User:The Dire Reverend/Salient Vampire (3.5e Prestige Class)/Salient Selections

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A character can have up to four salient selections in each category, except for the last category, Special Salient Abilities.

Special Attack Abilities[edit]

Children of the Night (Su): Once per day, a Vampire with the children of the night salient attack can call forth 1d6+1 rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or a pack of 3d6 wolves as a standard action. These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and serve the Vampire for up to 1 hour. Some Vampires may use this attack to summon different types of creatures of equivalent strength.

Control Weather (Su): Requires a Charisma score of at least 30. The Vampire can control weather a number of times per day equal to its charisma modifier as the weather control spell.

Dominate (Su): A Vampire with the dominate salient can crush an opponent’s will just by looking onto his or her eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack, except that the Vampire must use a standard action, and those merely looking at it are not affected. Anyone the Vampire targets must succeed on a Will save, DC 10 + ½ the Vampire’s HD + the Vampire’s Charisma modifier, or fall instantly under the vampire’s influence as though by a dominate person spell, with caster level equal to the Vampire’s HD. The ability has a range of 30 feet.*

Energy Drain (Su): Whenever a Vampire with the energy drain salient attack successfully damages a creature with a natural weapon or unarmed strike, that creature gains 1 negative level. For each negative level bestowed, the Vampire gains 5 temporary hit points. A Vampire can use its energy drain ability once per round. Once the Salient Vampire obtains 10 HD, the Negative level amount increases to 2. A creature killed by a Vampire’s energy drain ability rises 1d4 days later as a Vampire Spawn, regardless of its HD. If a Vampire gains this salient attack but does not have any natural weapons, then it gains two slam or claw attacks that deal damage appropriate for its size.

Eternally Swift (Ex): Requires the Inhuman Speed Salient ability and a Base Attack Bonus of at least 6. For a number of times per day equal to the Vampire’s strength modifier, it may act as if hasted for 5 rounds.

Frightening Presence (Ex): A Vampire with the frightening presence salient attack can cause fear by attacking or draining a creature of blood. Whenever a Vampire with this ability attacks a creature or uses its drain blood ability, all creatures within 30 ft. of it must make a Will save, DC 10 + ½ the Vampire’s HD + the Vampire’s Charisma modifier, or be frightened for 5d6 rounds. Once a creature successfully saves against a Vampire’s frightful presence ability, then it is immune to it for 24 hours.

Mystic Sense (Su): Requires 12 ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) and (Psionics). The Vampire’s high-grade quality of un-death has given it an eye for other things of a supernatural nature. It emits an aura of detect magic and detect psionics up to a radius of 10ft. times it’s charisma modifier.

Night Prowler (Ex): Requires the Immortal Hunter Salient Ability. The Vampire Gains life sense at a radius equal to its Charisma modifier times 10ft. Additionally, it receives a bonus to its jump checks equal to it’s move speed at any given moment (so if the Vampire’s move speed is 45ft., it receives a +45 bonus to jump checks) and it no longer need to double the DC on all jump checks for not making a running jump.*

Perfect Aim (Su): Requires the Immortal Hunter Salient Ability and a base attack bonus of at least 9. Choose one model of weapon. The Vampire may apply true strike to this weapon as a free action a number of times per round equal to its dexterity modifier.

Rebuke Shadows (Su): Requires the Alter Form Salient Ability. As a standard action, the Vampire may command nearby shadows to attack its enemies. The shadows are similar to the creature in the SRD with the exception that they are fully corporeal. Upon summoning the shadows, the Vampire may change their shape as it’s Alter Form ability to whatever the Vampire desires simultaneously with the summoning. The shadows can grow up to a size of huge (using the usual rules for increasing a creature's size). As a rule, for every 5ft. of space covered by shadows, one shadow creature is created.

Wracking Pain (Ex): Whenever a Vampire with the wracking pain salient quality drains blood from a creature, that creature must make a Fortitude save, DC 10 + ½ the Vampire’s HD + the Vampire’s Strength modifier, or be overcome by pain, becoming paralyzed for 1d6 rounds.

Special Quality Abilities[edit]

Alternate Form (Su): A Vampire with the alternate form salient quality can assume the shape of a bat, dire bat, wolf, or dire wolf as a standard action. While in its alternate form, the Vampire loses its natural attacks and any supernatural special abilities it has, but it gains the natural weapons and extraordinary special attacks of its new form. It can remain in that form until it assumes another or until the next sunrise. Some Vampires may use this attack to take on the form of different types of creatures of equivalent strength.

