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===Physical Description===
===Physical Description===
Maplelings resemble gnomes or halflings, with facial features not so accentuated: their noses are barely protruding, they don't have any lips, with their mouths being only slits, they have no teeth and a black tongue. They have white, sticky skin, with a gelatinous texture, while their hair are red as maple's leaves and resemble foliage. Their hair are often short and spikey. Maplelings have big, round eyes with no pupils nor white, instead being of the same color as maple syrup. They remain young-looking for a long time, and only older male maplelings develop facial hair. Their blood is sticky and they can produce a very nutrient, syrup-like substance from all over their bodies. They have slight sexual dimorphism, similar to that of humans, but females are actually taller than males. They wear simple clothes, made out of vegetal fibers harvested from the woods
Maplelings resemble gnomes or halflings, with facial features not so accentuated: their noses are barely protruding, they don't have any lips, with their mouths being only slits, they have no teeth and a black tongue. They have white, sticky skin, with a gelatinous texture, while their hair are red as maple's leaves and resemble foliage. Their hair are often short and spikey. Maplelings have big, round eyes with no pupils nor white, instead being of the same color as maple syrup. They remain young-looking for a long time, and only older male maplelings develop facial hair. Their blood is sticky and they can produce a very nutrient, syrup-like substance from all over their bodies. They have slight sexual dimorphism, similar to that of humans, but females are actually taller than males. They wear simple clothes, made out of vegetal fibers harvested from the woods or leaves, usually in reddish colors. They like to paint their bodies with natural paint. These symbols are used mainly for decoration, but to some they held a deeper meaning.
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Most often chaotic good or neutral good, but any alignment is possible.
Most often chaotic good or neutral good, but any alignment is possible. Their culture is very minimalistic, not passing on any other knowledge or tradition other than the respect for nature, knowledge about allies and friends and simple tales. Thus they are mostly chaotic, not knowing any strict organization, and good because they prefer to avoid conflict and to help those in need.
They usually live in temperate and cold forests near maple trees, caring for them and using them as homes. These tribalistic maplelings sometimes don't even build houses or structures and live in natural dwellings. Some live with other races, such as elves, gnomes and halflings or even with humans.
They usually live in temperate and cold forests, near maple trees, caring for them and using them as homes. These tribalistic maplelings sometimes don't even build houses or structures and live in natural-occuring dwellings. Some live with other races, such as elves, gnomes and halflings or even with humans, adapting to a ore urban lifestyle.
They rever spirits of the forest, feys and gods of nature and agriculture.
They worship and respect spirits of the forest, feys and gods of nature and agriculture. Travelling maplelings and adventurers may pay homage to deities of travel.
They speak Sylvan, but may learn other languages of their friend races, or Common.
They speak Sylvan, but may learn the languages of their friend races, or Common.
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===Racial Traits===  
===Racial Traits===  
{{sidebar|[[Sapblood (3.5e Subtype)|Sapblood's traits]]|A sapblood creature possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry): no low-light vision (unless specified, not immune to mind-affecting spells and abilities, but gains a +2 bonus against such effects, not immune to poison, sleep effects, polymorph, and stunning, but gains a +4 bonus against poisons and stunning effects, immune to paralysis. Susceptible to magic and effects that affect Plant creatures, like ''repel wood'', but not to effects that affect plant objects (like ''warp wood''). Sapblood creatures are proficient with their natural weapons, if they have any, whatever armor or weapon appears on their entry and with whatever weapon, armor and shield their classes give them proficiency with. They have light fortification.Sapblood creatures may eat and drink (and so benefit from consumables such as potions), but they can forgo heterotrophic nutrition by remaining in the sunlight (and, if their physiology allows them, rooting) for, at least, the same time other creatures need to rest (usually 8 hours per day). This allows them to avoid needing sleep and food, but they still need to drink water. Casters still need to rest to regain spell slots.}}{{3.5e Racial Traits
{{3.5e Racial Traits
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|specialtext3=Once per day, a mapleling may produce, as a free action, a portion of a syrup-like substance. This substance may be used as a [[SRD:Tanglefoot Bag|tanglefoot bag]] with 20 feet of range (6 meters), with the DC to resist its effects being: 13 + 1/2 HD of the mapleling. Alternatively, it can be used to make a 5 feet square (1,5 meters) or an item sticky, provided that they are within range and the ranged touch attack is successful. If so, movement across the sticky surface costs double and prone creatures must make a Strength check with the same DC as above to stand up. In the case of a sticky item, the wielder must use a full-round action to drop, pick up, put away or ready the affected item. A creature wielding an affected item gains a +5 circumstance bonus on opposed checks to avoid being disarmed. A creature wearing armor or clothing affected by this spell takes a -5 penalty on [[Escape Artist]] checks and on grapple checks made to resist or escape a grapple or to escape a pin. Maplelings may use a swift action to affect themselves with their sticky syrup, granting them the circumstance bonuses and penalties above as well as making them immoble in their space, giving a +5 circumstance bonus against effects that try to move them. They syrup substance may be scraped off creatures, items and 5-ft surfaces as a full-round action that provokes, or eaten with th same action, benefitting from the effects of a [[SRD:Goodberry|''goodberry'']] spell, with caster level equal to the mapleling's HD. In fact, the mapleling may store its syrup into containers act as the spell. Maplelings gain additional uses of this abilities as they grow, gaining +1 use for every 5 HD they have. They can consume multiple uses with the same action to affect multiple surfaces, items or creatures at the same time, up to their actual limit.
|specialtext3=Once per day, a mapleling may produce, as a free action, a portion of a syrup-like substance. This substance may be used as a [[SRD:Tanglefoot Bag|tanglefoot bag]] with 20 feet of range (6 meters), with the DC to resist its effects being: 13 + 1/2 HD of the mapleling. Alternatively, it can be used to make a 5 feet square (1,5 meters) or an item sticky, provided that they are within range and the ranged touch attack is successful. If so, movement across the sticky surface costs double and prone creatures must make a Strength check with the same DC as above to stand up. In the case of a sticky item, the wielder must use a full-round action to drop, pick up, put away or ready the affected item. A creature wielding an affected item gains a +5 circumstance bonus on opposed checks to avoid being disarmed. A creature wearing armor or clothing affected by this spell takes a -5 penalty on [[Escape Artist]] checks and on grapple checks made to resist or escape a grapple or to escape a pin. Maplelings may use a swift action to affect themselves with their sticky syrup, granting them the circumstance bonuses and penalties above as well as making them immoble in their space, giving a +5 circumstance bonus against effects that try to move them. They syrup substance may be scraped off creatures, items and 5-ft surfaces as a full-round action that provokes, or eaten with the same action, benefitting from the effects of a [[SRD:Goodberry|''goodberry'']] spell, with caster level equal to the mapleling's HD. In fact, the mapleling may store its syrup into containers act as the spell. Maplelings gain additional uses of this abilities as they grow, gaining +1 use for every 5 HD they have. They can consume multiple uses with the same action to affect multiple surfaces, items or creatures at the same time, up to their actual limit.
|special3=Sticky Syrup
|special3=Sticky Syrup
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|bonuslanguage=Common, Elven, Gnome, Halfling
|bonuslanguage=Common, Elven, Gnome, Halfling
|favoredclass=Druid or Rogue
|favoredclass=Spirit Shaman or Rogue

