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Enhance (3.5e Epic Spell Seed)

8,817 bytes added, 01:01, 21 November 2017
Adding binder level
|save=[[SRD:Will Save|Will]] negates (harmless)
|sr=Yes (harmless)
|summary=The little sister of [[SRD:Fortify (Epic Spell Seed)|''fortify'']], the ''enhance'' seed takes care of just about everything numerical that the ''fortify'' seed can't.
*[[SRD:Attack Roll|attack rolls]] (this enhancement bonus is applied to the subject, and thus stacks with any enhancement bonus provided by the subject's weapon)
*any one [[SRD:Skills|skill]]
*[[Martial Defense (3.5e Creature Ability)|martial defense]]
*[[SRD:Caster Level|caster level]]
*[[SRD:Manifester Level|manifester level]]
*meldshaper level
*initiator level
*binder level
*[[Spell Dampening (3.5e Creature Ability)|spell dampening]]
The ''enhance'' seed may also be used to increase [[Hinder Energy (3.5e Creature Ability)|energy hindrance]] for a single energy type by 5% or provide a [[SRD:Psionic Overview|psionic character]] with 1 temporary [[SRD:Power Points|power point]], provide a soulmeld-using character with grant 1 temporary Face point (for [[SRD:EssentiaSocial Combat (3.5e Variant Rule)|essentia pointsocial combat]]), add 1 temporary [[Bio-Energy (3.5e Creature Ability)|bio-energy charge]] to a [[Xenotheric (3.5e Creature Subtype)|xenotheric]] creature's bio-energy pool, add 1 temporary pain point to a [[Tormentor (3.5e Prestige Class)|tormentor]]'s or [[Mindbreaker (3.5e Class)|mindbreaker]]'s pain pool/[[Tormentor (3.5e Prestige Class)#Torment Engine|torment engine]], grant 1 temporary VFX point to a [[Viewtiful Warrior (3.5e Class)|Viewtiful Warrior]], grant 1 temporary time warp point to a [[Temporal Adept (3.5e Class)|temporal adept]], provide a soulmeld-using character with 1 temporary [[Publication:Magic of Incarnum|essentia point]], add 1 temporary [[Grey Vampire (3.5e Race)#Blood Pool|blood point]] /[[Libris Vampiricus - The Book of Stolen Blood (3.5e Sourcebook)/Chapter 2#Vitae|Vitae]] point to a [[Grey Vampire (3.5e Race)|vampire]]'s blood /Vitae pool, grant 1 temporary combat point to an [[Edgemaster (3.5e Prestige Class)|edgemaster]], or grant 1 temporary spin point to a fatespinner<ref name="ca">[[Publication:Complete Arcane|Complete Arcane]]</ref>. To increase an enhancement bonus to attack rolls or , a skill , or martial defense, boost [[Hinder Energy (3.5e Creature Ability)|energy hindrance]], increase the amount of temporary power points granted to a psionic character, or increase the amount of temporary Face granted, increase the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] by +2 for every additional +1 bonus increase , +1% energy hindrance increase, temporary power point, or additional temporary power Face point. To increase an enhancement bonus to caster/manifester /meldshaper/initiator/binder level or [[Spell Dampening (3.5e Creature Ability)|spell dampening]], increase the amount of temporary bio-energy charges granted to a xenotheric creature, increase the amount of temporary pain points granted to a tormentor, increase the amount of temporary VFX points granted to a Viewtiful Warrior, or increase the amount of time warp points granted to a temporal adept, increase the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] by +3 for every additional +1 bonus increase or additional , temporary bio-essence energy charge, temporary pain point, temporary VFX point., or temporary time warp point. To increase the amount of temporary essentia points granted to a soulmeld user or , temporary blood /Vitae points granted to a [[Libris Vampiricus - The Book of Stolen Blood (3.5e Sourcebook)|vampire]], temporary combat points granted to an edgemaster, or temporary spin points granted to a fatespinner, increase the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] by +4 for every additional temporary essentia point , temporary blood/Vitae point, temporary combat point, or temporary blood spin point. Temporary points are depleted before "real" points are. Temporary power, Face, bio-energy, pain, VFX, time warp, essentia, blood/Vitae, combat, or blood spin points granted by a spell developed with the ''enhance'' seed do not stack with each other or with temporary points (of the same type) granted by any other source. Instead, they overlap, so that when one effect expires (through dispelling, depletion, or simply running out of time), the next-oldest effect takes its place. (If a point expenditure is greater than the oldest pool of temporary points, then that pool is completely expended (and thus expires) and the remainder is subtracted from the character's real point reserve before the next effect becomes active.) Temporary Vitae points granted by the ''enhance'' seed are the same age category, generation, and vampire category as the vampire they're granted to. Temporary points cannot be granted to a creature without the ability to use them, but the ''enhance'' seed can be used in conjunction with the [[SRD:Life (Epic Spell Seed)|''life'']] seed