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User:Spazalicious Chaos/Magical Cosplayer (3.5e Class)

694 bytes added, 00:47, 16 December 2011
Making a Magical Cosplayer: another ability
|1st||class="left" | +0 || +0 || +0 || +0
| class="left" | Costume 1/day, +1 Costumes, Chibi, Weapon Skill
|2nd||class="left" | +1 || +0 || +0 || +0
'''{{Anchor|Chibi}} {{Su}}:''' The magical cosplayer can become a Chibi a number of times per day equal to her charisma modifier. Chibis cannot take offensive actions, but double the bonus of any morale effects on themselves and allies within thirty feet, and reduce the effects of fear on allies by one degree while increasing the effects of fear in themselves by one degree. The effects of being a Chibi last for a number of rounds equal to the cosplayers class level plus her charisma modifier or until dismissed.
'''{{Anchor|Weapon Skill}} {{Ex}}:''' All magical cosplayers find they have innate talent with a particular weapon. The cosplayer chooses one weapon with which she is proficient. Once the choice is made it cannot be changed. While weilding this chosen weapon she is considered to have a Medium Base Attack Bonus progression, and starts with the Weapon Focus feat for her chosen weapon. Finally, she counts her cosplayer levels as fighter levels for the purposes of acquiring feats from the weapon Focus feat tree.
If a costume would increase her BAB to Medium she has a Good BAB when using this weapon. There is no additional benefit for wearing a costume that grants Good BAB.
'''''{{Anchor|Bind Item}}'' {{Sp}}:''' At second level the magical cosplayer can bind a tool or implement that she can hold in one hand to her, like a weapon, rod, staff, or similar object. The binding process takes 10 minutes of uninterupted concentraition, infusing of spiritual energies, and freaky anime magic light shows. She may have only one object bonded to her at a time. After binding is completed, the item disappears. The cosplayer can them summon the item into her hand or dismiss it as a move action. Broken items or items that run out of charges disappear and can not be summoned for 24 hours, after which it can be summoned at full health/charges. Dispelled items cannot be summoned for 24 hours, and return at the same condition they were in at the time of dispelling.

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