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Talk:Spell Focus (3.5e Feat)


  LRimus is neutral on this article and rated it 2 of 4.
While it's a great feat, it's nearly useless to non-wizards. It would be so much better if Sorcerers, Warmages, Beguilers and so on could enjoy some benefits after 3rd too.
  Eiji-kun likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
0: This isn't too bad...

1: Looks standard, I approve. This is the Focus part of Spell Focus.
3: Now add Spell Penetration. As a scaling feat they work best when they collect lower level feats into one collection, so I approve.
6: This is actually pretty neat. But it interacts with spontaneous casters, well, poorly.
9: How does this interact with spontaneous casters?

Except for a possible problem with sorcerers and #9 (or worse, warmages and beguilers!) this is surprisingly solid. I... I... I like it? Oh god. The wizards have stopped urinating everywhere!

  ErikOfWiki dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
Granting all spells of a school on their list as spells known is bad and unquantifiable. For some classes it does nothing (Cleric), for others it violates the class balance (Sorcerer, or even worse in cases of homebrew classes like Mystic Delver which gets to cast each of those spells 2/day as SLA, in addition to their regular casting). Just no. Friends don't let friends write feats that grant an entire school of spells; someone should have stopped you.

spell listsEdit

there is much cheesy goodness in number 9. miracle is an evocation spell, several healing spells are conjuration... archivist is happy wizard is happier Dr.Drako 14:02 12/12/18

It doesn't seem to increase your class spell list, you just know all spells of a school known in your class spell list. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 17:02, 13 December 2018 (MST)
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