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Staff of the Will-o-Wisp (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Sulacu (talk)
Date Created: March 3, 2017
Status: Incomplete
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Staff of the Will-o-WispEdit

Staff of the Will-o-Wisp
Price: 35,000 gp
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate transmutation (DC 20)
Activation: Use-activated
Weight: 3 lb.

These staves of faintly luminescent ivory wood were carved by a cabal of swamp hags in order to harnass the power of the so-called ignes fatuus within the endlessly stretching marshes to confound their enemies. Weaponizing the ghostly wisplights that spring up within the deepest ranges of the swamp to snare travelers, the Staves of the Will-o-Wisp have an unpleasant reputation with the civilized world.

The staff of the Will-o-Wisp itself counts as a +1/+1 quarterstaff, of which both ends have the ghost touch quality. The staff counts as ability striking with regards to the wielder's casting-relevant ability score.

Furthermore, the staff grants the following special abilities to its wielder:

Summon Wisp (Sp): The wielder creates a ball of wisplight as a move-equivalent action, expending a spell slot in the process. The wisp has an effective level equal to that of the spell slot expended + 1, ranging from 1 to 10. A wisp casts light as per the light spell in a radius of 5 feet per wisp level. Summoned wisps will orbit the wielder and the staff, standing by until called upon. The wielder may have a number of wisps summoned equal to half his casting-relevant ability score bonus, rounded down, with a maximum of five: a wizard with 22 Intelligence can have three wisps summoned at the same time.

A summoned wisp has 5 hit points per level, an Armor Class and ward of 15 + twice its level, and the Incorporeal subtype. A wisp can be dispelled, but gains dispel resistance equal to half its level (rounded down).

Wisps can be specialized for specific tasks or purposes as per the abilities below, but once a wisp has been specialized in such a way, it cannot receive a different specialization or be returned to normal. If a wisp is no longer needed, it may be dismissed to make room for another.

Summoned wisps cast a white light.

Attack Wisp (Sp): You turn one of your summoned wisps into an offensive attacker as a standard action. An attack wisp will remain hovering around you, attacking your enemies to the best of its ability using a magic bolt ranged attack with a range of 30 feet. The bolt deals magical bludgeoning damage and has the ghost touch quality, ignoring all concealment miss chances against incorporeal or invisible foes. An attack wisp has a base attack bonus of twice its level and a base damage equal to that of the unarmed strike of a monk of a level equal to twice the wisp's level. The attack wisp uses your casting-relevant ability score to modify its attack and damage rolls.
Attack wisps cast a red light.
Beckoning Wisp (Sp): As a standard action, you launch one of your summoned wisps at a target within Medium spell range (100 ft. + 10 ft./level). This is a ranged touch attack. The target is affected as per the tag spell (caster level equal to twice the wisp's level).
Beckoning wisps cast an orange light.
Counter Wisp (Sp): As an immediate action, an unspecialized summoned wisp can be expended to counterspell a spell cast in your vicinity. To be able to do this, you must have successfully identifed the spell being cast with a Spellcraft check. A counterwisp can counterspell spells belonging to any of your spellcasting classes up to a level equal to the wisp's level - 2, and other spells, such as spells belonging to spellcasting classes you do not have or spells belonging to a prohibited school, up to a level equal to the wisp's level -4.
Counter wisps (briefly) cast a purple light.
Detonate Wisp (Sp): As a standard action, an unspecialized summoned wisp can be made to detonate within Medium spell range (100 ft. + 10 ft./level), dealing high damage in an area. This effectively counts as a fireball spell that deals 2d6 points of damage per wisp level in a burst with a radius of 5 ft. plus an additional 5 feet for every even level. Creatures caught within the area are allowed a Reflex save to halve the damage dealt. The save DC is as that of a spell of a level equal to the wisp's level - 1.
Eye Wisp (Sp): As a standard action, you turn one of your summoned wisps into a sensor that travels out and feeds you visual information, as per the arcane eye spell. A 0-level wisp has a range of 200 feet, a 1st-level wisp has a range of 500 feet, a 2nd-level wisp has a range of 1,000 feet, a 3rd-level wisp has a range of 2,500 feet and a 4th-level wisp has a range of 1 mile. Higher-level wisps will double the range with each level. The eye wisp can move freely in all three direction and has a base flying speed of 5 feet + 5 feet per wisp level.
Eye wisps cast a yellowish light.
Shield Wisp (Sp): You turn one of your summoned wisps into the personal shield for yourself or an ally you touch that has hit points equal to 10 plus 10 times its level. The shield wisp automatically floats around you to perfectly absorb any and all attacks that a shield stops, until the shield's hit points run out. 5th-level and higher shield wisps have shield hardness 5 and 8th-level and higher shield wisps have shield hardness 10. Shield wisps do not recharge hit points, and disappear once they reach 0 hit points.
Shield wisps cast a green light.

Prerequisites: Craft Staff, Spells and stuff.
Cost to Create: 17,500 gp, 1,400 EXP, 35 days.

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