Spellborg Adept (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 10-15-12
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Spellborg Adept[edit]

"I never asked for this." "Oh shut up, you'll like it. Look. Your vision is augmented!"
—No One, Derro Freshcrafter upgrading his minion with Spellborg abilities, Transcripts from Cor

The spellborg adept has been augmented with mechanical devices, and it turns out they're so useful he needs more. So much more...

Becoming a Spellborg Adept[edit]

Entry Requirements
Special: 3 HD, must have either the Spellborg template, or any kind of mechanical graft (such as warforged or maug grafts).

Table: The Spellborg Adept

Hit Die: Varies*

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws* Special Class Progression
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +0 +0 +0 Class Progression, Spellborg Ability +1 class level
2nd +1 +0 +0 +0 Spellborg Ability +1 class level
3rd +1 +1 +1 +1 Fighter Bonus 1, Improved Augmentation, Spellborg Ability +1 class level
4th +2 +1 +1 +1 Spellborg Ability +1 class level
5th +2 +1 +1 +1 Spellborg Ability +1 class level
6th +3 +2 +2 +2 Fighter Bonus 2, Improved Augmentation, Spellborg Ability +1 class level
7th +3 +2 +2 +2 Spellborg Ability +1 class level
8th +4 +2 +2 +2 Spellborg Ability +1 class level
9th +4 +3 +3 +3 Fighter Bonus 3, Improved Augmentation, Spellborg Ability, We Can Rebuild Him +1 class level

Skill points gained and class skills vary.*

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Spellborg Adept.

Class Progression: The spellborg adept is a special case, less a class and more a universal alternate class feature. You gain the BAB, saves, skill points, and class skills of a previous class you leveled in, and may improve your previous class abilities as if you took a level in your chosen previous class. Only things which scale with level are advanced, new class features are not gained. For example, a barbarian would continue to gain more rages per day and more trap sense, but not a new feature such as tireless rage or mighty rage. A wizard would gain caster level and spells known, but not receive any bonus feats. The one exception to this rule is the fighter class, who obtains an extra fighter bonus feat at 3rd, 6th, and 9th. If you have more than one class before entering spellborg adept you may choose what class to advance each level.

Spellborg Ability: Each level, you gain a spellborg ability from the spellborg template.

Fighter Bonus: If you are leveling in fighter, you gain fighter bonus feats at 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels.

Improved Augmentation: At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level you can improve one your currently existing spellborg abilities to a higher level. Each time you gain this, you improve a different ability. Choose from the abilities below.

Adaptation: You have adapted to the magical implements inside your body. These implements have become a normal part of your physiology. Choose 2 of your Spellborg abilities. These abilities become Extraordinary instead of Supernatural. You may select this more than once, each time choosing 2 of your existing Spellborg abilities to become Extraordinary instead of Supernatural.

Aquatic: Your swim speed doubles, and you gain blindsense out to 100 feet, but only in water.

Armor Grade Frame: Your armor bonus of whatever armor type you have rises by +3, your Max Dex (if any) rises by 2, your armor check penalty (if any) drops by 3, and your arcane spell failure drops by 10%.

Armored Skin: Your effective level for determining your natural armor bonus rises by 8.

Construct Build: You gain hit points for a construct two sizes larger, and you add your construct bonus hp amount to the range you can remain in the negatives before you are dead.

Continuous Search: The bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot rise to +8, and you gain your whole HD as a bonus on AC or saves against the trap. If you succeed on a trap's save that deals damage (if any) you take half damage as if evasion applied to it (even if it were a Fortitude or Will save).

Damage Control: If you have DR/magic, you can change it to DR/material. If you have DR material, you can either gain your full HD to damage reduction or change it to DR/- at half your HD.

Databank: You gain half your level as a competence bonus to Knowledge checks.

Elemental Resistance: Your energy resistance granted doubles.

Embedded Tool: You may take 10 on any check which you have an embedded tool for, even when stressed or in battle.

