Talk:Cure Wounds Buff (3.5e Variant Rule)
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Ghostwheel opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4. |
I don't think this was thought through...
So at first level, as a swift + standard action, you can inflict 4d8+2 damage? This does not seem proper.
If you want them to be powerful, I would suggest adding a % healed when using cure or inflict spells to heal. For example, "In addition to the HP it would heal, this also heals 20%/30%/50% of the target's total HP." Or perhaps even 10% HP per level of cure (10% for CLW, 20% for CMW, 30% for CSW, and 40% for CCW). Regardless, I'd definitely take off the auto-swift nature of it. --Ghostwheel (talk)
- I'll be honest, I don't like them on inflict spells myself. I just couldn't find a good reason not to mirror my own changes across from light to dark (restricting it to only when it is healing is... so obvious I'm ashamed I didn't think of it). My intention by just adding dice is to keep the math simple; percentages require more math. I'll type more later when I've got more time to think and type. --Qwertyu63 (talk) 15:45, 16 February 2015 (UTC)
- Frightened of offensive use of inflicts? There's a solution! No, it's not a bucket filled with cheese whiz. No, it's not 30 mice packed in a 3 millimeter cube. No, it's not the formula for producing Dr. Pepper... backwards.
New VersionEdit
Could you perhaps create a table with how much bonus HP is healed as a product of dice healed and HD of the target? One thing I have a problem with though is a level 1 cleric healing a great warrior. Rather than the target's HD, I'd base it off of the caster's CL. --Ghostwheel (talk) 02:17, 17 February 2015 (UTC)