Latest revision as of 14:48, 7 September 2023

Author: the bluez in the dungeon (talk)
Date Created: 20/07/2022
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Small humanoids, kindred to feys, with the ability to produce a syrup-like substance and with an affinity with maple trees.


Mapleling are curious, yet timid, plant-people, which act as forest guardians and live a peaceful life in their small communities, often trading and socializing with good fey creatures, elves, gnomes, halflings and other small, nature-dwelling races. They tend to avoid other creatures which do not share their pacificist views. They often observe, remaining unnoticed, travellers that pass through their woods, both out of spirit of inquiry and to notice any behavior against the forest and its inhabitants. They may approach strangers if they see they are druids or other nature worshipers, often with a playful aptitude and may help them with directions or products of the woods. On the other hand, if they witness disrespectful behavior they retreat to call more powerful creatures to their aid.

Physical Description[edit]

Maplelings resemble gnomes or halflings, with facial features not so accentuated: their noses are barely protruding, they don't have any lips, with their mouths being only slits, they have no teeth and a black tongue. They have white, sticky skin, with a gelatinous texture, while their hair are red as maple's leaves and resemble foliage. Their hair are often short and spikey. Maplelings have big, round eyes with no pupils nor white, instead being of the same color as maple syrup. They remain young-looking for a long time, and only older male maplelings develop facial hair. Their blood is sticky and they can produce a very nutrient, syrup-like substance from all over their bodies. They have slight sexual dimorphism, similar to that of humans, but females are actually taller than males. They wear simple clothes, made out of vegetal fibers harvested from the woods or leaves, usually in reddish colors. They like to paint their bodies with natural paint. These symbols are used mainly for decoration, but to some they held a deeper meaning.


They like nature-loving races and are usually in good terms with them, as well as druids of any races. They are not very vocal, preferring to listen rather than talk, though they are very curious, in a way similar to children. They are mostly good and do not usually socialize with evil creatures.


Most often chaotic good or neutral good, but any alignment is possible. Their culture is very minimalistic, not passing on any other knowledge or tradition other than the respect for nature, knowledge about allies and friends and simple tales. Thus they are mostly chaotic, not knowing any strict organization, and good because they prefer to avoid conflict and to help those in need.


They usually live in temperate and cold forests, near maple trees, caring for them and using them as homes. These tribalistic maplelings sometimes don't even build houses or structures and live in natural-occuring dwellings. Some live with other races, such as elves, gnomes and halflings or even with humans, adapting to a ore urban lifestyle.


