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Talk:Havel's Armor (3.5e Equipment)


Ghostwheel dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
This rating refers to a substantially different version of the article, or concerns mentioned in it have already been addressed.
At middle levels, where most games take place, it's not too difficult to permanently be considered proficient with this armor (or just use one of the encumbrance-increasing items/spells). While it is moderately more expensive than full plate, when taking enhancement bonuses into account it becomes the best-in-class armor due to the extra abilities it grants without requiring any pre-existing enhancement bonuses or counting as a +1 (or whatever) for the purpose of enhancement.

Making best-in-class armors redundant at relatively low levels isn't a good thing in my opinion.

I was just discussing it with Leziad and working on it. Upped the price and made it exotic. That should be sufficient. --Sulacu (talk) 18:42, 23 November 2016 (UTC)
Just the feat would be enough, but that more than satisfies my criticism. --Ghostwheel (talk) 18:42, 23 November 2016 (UTC)
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