to grant a newly created creature a pool of power points, bio-energy charges, pain points, VFX points, time warp points, essentia points, blood/Vitae points, combat points, or blood spin points , just like the [[SRD:Fortify (Epic Spell Seed)|''fortify'']] seed can be used to grant Hit Dice. (The creature must also be provided with a way to use said pool of points, which may require the use of additional seeds and/or factors.)You may also add +25 to the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] in order to choose the type of temporary points to grant at the time of casting; if you do this, the DC is increased by +4 for every +1 increase to the temporary points granted, and if the creature in question has multiple point pools (for example, a xenotheric multiclassed psion/tormentor who's also a vampire), the entire amount of temporary points must be applied to a single pool. The ''enhance'' seed can never be used to grant temporary hit points (for that, you should use the [[SRD:Fortify (Epic Spell Seed)|''fortify'' seed]]).
The ''enhance'' seed can grant bonuses of a type other than enhancement. If this function is used, the base [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] is changed to 21, the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] increase for each +1 bonus increase to attack rolls or , skill rolls , or martial defense is changed to +6, and the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] increase for each +1 bonus increase to [[SRD:Caster Level|caster level or ]], [[SRD:Manifester Level|manifester level ]], meldshaper level, initiator level, binder level, or [[Spell Dampening (3.5e Creature Ability)|spell dampening]] is changed to +8. This function cannot be used to grant temporary pointsor boost [[Hinder Energy (3.5e Creature Ability)|energy hindrance]], as those cannot be assigned a bonus type.
The ''enhance'' seed can provide a +1 enhancement bonus to the subject's damage rolls; the base [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] for this function is 19, and each additional +1 increase to the bonus increases the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] by +3. Like the attack roll function, the enhancement bonus granted by the ''enhance'' seed is applied to the character, not the weapon he/she wields, so it can stack with the weapon's enhancement bonus. To increase the bonus above +1, add +3 to the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] for each +1 bonus increase. The bonus can be changed to a type other than enhancement by changing the base [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] to 23. To increase a non-enhancement bonus, add +8 to the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] for every +1 added to the bonus.
The ''enhance'' seed can also be used Granting [[Martial Defense (3.5e Creature Ability)|martial defense]] or [[Spell Dampening (3.5e Creature Ability)|spell dampening]] to increase a creature's effective HD or that doesn’t already have it is a character's effective class/character level by 1 (special case; the base [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] DC = 21) for the purpose of defense against HD-dependent effects (such as [[SRD:SleepDC|''sleep''DC]], [[SRD:Circle of Death|''circle of death'']], 27 grants [[SRD:Holy WordMartial Defense (3.5e Creature Ability)|''holy word''Martial Defense]]25, and each additional point of [[SRD:BlasphemyMartial Defense (3.5e Creature Ability)|''blasphemy''Martial Defense]], increases the [[SRD:Intimidate Spellcraft Skill|intimidationSpellcraft]], or [[SRD:Turn or Rebuke UndeadDC|turning/rebukingDC]]) or for determining the save DC, power, duration, etc. of a single supernatural or extraordinary special attack or special quality by +4 (such as a monk's quivering palm, a dragon's breath weapon, a paladin's lay on hands ability, a vampire's dominating gaze, etc.) The decision whether each –1 to enhance defensive HD or special-ability HD must be made while the spell is being developed, and can't be changed once it's complete; however, if you choose to increase a character or creature's effective HD for a special ability, you can choose which special ability to affect when you cast the spell. If HD affects multiple aspects of a single ability [[Martial Defense (such as the DC and time limit for a monk's quivering palm), the effective HD increase granted by this spell applies to all of them3. The effective HD increase is not an actual HD increase, so it does not affect base/epic attack bonuses, base/epic save bonuses, etc or allow for the acquisition or development of class features which follow a progression instead of a level-dependent formula (for example, the amount of hit points a paladin's lay on hands ability can restore per day (and/or damage that can be inflicted to undead5e Creature Ability) could be affected by this use of the spell, but the number of times he can smite evil per day could not.) The effective HD increase is considered an enhancement bonus, so it cannot stack with