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Talk:Multiweapon Fighting, Tome (3.5e Feat)

Armor SpikesEdit

So... dual wield and wear armor spikes, grab this feat? Add in blade boots and other assorted things as you can? - Tarkisflux Talk 00:01, 5 October 2014 (UTC)

Yea I honestly think the best way to do this is to just make it a feature of having extra arms (via extra arms feat or otherwise) and saying in that feat that those can make iterative attacks if you already have two-weapon fighting or something. There's just too many ways to scam extra attacks otherwise. Surgo (talk) 04:30, 5 October 2014 (UTC)
Sorry for the delay I was away from the net for a while after posting and forgot to check back in on this feat. Like the original Multiweapon Fighting this feat has the 3 or more hands requirements so the Armor Spike abuse should be avoided. Amdillae 22:56, 4 January 2015 (UTC)
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