Talk:Divine Blooded (3.5e Feat)
The 8 HD ability shouldn't stop the divine blooded from accruing bonuses for aging. The Divine blooded actually still is aging, they're body just isn't becoming more decrepit. Time is still passing and they're still gaining experience and wisdom, which is what the bonuses for aging are all about.
- The D&D aging rules indicate otherwise. If you want a game in which aging bonuses work like that, you will need to switch to some other game or apply a variant rule.--Ideasmith (talk) 20:40, 5 July 2013 (UTC)
- If you're wondering, the general rule seems to be naturally immortal things, such as many undead, do not gain benefits or penalties (keeping any from when they were alive, in the case of undead, but not gaining any more). Some class features and the rare aging-but-immortal race (Warforged, Elans) gain the bonuses and penalties but simply lack a maximum age they can go. For the purposes of this feat in question it comes down to flavor and power. While the flavor could go either way, in terms of power it is appropriate not to include the aging benefits and treat them as one of the naturally immortal races.