other enhancement bonuses to effective HD. To increase the bonus to effective HD, add +3 to |Martial Defense]] reduces the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] for every +1 you add to the bonusby –2). For [[Spell Dampening (3. To change the bonus to a type other than enhancement5e Creature Ability)|spell dampening]], change the base [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] to 25of 27 grants [[Spell Dampening (3. To increase a non-enhancement bonus5e Creature Ability)|Spell Dampening]] 5, add +8 to and each additional point of [[Spell Dampening (3.5e Creature Ability)|Spell Dampening]] increases the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] for every by +1 you add 8 (each –1 to the bonus[[Spell Dampening (3. To apply the effective HD increase to multiple abilities, you have two options; you can use the ''enhance'' seed multiple times to apply bonuses to more than one special ability, or you can apply the bonus to all of a creature's abilities by multiplying 5e Creature Ability)|Spell Dampening]] reduces the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] by 4–4).
You can also use For a base [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] of 17, the ''enhance'' seed can also be used to grant increase a creature 's effective [[SRD:Fast HealingHit Dice|fast healingHD]]or a character's effective class/character level by 1; the (base [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] = 21) for the purpose of defense against HD-dependent effects (such as [[SRD:Sleep|''sleep'']], [[SRD:Circle of Death|''circle of death'']], [[SRD:Holy Word|''holy word'']], [[SRD:Blasphemy|''blasphemy'']], [[SRD:Intimidate Skill|intimidation]], or [[SRD:Turn or Rebuke Undead|turning/rebuking]]), as well as to act as a buffer against gaining [[SRD:Negative Level|negative levels]]; the creature loses 1 effective defensive Hit Die for each negative level that it would gain, and the negative level is immediately negated. Alternatively, you may increase a creature's effective Hit Die for determining the save [[SRD:DC|DC]], power, duration, etc. of a single non-maneuver supernatural or extraordinary special attack or special quality (such as a monk's [[SRD:Monk#Quivering Palm|quivering palm]], a dragon's [[SRD:Breath Weapon|breath weapon]], a paladin's [[SRD:Paladin#Lay on Hands|lay on hands]] ability, a vampire's [[SRD:Vampire#Dominate|dominating gaze]], a cleric's [[SRD:Turn or Rebuke Undead|turning/rebuking]] ability, a vrock's [[SRD:Vrock#Stunning Screech|stunning screech]], etc.). The decision whether to enhance defensive HD or special-ability HD must be made while the spell is being developed, and can't be changed once it's complete; however, if you choose to increase a character or creature's effective HD for a special ability, you can choose which special ability to affect when you cast the spell. If HD affects multiple aspects of a single ability (such as the [[SRD:DC|DC]] and time limit for a monk's quivering palm), the effective HD increase granted by this spell applies to all of them. The effective HD increase is 25not an actual HD increase, so it does not affect base/epic attack bonuses, base/epic save bonuses, hit points, etc. This nor does it allow for the acquisition or development of class features which follow a progression instead of a level-dependent formula (for example, the amount of hit points a paladin's lay on hands ability can restore (and/or damage that can be inflicted to undead) per day could be affected by this use of the spell, but the number of times he can smite evil per day could not ). If the target has [[Dynamic Potential (3.5e Feat)|Dynamic Potential]] or any other ability that allows spells, powers, maneuvers, etc. to follow an HD-based save DC progression, then spells/powers/maneuvers become an eligible property to enhance with this version of the ''enhance'' seed. An effective HD increase for special abilities is considered an enhancement bonus, so it cannot stack with fast healing from any other sourceenhancement bonuses to effective HD. For each To increase the bonus to effective HD, add +3 to the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] for every +1 added you add to the fast healingbonus. To change the bonus to a type other than enhancement, change the base [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] to 21. To increase a non-enhancement bonus, add +8 to the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] for every +1 you add to the bonus. To apply the effective HD increase to multiple abilities, you have two options; you can use the ''enhance'' seed multiple times to apply bonuses to more than one special ability, or you can apply the bonus to all of a creature's abilities by multiplying the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] by +54. Classes that deplete effective class levels to use their abilities, such as the [[Electric Mage (3.5e Class)|Electric Mage]], are instead given temporary effective class levels by this function of the spell.
