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Talk:Oath of Purity (3.5e Feat)


Jraghon opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
The reason listed does not sufficiently justify the rating, and the rater has not responded to a request for additional information.
This is incredibly imbalanced.

1) Unlike the WotC Vows, this does not require Sacred Vow as a prereq. 2) The WotC vows are lost (permanently and irrevocably, with no replacement feat granted) when a character violates the vow. 24 hours of meditation is a pittance. 3) "You are immune to poison and diseases." This is more powerful than Vow of Abstinence (+4 to resist poison/drugs) and Vow of Purity (+4 to resist disease/death effects) *combined.* 4) The oaths are weak. 1% of wealth to charity? Chastity? Even to get the spell ability from this feat, an acolyte should be required to take all of the oaths (or maybe all but one).

Please note that this was given a Very High balance rating, and should be judged on that as far as power goes. --Ghostwheel (talk) 05:22, 22 April 2016 (UTC)
  DanielDraco favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
Hey, a decent Exalted feat! Perhaps underpowered for VH if not for the free raise dead, but it's still not bad at all.
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