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Unrelenting Force Strike (3.5e Feat)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 5-3-14
Status: Complete
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Unrelenting Force Strike [Arcane Combat] You slam your weapon into the ground and release its magic outward as a unstoppable force shockwave!Prerequisites: Fighter level 8, Font of Power StyleBenefit: As a standard action you can cause a harmless but powerful shockwave to emit from your weapon which blows opponents backwards and sends flying creatures toppling out of the air. You can make a bull rush attempt with a +8 bonus against all creatures in either a 30 ft cone or a 15 ft sphere centered on yourself, and you are not limited by the size of the creature you can bull rush. You do not follow creatures you bull rush, and the bull rush may take them beyond the shockwave's area. Creatures which strike an obstruction in their travel must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + ability modifier used for attacking, usually Strength) or fall prone. If it is knocked into another creature, both creatures must save or fall prone.

Because it is a force effect, it can affect incorporeal creatures. They are treated as having a -5 to their strength modifier for the opposed bull rush.

If you take a 1 round action, you can either choose to quadruple the area of effect to 120 ft cone or 60 ft sphere, or you can choose to cause damage with the shockwave. If you choose damage, creatures in the area take 2 points of damage per BAB you possess with no save in addition to the bull rush.

This is considered a supernatural ability. Special: Arcane Combat feats can be taken as fighter bonus feats.

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