The You can also use the ''enhance'' seed can also be used (with to grant a base [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] creature [[SRD:DCFast Healing|DCfast healing]] of 25) to increase a creature's size category by one, adjusting all characteristics affected by size accordingly (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, grapple modifier, attack bonus, Armor Class, Hide modifier, space, reach, natural weapon damage, etc.) Size modifiers cannot reduce a creature's Dexterity or Armor Class below /1. For each additional size category increase, ; the base [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] for this function is increased 25. Fast healing granted by 10the ''enhance'' seed does not stack with fast healing from any other source. If insufficient room is available for For each +1 added to the desired growthfast healing, increase the creature attains the maximum possible size and may make a [[SRD:Strength CheckSpellcraft Skill|Strength checkSpellcraft]] (using its increased [[SRD:StrengthDC|StrengthDC]]) to burst any enclosures in the process. If it fails, it is constrained without harm by the materials enclosing it - the spell cannot be used to crush a creature by increasing its size. All equipment worn or carried by a creature is similarly enlarged by the spell. Melee and projectile weapons affected by this spell deal more damage. Other magical properties are not affected by this spell. Any ''enhanced'' (size) item that leaves an ''enhanced'' (size) creature’s possession (including a projectile or thrown weapon) instantly returns to its normal size. This means that thrown weapons deal their normal damage, and projectiles deal damage based on the size of the weapon that fired them. Magical properties of ''enhanced'' (size) items are not increased by this spell. Multiple spells that affect a creature's size do not stack+5.
The ''enhance'' seed can also be used (with a base [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] of 25) to increase a creature's size category by one, adjusting all characteristics affected by size accordingly (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, grapple modifier, attack bonus, Armor Class, Hide modifier, space, reach, natural weapon damage, etc.) Size modifiers cannot reduce a creature's Dexterity below 1 or Armor Class below 0, but can cause a creature to have a negative Hide modifier. For each additional size category increase, the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] is increased by 10. If insufficient room is available for the desired growth, the creature attains the maximum possible size and may make a [[SRD:Strength Check|Strength check]] (using its increased [[SRD:Strength|Strength]]) to burst any enclosures in the process. If it fails, it is constrained without harm by the materials enclosing it - the spell cannot be used to crush a creature by increasing its size. All equipment worn or carried by a creature is similarly enlarged by the spell. Melee and projectile weapons affected by this spell deal more damage. Other magical properties are not affected by this spell. Any ''size-enhanced'' item that leaves a ''size-enhanced'' creature’s possession (including a projectile or thrown weapon) instantly returns to its normal size. This means that thrown weapons deal their normal damage, and projectiles deal damage based on the size of the weapon that fired them. Magical properties of ''size-enhanced'' items are not increased by this spell. Multiple spells that affect a creature's size do not stack. This use of the ''enhance'' seed can counter or dispel any size-reducing spell that decreases a creature's size by a number of categories equal to or less than the ''enhance'' spell's size increase (for instance, it always counters or dispels [[SRD:Reduce Person|''reduce person'']]), and likewise can be countered or dispelled by any size-reducing spell that decreases a creature's size by a number of categories equal to or greater than the ''enhance'' spell's size increase (for example, if an ''enhance'' spell only causes a creature to grow one size category, it can be countered or dispelled by [[SRD:Reduce Person|''reduce person'']]). {{sidebar|Wait, a spell that grants a feat?!? This is blasphemy! This is madness!!!