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Weresteel (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 2-2-18
Status: Complete
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Forged under a full moon and anointed with the blood of lycanthropes, this pale metal seems possessed with a subtle feral wrath. Made by more organized clans of lycanthropic creatures in defense of their ways it is in all ways a sort of anti-silver material. Instead of breaking their lunar-fueled bonds, they are strengthened and warped in its presence, and its power directly correlates to the phases of the moon.

Any metal weapon can be made as a weresteel weapon. For a normal user it is a weapon whose shape and size adapt to any form they take as a supernatural ability. Thus a wizard who polymorphs into a huge giant gains a huge weapon, and polymorphed into a rat he can wield the weapon in his mouth. This change only applies if they have transformed via magic or not. In addition it has different effects dependent on the phase of the moon; see the Table below. If not specified by the DM, you can roll a d4 to determine the phase of the moon at the time. Lycanthropes and creatures with the shapechanger subtype unlock additional powers in addition to the normal powers as shown below.

d4 Phase of the Moon (Weapon) Effect (Normal) Effect (Lycanthropes/Shapechangers)
1 Waxing Moon +2 attack on attacks of opportunity Gain Combat Reflexes with weapon
2 New Moon Glow like a candle within 60 ft of silver Cause silver to emit light like a torch within 60 ft
3 Waning Moon May Quick Draw the weapon +2 Initiative and not flatfooted on first round of combat
4 Full Moon +2 attack +2d6 damage and weapon carries Curse of Lycanthropy if you possess it

Any metal armor can be made as weresteel armor. It automatically adjusts its shape to fit the new shape of any transformed creatures regardless if it is via magic or not. In addition it has different effects dependent on the phase of the moon; see the Table below. If not specified by the DM, you can roll a d4 to determine the phase of the moon at the time. Lycanthropes and creatures with the shapechanger subtype unlock additional powers in addition to the normal powers as shown below.

Weresteel shields count as weapons for the purpose of the material's properties.

d4 Phase of the Moon (Armor) Effect (Normal) Effect (Lycanthropes/Shapechangers)
1 Waxing Moon Speak with animals up to 1 minute/HD per day (minimum 1 minute uses) Can speak in any form even as forms without a mouth, +4 Handle Animal and Wild Empathy checks
2 New Moon DR 3/silver or increase DR 3/silver DR/silver turns into DR/-
3 Waning Moon Gain Scent or double Scent range Scent automatically pinpoints any creature in range as per blindsense
4 Full Moon Rapid Healing 3 Fast Healing 3 and can regrow lost body parts as per ring of regeneration

Although it is metal, druids and similarly restricted nature-minded classes may make use of weresteel if they have the shapechanger subtype or are otherwise lycanthrope related. Weresteel reacts poorly to silver. It cannot have alchemical silver applied to it, and weresteel ignores the hardness of silver and vice versa.

Weresteel reacts well with enhancements the "Sacrifical" enhancements such as Sacrificial Swiftskin. They only deal 10% of your hp in damage when bleedout occurs from their use.

Weresteel is so costly that weapons and armor made from it are always of masterwork quality; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below. Thus, weresteel weapons and ammunition have a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls, and armor and shields have their armor check penalty decreased by 1.

Weresteel has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10. It takes a quarter damage from cold, half damage from electricity fire and force, full damage from acid and sonic, and full damage from silver weapons.

Type of Atmawater Item Item Cost Modifier
Ammunition +180 gp
Armor +4000 gp
Weapons and Shields +9000 gp

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