons. 6 1 Good Good Good Good Other Other

Einherjar Paragon[edit]

The einherjar paragon is essentially a celestial viking seeking to become more of everything that entails. He was reborn for the purpose of war, and as such, is heavily entrenched in gaining combat abilities. From the combat fields of Ysgard, to the many lands of the Material Plane, the einherjar paragon trains. He seeks out combat and relishes in the glory of victory, as well as the pleasurable pursuits taken after a hard day. Being once mortal souls, they often partake in the activities of mortals. However, as outsiders, they never quite fit in. In a thousand ages, they would never tire of battle, nor of wine and women.

Making an Einherjar Paragon[edit]

A siege engine needs operators to make it work, and so too does an einherjar paragon need backup to keep him in top warring condition. Allies who can enchant him up with magical enhancements, wards and healing incantations are welcome in keeping him operating as a machine of war. Allies who can keep him from falling prey to traps and tricks are certainly a welcome addition. Since he often takes on a different perspective about the world, and may be prone to getting into trouble, the guidance of a trusted ally to direct his efforts and energies (during combat or rest and relaxation) prevents unwanted circumstances from hampering the party.

Abilities: The einherjar paragon is born for war. With good saves and a variety of skills waiting for him, he can focus directly on Strength to deal damage and Constitution to make up for his slightly lower HD. Some einherjar choose to focus on Dexterity instead of Strength. His weakness comes from a lack of versatility, and as he advances past his paragon career, he will need to specialize in his chosen area of combat as well as prevent himself from falling victim to the common shortcomings of so many warriors, the ability to fend off spells and magically powered monsters. As einherjar paragons are reborn from mortal stock, they lack the innate knack for skills that most outsiders possess.

Races: This class is specifically for einherjar.

Alignment: Any.

Table: The Einherjar Paragon

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +2 +2 Greater Morale, Ysgardian Virtue, FoeWrack
2nd +2 +3 +3 +3 Astral Stride, Longstrider, Muster Vitality
3rd +3 +3 +3 +3 Racial Boost, Enchanting Grasp
4th +4 +4 +4 +4 Pick a Fight, Repairing Touch, Tough Skin
5th +5 +4 +4 +4 Fast Healing, Rally Call, Quick Enchant
6th +6/+1 +5 +5 +5 Racial Boost, Eternal Homestead

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the einherjar paragon.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: He gains proficiency with an exotic weapon or an exotic armor proficiency of his choice. He may opt to delay this choice at his discretion. Additionally, he may sleep in his armor without becoming fatigued.

Initiator Levels: A level in einherjar paragon counts as an initiator level (despite not granting maneuvers).

Greater Morale (Ex): At 1st level, when an einherjar paragon is affected by a numerical morale bonus, that bonus is treated as one greater. He is easily roused to glory for victory.

Ysgardian Virtue (Ex): At 1st level and every einherjar paragon level, the einherjar paragon gains a +1 racial bonus to resist mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, fear effects and negative morale effects). An einherjar paragon is trained to resist trickery and subterfuge and to see them as the false gestures that they are.

FoeWrack (Ex): At 1st level, whenever an einherjar paragon is damaged by his foe, he gains a damage bonus to his weapon damage equal to his einherjar paragon level on all attacks against that foe for one round. An einherjar paragon musters all the ire he can against those who harm him.

Astral Stride (Su): At 2nd level, as a move action, an einherjar paragon may teleport himself a distance up to half his land speed. If he attempts to teleport himself into an occupied or solid space, the ability fails and he moves nowhere. He may only take up to his maximum carrying load with him and may not stride while grappled unless he succeeds on an opposed grapple check to do so. As a celestial being from another plane, he has learned to step between planes and get the drop on his foes.

Longstrider (Ex): At 2nd level, an einherjar paragon's base land speed increases by 10 feet. He's quick to battle, and his otherworldly legs carry him with the power of a mighty horse. Einherjar paragons move at their full speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load (unlike most other creatures, whose speed is reduced in such situations), even when running.

Muster Vitality (Su): At 2nd level, an einherjar paragon may muster forth his vital forces to heal his body. He may restore himself for 1d4 HP per his HD as a swift action a number of times per day equal to his Constitution bonus (minimum of 1). Additionally, any healing he receives, including from this ability, is treated as though empowered.

Racial Boost: At 3rd level, an einherjar paragon gains a +2 racial bonus to either his Strength, Dexterity or Constitution. He may only apply this bonus to an ability he hasn't already boosted with a racial bonus.

He gains another Racial Boost at 6th level, at which he may apply a +2 racial bonus to any of his ability scores.

Enchanting Grasp (Su): At 3rd level, any weapon he wields (including natural and unarmed attacks) count as aligned as his alignment for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction and weaknesses.

Additionally, as a swift action, an einherjar paragon may enchant any weapon he wields for one round with one of the following enchantments: Flaming, Frost, Shock, Ghost Touch, Merciful. His innate magical nature as an outsider channels into his weapons. He may "double-up" on the Flaming, Frost or Shock enhancements if his weapon already is imbued with that power.