|text=Anything that can grant a feat to a character and allow it to exceed its normal limitations on feats is very powerful. I wanted the ''enhance'' seed to be able to grant feats to characters, but at the same time, I didn't want to make it ''easy''. Note that the base [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DCs]] for the feat-granting purposes of the ''enhance'' seed are exceptionally high. Sure, most factors can't be applied to them, but 100 &times; 10 is 1000, and that's for general feats. Granting an epic feat has a DC of 10 &times; 130 = 1300. Any character who can actually ''beat'' such a DC has already utterly broken all semblances of game balance, and the DM who allowed its creation is an utter idiot (and the person who made it is a terrible munchkin and should never be allowed anywhere ''near'' a <u>D&D</u> session ever again). Therefore, any epic spell designed to permanently grant a feat, or especially to truly grant a feat as though it had been earned by leveling up, will require very strong mitigating factors to cast. In fact, a ritual will be virtually necessary to make it possible. As I have mentioned elsewhere, large rituals are extremely impractical, even for epic characters. And even though an expensive material component or large XP cost isn't much of a big deal at epic levels, it still prevents you from casting a spell bearing such a cost on a regular basis. Don't get me started on backlash damage &mdash; there's only so much of it you can pack on before your typical wizard or sorcerer will wind up killing himself by casting the spell... and clerics and druids, despite having larger hit die, will still probably wind up on death's door, ripe for cherry tapping. Overall, I think this use for the ''enhance'' seed is pretty good for trying a feat out if you want to "test drive" it before deciding whether or not to take it (the base DCs are very manageable for sufficiently strong spellcasters), and the ability to actually grant the feat may be there, but it's also strongly limited.}} Finally, you can use the ''enhance'' seed to temporarily grant a single feat to a character; the feat must be chosen when the spell is developed, and cannot be changed once the choice is made. The base [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] for a general feat is 80100; the base [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] for an item creation feat is 40; the base [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] for a metamagic feat is 6070; and the base [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] for an epic feat is 120130. (If you do not actually have the feat you intend to confer via the spell, the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] is increased by a further +30. This [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] increase is immediately negated if you later gain the feat in question, so it shouldn't be listed in an epic spell's statistics block. It should, however, be mentioned in the description. ) The duration of the spell is 10 hours for a general feat, 1 week for an item creation feat, 15 hours for a metamagic feat, or 5 hours for an epic feat. A character must meet a feat's prerequisites when gaining it via the ''enhance'' seed, or else it will have no effect and the spell will be wasted. An eligible subject will benefit from the feat just as if he actually had it for as long as the spell remains in effect, but cannot use it as a prerequisite to actually gain any other feat. (The temporary feat can be used as a prerequisite to temporarily gain another feat, but not to permanently or actually gain a feat.) Once the spell's effect expires (including if it is dispelled), the feat will be lost(and any temporary feats it was used as a prerequisite for will become nonfunctional until their prerequisites are met again, if the character does not meet an alternative prerequisite). You can multiply the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] by 10 to change the duration of a feat-granting ''enhance'' spell to instantaneous, causing the subject to actually gain the feat for all intents and purposes (including use as a prerequisite for other feats) once the spell is cast. A feat granted by an instantaneous ''enhance'' spell is essentially a feat gained for free - &mdash; a bonus feat separate from feats gained through regular level progression (including bonus feats gained by class progression). However, the only instantaneous effect of the epic spell will be the granted feat; all other effects of the spell (if other seeds are used) will be treated as though their duration was permanent instead (and thus will be able to be dispelled or suppressed). (Note that the A conditional [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] DCs for the feat-granting purposes of the ''enhance'' seed are exceptionally high; this [[SRD:DC|DC]] increase is to make sure that multiplied just like any epic spell developed with them (especially to grant a general or epic feat) will be difficult to cast, and applying a factor to make the spell permanent or instantaneous will require the application of very strong mitigating factors other non- primarily a ritual anti- in order to make it so mitigation factor that increases the spell can be cast at allDC.)
[[Category:Epic SpellSeed]][[Category:Epic]][[Category:Seed]]{{Navboxes}}

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