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Talk:Float Like a Butterfly (3.5e Maneuver)


  Eiji-kun is neutral on this article and rated it 2 of 4.
Though martials deserve abrupt jaunt more than casters, it's still a bad idea at level one.

(EDIT: I misread, thinking this was a 5 ft step. Since it provokes it's better. I will mull on this more. The four level argument from below stands.)

  MisterSinister likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
A nice trick, given at a level when people actually care.

Jaunting ConjurersEdit

Isn't this too much? Nevermind the 5th level stance which does the same (but weaker), Shifting Defense. Ok, maybe the argument is that that is too weak, but this, at level 1? Really? It has the same cheese factor as the jaunting conjurer, certainly not a High level trick by any means. I know it provokes, but that doesn't seem enough to drop it 4 levels... -- Eiji-kun (talk) 06:41, 9 October 2012 (UTC)

Two years late, but the rating reminded me of this maneuver's existence. I don't feel that the conditional nature of the 5-foot steps (that is, when you hit on a melee attack or when someone misses you with an attack already made) means that its ability to dodge anything out-of-turn is pretty much non-existent unless the opponent is using attack spam. Standard action, single attack maneuvers would have already been resolved whether they hit or miss, and then the amount of movement it gives during the user's turn is pretty minimal as long as they want to be able to keep attacking in melee. The comparison to spellcasters doesn't really seem fair due to the ability of spellcasters to immediately get out of danger and still be just as effective by using spells at a distance. Not so for the initiator, at least unless you are using one of the homebrew ranged disciplines. And then it just didn't seem as strong as other stance options at higher levels, so making it a 1 seemed fair in the environment of other available options to a low level initiator. It's still probably not as good as Blood in the Water even at level 1.- TG Cid (talk) 16:25, 4 October 2014 (UTC)
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