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Talk:Bones of the Basset Hound (3.5e Trait)


Ghostwheel dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
This rating refers to a substantially different version of the article, or concerns mentioned in it have already been addressed.
For some characters, Powerful Build is really powerful, and outside of certain campaigns, the inability to swim is meaningless. Due to that, this feels unbalanced. Compare to the power of most other traits.

Do you have any ideas for how to improve/better balance it? I'm open to suggestions. -Halloweenman33 (talk) 16:38, 25 March 2017 (CST)
I made a few tweaks. If there's anything else I can do to balance it out, please let me know. -Halloweenman33 (talk) 16:53, 25 March 2017 (CST)
Think you might have gone too far in the other direction, heh. --Ghostwheel (talk) 19:58, 25 March 2017 (MDT)
It can be a pretty fine line between underpowered and balanced and between balanced and overpowered sometimes. I got rid of the Aquaphobia penalties. Does anything else need to be removed or should that do the trick? -Halloweenman33 (talk) 16:17, 26 March 2017 (CST)


"You lose Swim from your Class Skill list no matter what class you take (even Factotum), cannot apply your Strength modifier, and cannot put any ranks into it."

This can be worded better, try: Swim is never a class skill for you, and you can never put ranks into it.

Speaking of which this is just overkill. "Not a class skill", ok. "No Strength ever!", weird but fi-. "No ranks ever!", uhhh. "-30!!!!", jesus stop. At that point its easier to just say "You always fail your swim checks." full stop, no ranks will come naturally as a part of that.

What does the title mean by the way? I'd say its more dog references (though this doesn't seem dog related), but I'm not aware of bassett hounds being made out of lead. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 18:40, 24 March 2017 (MDT)

Thanks. I guess I overdid it. I'll reword this. I looked it back up and it's semi-accurate. Bassett Hounds have very dense bones and weigh as much as a full grown Labrador, despite being pretty short in stature. Roughly two-thirds of that body weight is at the front of their bodies. Some actually can swim, but not very well and they do actually have a tendency to sink. Bulldogs have a similar problem, mainly due to their big shoulders limiting their motions more and having additional breathing problems because of the short snout. I also thought that the title sounded catchier than simply Big Boned or something like that. --Halloweenman33 (talk) 19:55, 24 March 2017 (CST)
Looks better now. The only thing I have as an issue now is that Powerful Build is a pretty good benefit, and not worth the inability to swim. One thing I could say you could do is apply heavy armor penalties for the purposes of movement and class features (so no monks). If you are wearing medium or heavy armor, your speed is cut in half instead of 3/4ths. Should be even or slightly worse trades for traits, since they are easier to get. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 19:42, 24 March 2017 (MDT)
Good idea. Thanks. --Halloweenman33 (talk) 20:45, 24 March 2017 (CST)
I noticed that I actually misspelled Basset (had an extra T), so I fixed the spelling error and moved the page (with a redirect). --Halloweenman33 (talk) 20:37, 26 March 2017 (CST)
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