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Single-Blow Style (3.5e Feat)

340 bytes removed, 07:05, 27 June 2020
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|summary=You have learned the Single-Blow Style, which allow you to perform a single extremely deadly attack.
|prereqs=Flurry of Blows
|bab0=As a standard full-round action you may make a single unarmed attack as a ''one-blow strike'', this attack gain a +2 bonus to hit and deal twice your normal unarmed strike damage base damage. Additionally, for each additional attacks granted by BAB and flurry of blow beside the first you add your unarmed strike base damage again to the damage of the attack. Only the initial base damage is multiplied on a confirmed critical hit. You may use your ''one-blow strike'' as a full-round action to gain a +2 bonus to hit and the attack ignore 1 point of DR and hardness per point of BAB you have. |bab1=Whenever you successfully strikes a creature of your size or small with your standard action attack, you may move it 10 ft. in any horizontal direction of your choice. |bab6=You add twice your [[Strength]] modifier (or [[Dexterity]] if replaced) to damage roll on the The first unarmed attack strike you make in a full-attack, charge attack or any given round count as a standard action attack and it count as two-handed weapon when advantageous, such for the purpose of [[SRD:Power Attack|Power Attack]]or adding [[Strength]] to damage.|bab6=You may use your ''one-blow strike'' as a standard action.
|bab11=If you successfully strikes an opponent with your ''one-blow strike'', that opponent become [[SRD:Staggered|Staggered]] for 1 round.
|bab16=You may perform a ''one-blow death strike'' as a 1 round action. This attack behave as the ''one-blow strike'' granted by this feat, except it deal an additional +100 damages. This extra damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.