Pick a Fight (Ex): At 4th level, as a swift action once per round, an einherjar paragon may designate any target as a foe for the purposes of his FoeWrack ability. Additionally, his FoeWrack damage bonus is now equal to the total of all his HD. In his lust for war, he no longer cares who may or may not hurt him, and he can summon his deep strength to lay waste to his opposition.

Repairing Touch (Su): At 4th level, an einherjar paragon's equipment repairs itself. Any gear or item he wears or wields (but not carries) repairs 1 HP per round. He can mend broken gear, restoring any magical properties, so long as he has all the parts to do so. An einherjar paragon relies on his gear to stay in working order. The magical energies that flow from him into his gear restore and maintain his equipment, ensuring he can stay in the battle as long as he can.

Tough Skin (Ex): At 4th level, an einherjar paragon gains +2 natural armor. He's a thick-skinned, scar-covered brute.

Fast Healing (Ex): At 5th level, an einherjar paragon gains Fast Healing 1. The magical energies flowing within him pump his blood, heal his wounds, and urge him forward for war. His Restorative Carousing now restores 1 point of ability damage or drain per hour as well.

Rally Call (Su): At 5th level, as either a non-action once per minute or a standard action at will, an einherjar paragon can belt out a rallying call to drive a fighting spirit into one of his allies, bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to hear the einherjar paragon shout. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1 + 1/2 his HD. An affected ally receives a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against charms and fear effects and a +2 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. Rally Call is a mind-affecting ability. At 10 HD, and every five HD thereafter, this bonus increases by 1 (+3 at 10th, +4 at 15th, and +5 at 20th). He knows just what to say to get his allies to give extra effort, to see battle from his eyes, pushing onward stronger and more determined. An einherjar paragon is naturally resistant to his own Rally Call.

Quick Enchant (Su): At 5th level, an einherjar paragon may use his Enchanting Grasp ability as a free action once per round as part of a full attack action. When attacking, his magical energies drive into his weapons with greater quickness and ease.

Eternal Homestead: At 6th level, an einherjar paragon is granted a homestead on Ysgard. This enchanted homestead is a one-room viking hall 20 feet wide by 100 feet long. A wooden throne with carven stags, boars and wolves sits at the head of the hall. The entrance is a pair of massive wooden doors, barred with a great timber. Every day at dawn, noon and sunset, a glorious feast appears on the solid oak longtable that dominates the center of the hall. Firewood for the fire is magically replenished daily. Nearby, there is a barn, eternally stocked with hay and stalls for 8 horses. A great stone well from which cool clear water can be drawn sits in a clearing nearby. With this homestead, he is granted the boons listed below:

Companion Mount: He gains the use of a special companion creature which typically serves as a mount. He may summon his companion as a full-round action when not on Ysgard, for a total number of hours per day equal to 2 × his HD total. The companion mount gains a level in its special class whenever its master gains a level.
An einherjar paragon may dismiss his companion mount as a standard action. If he dismisses his companion mount while still mounted, he returns to his Eternal Homestead with it, along with up to the mount's maximum carrying capacity for a heavy load.
In Ysgard, he may mount up his companion and return to the same location, on another plane, from which he last dismissed his companion mount. If he performs a 1 hour ritual, he may mark a location as a special return point (by scribing runes, generally into stone). If the inscribed rune is moved from the location's space, the return point is broken (though it may be re-established by putting it back). He may have 1 return point per 3 of his HD. Creating a new return location that would exceed his limit nullifies his oldest return point. Return points detect as moderate Conjuration (Teleportation).
Only gear given to the mount while on Ysgard stays with it (unless such gear is worn while the paragon is riding his mount as it is dismissed home). Any gear removed from the mount vanishes and returns with the mount when the mount is dismissed or slain. If the mount is slain while summoned, it is un-summonable for 24 hours. If the mount is slain while in Ysgard, he must atone and pray for a new companion.
His patron deity may see fit to bestow upon him a creature that does not serve as a mount. If he gains a creature that does not serve as a mount, he may return to Ysgard with it by touching it as he dismisses it.
The summoning of this companion is measured in hours. If he summons his companion for 10 minutes and dismisses it, it counts as an hour for the purposes of daily time remaining.
This supernatural ability to summon this horse is the equivalent of a divine spell of a level equal to 1/2 the einherjar paragon's total character level. Summoning his companion is a Conjuration (Summoning) effect.
Eternal Servant: The einherjar paragon's patrons craft him a servant in a form of his choosing. He gains the service of a celestial NPC-classed "human" of his alignment with the elite array in the gender and physical appearance of his choosing. The Ysgardian Servant has a number of HD equal to his character level –5 (maximum of 6 HD). This servant typically manages his homestead while he is away.
He may summon this servant as a full-round action, when not on Ysgard, for a total number of hours per day equal to 2 × his HD.
He may dismiss this servant as a standard action.
Only gear given to the servant while on Ysgard stays with it. If the servant is slain while summoned, it is un-summonable for 24 hours. If the servant is slain while in Ysgard, he must atone and pray for a new servant.
His patron deity may see fit to bestow upon him a different creature as a servant, however, that creature must still have a number of HD equal to his character level –5.
The summoning of this servant is measured in hours. If he summons this servant for 10 minutes and dismisses it, it counts as an hour for the purposes of daily time remaining.
This supernatural ability to summon this servant is the equivalent of a spell of a level equal to 1/2 the einherjar paragon's level. Summoning this servant is a Conjuration (Summoning) effect.

