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Latest revision as of 19:46, 3 April 2021

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 23rd March 2020
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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A Gadgeteer Scoundrel is skilled with mechanical devices and strange artifacts and is capable of wielding with great effectiveness. A gadgeteer has mainly access to the crazy gadget discipline, her specialized maneuvers and one other discipline of her choice. In exchange for the more limited scope of abilities, she refreshes her maneuvers much quicker and has access to a broader range of abilities, at least initially.

Class: Scoundrel

Level: 1st-20th

Replaces: Maneuvers, Poison Use, Skills, Weapon Finesse

Benefit: A Gadgeteer gain the following class features:

Skills: A Gadgeteer adds Knowledge (Engineering) and Use Magic Device as class skills. However Diplomacy and Handle Animal are not class skill for her.

Maneuvers: A Gadgeteer gain maneuver known, maneuver readied and stance known as a Scoundrel. She has access to the Crazy Gadget discipline and two other disciplines of her choice. When she ready a maneuver which is neither crazy gadget nor one of her specialized maneuver, she need to build it into a gadget (for a boost, counter or rush) or into a weapon (for a strike). The Gadgeteer need to have the gadget on hand or be able to access it (such as having it hanging on her belt with a free hand) in order to initiate the maneuver built into it. Similarly she need to be wielding a weapon to be able to initiate the strikes built into it. She can only have a single maneuver per gadget, but may place several strikes in the same weapon.

A Gadgeteer recover her all expended maneuvers by spending a move action to tinker with her gadgets, she cannot use any maneuver recovered this way until the start of her next turn.

Mechanical Skill (Ex): A Gadgeteer gain half her class level as a bonus on Disable Device checks and gain the Trapfinding Rogue ability.

Weapon Brilliance (Ex): A Gadgeteer may use her Intelligence modifier instead of her Strength modifier on attack rolls with light and finessable melee weapons. She also use her Intelligence modifier instead of her Dexterity modifier on attack rolls with ranged weapons.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4502 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassScoundrel +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA Gadgeteer Scoundrel is skilled with mech
A Gadgeteer Scoundrel is skilled with mechanical devices and strange artifacts and is capable of wielding with great effectiveness. A gadgeteer has mainly access to the crazy gadget discipline, her specialized maneuvers and one other discipline of her choice. In exchange for the more limited scope of abilities, she refreshes her maneuvers much quicker and has access to a broader range of abilities, at least initially.
er range of abilities, at least initially. +
TitleGadgeteer +