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User talk:Franken Kesey/Wildknife (5e Class)/Spells

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Whoa, being able to choose a different damage type in order to bypass resistances is that powerful in fifth edition? Surprising. --Foxwarrior (talk) 19:29, 11 June 2019 (MDT)

It is only for wildknife. Instead of having, ray of frost, fire bolt, etc. Made it more like psionics with one power which does all.--Franken Kesey 19:36, 11 June 2019 (MDT)
Not having seen the Wildknife class (link is dead), it is hard to judge just how powerful this is. If the wildknife has very few spell slots or spell choices, then it may be acceptable, but with such flexibility it is difficult to judge (as it takes the place of 4 different spells, each doing a different damage type). --Rlyehable (talk) 22:50, 11 June 2019 (MDT)

At Higher LevelEdit

No other 5th ed. spell of 1st level or higher increases in power with caster level. Rather they increase by using a higher spell slots. --Rlyehable (talk) 22:50, 11 June 2019 (MDT)

Fixed.--Franken Kesey 07:33, 12 June 2019 (MDT)

Intense Ignorance of the 5e SystemEdit

Looks like we are back once again with the terrible attempts at making anything for 5e, while clearly demonstrating a complete and utter lack of understanding of how the 5e system is designed. This is my opening statement to the following section; Intense Ignorance of the 5e System.

Firstly, you can't just "upscale" a cantrip to level 1 because Cantrips and Levelled Spells are fundamentally different on every level. This is a spell that I would not want to ever cast if I'm below level 11 because only at that point is it semi-useful due to the way that cantrip scaling works. However, this isn't a cantrip, and Levelled Spells do not scale - instead, they can be upcast. So, ultimately, this spell is just *worse* than Ray of Frost in the short and long term. Or, you know, way way worse than Eldritch Blast or Vicious Mockery, the good cantrips.

Secondly, there's already Chaos Bolt and Chromatic Orb which are just simply superior in nearly every way. The only 'downside' that Chromatic Orb has is that it requires a 50gp material component to cast. Let's not forget the amazing Guiding Bolt which deals the absolutely fantastic radiant damage. You know what's resistant or immune to Radiant? 10 monsters. How can we forget, of course, Magic Missile, for 3d4+3 damage instead of a measly 1d8-do-nothing. There are 5 creatures immune-or-resistant to Force damage, and strangely not many creatures can cast Shield.

I probably had more points, but this is just a demonstration of not truly understanding the system or how it works; just like all your other 5e homebrew. The plan should not be "Oh, I'll screw up until someone tells me some rules", it should be "I'll study the system and try to emulate the system." --TK-Squared (talk) 02:50, 12 June 2019 (MDT)

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