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Talk:Nightmare Fuel (3.5e Feat)


  TencentHotDog opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
A general feat with such a minimal prerequisite should not be able to override another entity's ability to ignore fear effects, especially not if the ability is magical or supernatural

Take out the maneuver req?Edit

This feat seems like it would be perfectly fine without the maneuver requirement and would be a nice addition to most intimidate builds. I'd just get rid of the maneuver requirement (even though I know this is supposed to be supplemental to the Amaranth Eclipse discipline). --Andrew Arnott (talk, email) 16:01, June 25, 2010 (UTC)

Works for me, since I can still have it as an associated feat for Amaranth Eclipse. Done. - TG Cid 16:23, June 25, 2010 (UTC)
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