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Universal Health Potion (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 10-18-14
Status: Complete
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Universal Health PotionEdit

Not everyone recovers through positive energy. Some creatures require negative energy, and others just raw magical repairing energy. In some societies with a very varied population the need to stock Potions of Inflict or Potions of Repair is a pain, so the universal health potion was created. This glowing pale orange liquid is full of transformative energy which pieces the creature back together, regardless what energy type they run upon.

Universal Health Potions cost +20% additional cost of the equivalent normal potion of cure. For example, a cure light wounds potion is 50 gp, so universal cure light wounds is 60 gp, while a cure serious wounds potion is 750 gp, and 900 gp as a universal position.

Transmutation (Aura strength varies); CL same as the cure potion equivalent; Brew Potion, mending; Price +20% cost of healing potion.

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