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{{#vardefine: lhp|60}}{{#vardefine: hhp|Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".}}{{#vardefine: ghp|Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".}}{{#vardefine: chp|Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".}}{{#vardefine: shp|15}}{{Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".|1}}{{#vardefine: thp|Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".}}{{Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".|1}}{{#vardefine: dhp|Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".}}{{Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".|1}}{{#vardefine: fhp|Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".}}{{Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".|1}}{| class="d20" style="white-space: nowrap; width: 1px;" |+ style="font-size: larger; white-space: nowrap;" | Splint mail [Heavy] |- | colspan="6" style="border: none;" |

Maximum Dex Bonus: +0
Armor Check Penalty: –7
Arcane Spell Failure Chance: 40%
Hardness: 10

|- ! rowspan="2" class="left" | Size || colspan="2" | Cost || rowspan="2" | Armor
Bonus || rowspan="2" | Weight || rowspan="2" | Hit

 ! Humanoid || Nonhumanoid

|- | class="left" | Fine || 100 gp|| 200 gp || +3 || 4-1/2 lb. || {{#var: fhp}} |- class="even" | class="left" | Diminutive || 100 gp|| 200 gp || +3 || 4-1/2 lb. || {{#var: dhp}} |- | class="left" | Tiny || 100 gp|| 200 gp || +3 || 4-1/2 lb. || {{#var: thp}} |- class="even" | class="left" | Small || 200 gp|| 400 gp || +6 || 22-1/2 lb. || {{#var: shp}} |- style="font-weight: bold;" | class="left" | Medium || 200 gp|| 400 gp || +6 || 45 lb. || 30 |- class="even" | class="left" | Large || 400 gp|| 800 gp || +6 || 90 lb. || {{#var: lhp}} |- | class="left" | Huge || 800 gp|| 1,600 gp || +6 || 225 lb. || {{#var: hhp}} |- class="even" | class="left" | Gargantuan || 1,600 gp|| 3,200 gp || +6 || 360 lb. || {{#var: ghp}} |- | class="left" | Colossal || 3,200 gp|| 6,400 gp || +6 || 540 lb. || {{#var: chp}} |- | colspan="6" style="border: none; padding: 0;" |

Base 20 ft. 30 ft. 40 ft. 50 ft. 60 ft. 70 ft. 80 ft. 90 ft. 100 ft.
Armored 15 ft. 20 ft. 30 ft. 35 ft. 40 ft. 50 ft. 55 ft. 60 ft. 70 ft.
  1. When running in heavy armor, you move only triple your speed, not quadruple.



The suit includes gauntlets.


These are the prices for this item when made with specific materials or enhancements.

Template:Armor Material Enhancements

Magical/Psionic Armor and Shield Enhancements
Bonus Value Additional Cost Hardness Increase1 Additional hp1
+1 +1,000 gp +2 +10
+2 +4,000 gp +4 +20
+3 +9,000 gp +6 +30
+4 +16,000 gp +8 +40
+5 +25,000 gp +10 +50
+6 +36,000 gp2 +12 +60
+7 +49,000 gp2 +14 +70
+8 +64,000 gp2 +16 +80
+9 +81,000 gp2 +18 +90
+10 +100,000 gp2 +20 +100
+11 or more + bonus × bonus
× 10,000 gp
+ enhancement bonus × 2 + enhancement bonus × 10
  1. Unlike the additional cost, the increase to the armor or shield's hardness and hit points are only gained from its enhancement bonus, not its special abilities.
  2. If the armor or shield has a magical bonus greater than +5 or a special ability worth more than +5, then it's epic. Multiply magic cost by 10.

See Also

Back to Main PageSystem Reference DocumentArmor

Facts about "Splint Mail"
TitleSplint Mail +