Gaseous Form (Su): As a standard action, a Vampire with the gaseous form salient quality can assume gaseous form at will as the spell, but it can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet with perfect maneuverability. If a Vampire with this quality is reduced to 0 hp, it automatically assumes gaseous form.

Immortal Hunter (Ex): Centuries of un-life and solitude have enhanced your ability to survive. You vampire now has a +8 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks. You also receive the scent ability.

Inhuman Speed (Ex): As a swift action, a Vampire with the inhuman speed salient quality may move up to its move speed plus 15 ft. Once it has used this ability, it must wait 5 rounds before it can use it again.

Invisible (Su): Vampires with the invisible salient quality are naturally invisible. They may suppress or resume this ability as a swift action. The see invisibility and true seeing spells can reveal an invisible Vampire, and the invisibility purge spell prevents the Vampire from using this ability for a number of rounds equal to the spell’s caster level.

Soul Prison (Su): When you take this Salient Ability, you lose the Create Spawn ability. For every living being that you suck blood from, instead of transforming them into spawn, you absorb their soul, thus acquiring their knowledge and memories. Whenever recalling knowledge, you may make a wisdom check against the will save DC of every soul you have imprisoned. Success indicates you apply an intuition bonus equal to the HD of whichever soul possessed the knowledge. Assuming the GM loses track of every soul you have absorbed (recording their will saves for reference or rolling the highest will modifier is easy though), apply an intuition bonus equal to your wisdom modifier times the number of souls you have absorbed. In either case, this intuition bonus only applies if any of the souls actually possess the knowledge or have a memory that relates to a means of acquiring the knowledge. You may also absorb souls by means of simply touching their blood (and absorbing it), by having your familiars or shadows feast on the body, etc.

Spider Climb (Ex): A Vampire with the spider climb salient quality can climb sheer surfaces, as though with the spider climb spell.

Shadowform (Su): As a swift action, a Vampire with the shadowform salient quality may become ethereal until the beginning of its next round. Once a Vampire has used this ability, it must wait 5 rounds before it can use it again.

Unholy Toughness (Ex): A Vampire with the unholy toughness salient quality gains an amount of bonus hp equal to its Charisma modifier for every HD it has.

Weakness Resistance Abilities[edit]

When one of these abilities are chosen, the Vampire removes a chosen weakness Instead of gaining an ability. Some of the abilities replace the weakness with a less harmful version instead of removing the weakness entirely.

Dominion Resistance: The Vampire no longer has the Dominion Weakness.

Sunlight Resistance: The vampire no longer has the Sunlight Vulnerability. Instead, when the Vampire is in natural sunlight, it is dazzled, takes 1d10 points of damage each round, and cannot use any of its supernatural abilities.

Talisman Resistance: The Vampire no longer has the Talisman Weakness.

Water Resistance: The Vampire no longer has the Water Vulnerability.*

Special Salient Abilities[edit]

Unlike the other Salient Abilities, you are not limited to only being able to take 4. They may also have special Requirements.

+1 Spellcasting Level: When you take this ability, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which you belonged to before. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one spellcasting class before taking this ability, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known. This ability can be taken more than once, however, you can take it only once per level.

Weakness Obliteration: Requires 12HD. The vampire chooses its sunlight or its stake vulnerability. If he chooses his sunlight vulnerability the sun no longer damages him. If he chooses his stake vulnerability, a confirmed critical hit to the heart is determined as if it was a regular critical hit with the weapon on a creature without critical hit immunity, but the vampire is not destroyed. This ability can be taken twice, once for Sunlight, and once for Stake.

To Be Named 1: This ability requires the Vampire Wraith Soul Drain ability. Whenever you use your Soul Drain ability, you can choose to not completely absorb the soul, you just drain a part of the soul, and let the remaining part of the soul pass on to the afterlife. This does not mechanically change anything, however, It is no longer an inherently evil act (killing the creature, however, might be.)

To Be Named 2: This ability requires the Vampire Wraith Soul Strength ability. Choose Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma. You no longer gain +4 to Strength, but instead you gain +4 to the chosen ability.