They worship and respect spirits of the forest, feys and gods of nature and agriculture. Travelling maplelings and adventurers may pay homage to deities of travel.


They speak Sylvan, but may learn the languages of their friend races, or Common.


They usually adopt naming convention of elves, gnomes or halflings, but translate the names in Syvlan alphabet.

Racial Traits[edit]

Sapblood's traits
A sapblood creature possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry): no low-light vision (unless specified, not immune to mind-affecting spells and abilities, but gains a +2 bonus against such effects, not immune to poison, sleep effects, polymorph, and stunning, but gains a +4 bonus against poisons and stunning effects, immune to paralysis. Susceptible to magic and effects that affect Plant creatures, like repel wood, but not to effects that affect plant objects (like warp wood). Sapblood creatures are proficient with their natural weapons, if they have any, whatever armor or weapon appears on their entry and with whatever weapon, armor and shield their classes give them proficiency with. They have light fortification.Sapblood creatures may eat and drink (and so benefit from consumables such as potions), but they can forgo heterotrophic nutrition by remaining in the sunlight (and, if their physiology allows them, rooting) for, at least, the same time other creatures need to rest (usually 8 hours per day). This allows them to avoid needing sleep and food, but they still need to drink water. Casters still need to rest to regain spell slots.
  • Plant (Sapblood): Maplelings are small, plant-like humanoids. 
  • Small: As a Small creature, a mapleling gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –4 size penalty on special attack (bull rushes, grapples, overruns, and trips) checks, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but it uses smaller weapons than humans use, and its lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
  • Mapleling base land speed is 20 feet.  
  • Maple Physiology: They have various traits that render them similar to maple trees and maple syrup. They gain a +2 bonus to Balance and Climb checks, as well as on bull rush checks (or similar) and grapple checks made to start or continue a grapple or to pin (and in these instances penalties to checks due to their size are negated) and to resist being disarmed. They suffer a -2 penalty on Escape Artist checks and grapple checks made to escape a grapple or pin (on top of size penalties). 
  • Pacifist: Maplelings are friendly-looking and abhor violence, and prefer to avoid it if necessary. They gain the Disciple of Peace trait for free. They can use their syrup-based abilities without suffering its effects. 
  • Sticky Syrup (Ex): Once per day, a mapleling may produce, as a free action, a portion of a syrup-like substance. This substance may be used as a tanglefoot bag with 20 feet of range (6 meters), with the DC to resist its effects being: 13 + 1/2 HD of the mapleling. Alternatively, it can be used to make a 5 feet square (1,5 meters) or an item sticky, provided that they are within range and the ranged touch attack is successful. If so, movement across the sticky surface costs double and prone creatures must make a Strength check with the same DC as above to stand up. In the case of a sticky item, the wielder must use a full-round action to drop, pick up, put away or ready the affected item. A creature wielding an affected item gains a +5 circumstance bonus on opposed checks to avoid being disarmed. A creature wearing armor or clothing affected by this spell takes a -5 penalty on Escape Artist checks and on grapple checks made to resist or escape a grapple or to escape a pin. Maplelings may use a swift action to affect themselves with their sticky syrup, granting them the circumstance bonuses and penalties above as well as making them immoble in their space, giving a +5 circumstance bonus against effects that try to move them. They syrup substance may be scraped off creatures, items and 5-ft surfaces as a full-round action that provokes, or eaten with the same action, benefitting from the effects of a goodberry spell, with caster level equal to the mapleling's HD. In fact, the mapleling may store its syrup into containers act as the spell. Maplelings gain additional uses of this abilities as they grow, gaining +1 use for every 5 HD they have. They can consume multiple uses with the same action to affect multiple surfaces, items or creatures at the same time, up to their actual limit. 
  • Syrupy Blood (Ex): They double their racial bonus against poison (to a +4), and gain a +4 bonus against disease and bleeding effects. If a bleeding (or similar) effect affects them, it stops after the first round, or its effects are halved if it's instantaneous. They are incredibly tasty though, and suffer a -2 penalty against swallowing. When they die, their bodies behave as if under the effects of a gentle repose spell, with caster level equal to their HD.
  • Automatic Languages: Sylvan
  • Bonus Languages: Common, Elven, Gnome, Halfling
  • Favored Class: Spirit Shaman or Rogue
  • Level Adjustment: +0
  • Effective Character Level: 1

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Facts about "Mapleling (3.5e Race)"
Authorthe bluez in the dungeon +
Effective Character Level1 +
Favored ClassSpirit Shaman + and Rogue +
Identifier3.5e Race +
Level Adjustment0 +
Racial Ability AdjustmentsNone +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeSmall +
SubtypeSapblood +
SummarySmall humanoids, kindred to feys, with the ability to produce a syrup-like substance and with an affinity with maple trees. +
TitleMapleling +
TypePlant +