Campaign Information[edit]

For glory in battle!
For glory to the gods!
For strong, lively women!
For vict'ry, damn the odds!
—Einherjar paragon chant

Playing an Einherjar Paragon[edit]

Religion: Being from the celestial realms, and owing power to the deities there, many einherjar paragons are religious, while others are not, thinking of their gods in terms of kingly lords in which they work in service. Some don't revere deities as all, seeing their resurrection as outsiders as a one-time bargain for which they owe nothing in return.

Other Classes: As einherjar paragons vary, so do their personalities, and it is their personalities that will determine what other classes they will work best with.

Combat: Most einherjar paragons are melee combatants, though some find their way to specialize in ranged attacks.

Advancement: Einherjar paragons prefer to stick with classes that don't require low-level entry to be good in, as the einherjar paragon class in total is a decent investment in a portion of his career.

Einherjar Paragons in the World[edit]

Adventuring einherjar paragons often feel that they are on a mission from the gods or some sort of holy crusade. This however, does not mean that they are not free to do as they please, for being created from mortal stock, they have free will and cause to guide their own destinies.

Daily Life: Einherjar paragons rise early, feast for breakfast, suit up, battle, feast for lunch, battle some more, feast for dinner, get drunk then sleep.

Notables: Ivor the Small was a particularly short einherjar paragon tasked with watching over a small port trade city on the Material Realm known to have a particular affinity for drawing in droves of lesser demons and devils. The local townsfolk would praise him, and at the end of the day, the local bars would take bets on his count for vanquished foes. Much to dismay of the copious number of barmaids, he was never too tired, nor his pouch too empty from the city's payment, to require their services. When the fiendish portals were found and sealed nearly a century later, he was recalled from his post. The city renamed itself in his honor and prospered for many years.

Organizations: Typically, einherjar paragons are led by heralds, archons or other powerful servants of their deity. Orders vary from the usual "train all day today" to the likely "we go out and make war against a target my patron wants crushed" and to the unlikely "we need you to fortify this position with your presence for a while. Train all day, and eventually my patron will call upon you for duty. Try not to wreck up this place too badly, you might be there a while."

NPC Reactions: Einherjar paragons, much like any PC, tends to draw a lot of trouble, only, some folk can recognize that in advance. Shopkeepers and innkeepers have likely come across an einherjar paragon in their lifetimes (or at the least, heard stories of them about town). Einherjar paragons are often watched with a wary eye lest that keen ability to cause trouble result in unnecessary collateral damage.

Einherjar Paragon Lore[edit]

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can research einherjar paragons to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (religion)
DC Result
5 Einherjar paragons are rambunctious warriors from a celestial realm.
10 Einherjar paragons are powered by their attitude and boisterous morale.
15 Einherjar paragons are mortal warriors, striped of their memories and reborn as celestials.
20 Einherjar paragons are favored by the gods and granted celestial gifts borne from the celestial realms to aide them in making war.

Einherjar Paragons in the Game[edit]

Einherjar paragons easily take the spot typically reserved for fighters, barbarians and paladins. Some, with their skills, and a focus on Dexterity even take the spot reserved for rogues.

Adaptation: If your campaign setting doesn't use Ysgard, replace reference to it with a different celestial plane. Einherjar paragons may be reflavored to fit any warrior chosen of any deity in your campaign setting, ranging from celestial foot soldiers to archons tasked with duties. Female einherjar paragons are easily flavored as valkyries.

Additionally, an einherjar paragon may not know where he came from or how he came to be as he is, finding himself on the Material Plane with only a lust for war and a sampling of starting gear.

Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewClassesRacial Paragon Classes

Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorGanteka Future +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionGood +
Class AbilityOther +
Class Ability ProgressionOther +
Fortitude Save ProgressionGood +
Identifier3.5e Racial Paragon Class +
Length6 +
Minimum Level1 +
RatingUnrated +
Reflex Save ProgressionGood +
SkillBalance +, Bluff +, Climb +, Craft +, Decipher Script +, Diplomacy +, Disguise +, Escape Artist +, Gather Information +, Handle Animal +, Hide +, Intimidate +, Jump +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Move Silently +, Perform +, Profession +, Ride +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Spot +, Survival +, Swim +, Tumble + and Use Rope +
Skill Points6 +
SummaryTo realize the potential granted to them as re-born warriors, einherjar become paragons. +
TitleEinherjar Paragon +
Will Save ProgressionGood +