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Shieldbearer (3.5e Feat)

171 bytes added, 08:42, 19 September 2012
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|benefit= This feat grants benefits that scale with the character's [[SRD:Base Attack Bonus|Base Attack Bonus]].
|bab0=You retain your shield bonus to AC when you make a [[SRD:Shield Bash|shield bash]] attack against an opponent. You may also deal bludgeoning damage equal to normal shield spikes damage when you attack with a shield, which has a flat offensive enhancement bonus equal to the total value of the defensive enhancements placed on it(to a maximum flat enhancement of +6). Adding shield spikes now increases the damage of the shield by one size category.|bab1=You may add your shield bonus to your [[SRD:Armor Class#Touch Attacks|touch AC]] so long as you are not caught [[SRD:Flat-Footed|flat-footed]]. Once per [[SRD:Round|round]], you may also attempt to deflect an attack (including a [[SRD:Touch Attack|touch attack]]) with that targets you by making an attack roll. If your shield when it would otherwise hit attack roll exceeds the roll of the attack against you, that attack is deflected.|bab6=By spending an [[SRD:Attack of Opportunity|attack of opportunity]], you may attempt to block an attack with your shield when it would normally have hit youin the same manner entailed above. When you deflect a foe's attack, you automatically have The Edge against them on your next turn regardless of your respective Base Attack Bonuses.
|bab11=Any ranged touch attack that fails to hit you is automatically reflected back at its source so long as you have a shield equipped, forcing the caster/source to take damage from or save against their own effect.
|bab16=As long as you have a shield equipped and are not flat-footed, you gain [[SRD:Cover|cover]]. Unlike normal cover, this cover does not allow you to make [[SRD:Hide Skill|Hide]] checks without concealment, but it does confer the +4 bonus to Armor Class regardless of your opponent's position.
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