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Talk:Cure Wounds Buff (3.5e Variant Rule)


Ghostwheel opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
This rating refers to a substantially different version of the article, or concerns mentioned in it have already been addressed.
See comment.

I don't think this was thought through...

So at first level, as a swift + standard action, you can inflict 4d8+2 damage? This does not seem proper.

If you want them to be powerful, I would suggest adding a % healed when using cure or inflict spells to heal. For example, "In addition to the HP it would heal, this also heals 20%/30%/50% of the target's total HP." Or perhaps even 10% HP per level of cure (10% for CLW, 20% for CMW, 30% for CSW, and 40% for CCW). Regardless, I'd definitely take off the auto-swift nature of it. --Ghostwheel (talk)

I'll be honest, I don't like them on inflict spells myself. I just couldn't find a good reason not to mirror my own changes across from light to dark (restricting it to only when it is healing is... so obvious I'm ashamed I didn't think of it). My intention by just adding dice is to keep the math simple; percentages require more math. I'll type more later when I've got more time to think and type. --Qwertyu63 (talk) 15:45, 16 February 2015 (UTC)
Frightened of offensive use of inflicts? There's a solution! No, it's not a bucket filled with cheese whiz. No, it's not 30 mice packed in a 3 millimeter cube. No, it's not the formula for producing Dr. Pepper... backwards.
Actually I'd just suggest making it "Save negates". That puts it on par with things like Mind Thrust. The promise of great power, or nothing, a save vs die from damage. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 16:55, 16 February 2015 (UTC)

New VersionEdit

Could you perhaps create a table with how much bonus HP is healed as a product of dice healed and HD of the target? One thing I have a problem with though is a level 1 cleric healing a great warrior. Rather than the target's HD, I'd base it off of the caster's CL. --Ghostwheel (talk) 02:17, 17 February 2015 (UTC)

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