Energy Fist: Your touch attack rises to 1d10 per level + your casting ability, and you threaten with it, allowing you to make touch attacks. Your touch attack range with this ability has reach, though you can still attack adjutant squares.

Energy Saver: You do not need to eat, sleep, or breath, and are biologically immortal. You no longer gain any aging penalties. You may fall comatose as a move action, and the DC to realize you're not dead rises to 10 + your HD (if higher).

Expanded Ability: You gain another bonus feat. As usual, you may only take this benefit once.

Failsafe Trigger: The spell you store within yourself gains any metamagic effect of your choice, up to +4 spell level adjustment. This does not actually give you the metamagic feat in question.

Flight: Your flight becomes an extraordinary ability (even if you lack wings) and you never take fall damage. Your flight maneuverability improves by one step, if not already maximum.

Force Shell: Once per round you may deflect any ranged attack as if using Deflect Arrows once per round, but it does not require any hands, and may be used on magical effects such as rays. Siege weapons still get through.

Fortified Build: Your fortification now applies against negative energy attacks such as inflict spells or spells which use negative energy like enervation, and the touch attacks of several undead. If it does not pass fortification, the it has no effect as if you were immune.

Hammerspace: Your body becomes a Type 4 Bag of Holding

Heightened Reflexes: Your dodge bonus rises to +4, and opponents do not get a bonus to attack rolls for flanking you. You may still be flanked and sneak attacked, however.

Improved Acceleration: Your land speed doubles, and you may move through magical difficult terrain at half speed, such as entangle or solid fog.

Increased Ability (+2 version): You gain a +1 bonus to your chosen two ability scores. This stacks with previous bonuses.

Increased Ability (+4 version): You gain a +2 bonus to your chosen ability score. This stacks with the previous bonus.

Internal Weapons: Your embedded weapons fall under the effect of greater magic weapon with a caster level equal to your character level.

Ironguts: You become immune to sickened and nauseated.

Magical Adept: If you chose three cantrips and one first level spell, you gain a cantrip, a 1st level spell, and a second level spell. You may now use your cantrips at will, as well as gain an additional use per day for 1st and 2nd level. If you chose one 2nd level spell, you gain another second level spell and one third level spell, with an additional use per day for 2nd and 3rd level spells.

Magic Resistance: Your bonus against spells rises to +4.

Radar: You can detect distant objects of Large size or larger out to 10 miles. This gives you an idea where landmarks or other large immobile objects are and their shapes. It does not detect moving objects and creatures.

Restoration: The energy recovery rises to 10 hp per HD, and you are cured of any status effects heal would remove.

Self-Recovery: Your fast healing rises to your Constitution modifier (minimum 2).

Sensitivity: You may roll twice on an initiative check and take the better result.

Spellguard Enforcer: Spells or powers absorbed by your spell or power resistance heal you for 1 hp per caster level of the effect.

Stability: While immobile, you gain temporary hp equal to your 5 + character level (if greater).

Third Ring: You can wear an additional ring, and the caster level of the ring (and any effects it creates) equal your character level.

Vision Enhancement: You gain the effects of a Ring of X-Ray Vision.

Weapon Grade Fists: Your enhancement to weapon grade fists now applies to all natural weapons, and the costs for enhancement are cut in half.

We Can Rebuild Him (Ex): At 9th level you're more machine than man. If you die and your body has not been reduced to ash or lost, creatures can make a DC 20 Craft check on your body over 8 hours and restore you to life with no loss of experience or money. They can even repair you if you've been dismembered (be you alive after the loss of the limb or not).

Campaign Information[edit]

Playing a Spellborg Adept[edit]

Combat: You continue to act as you were before, but now you're all hopped up on awesome augmentations to boot.

Advancement: What class were you in before? Why not go back?

Resources: Spellborg Adepts and fleshcrafters or grafters of any sort go hand in hand. They need a test subject, and you need balls of steel. It's a match made in Celestia.

Spellborg Adepts in the World[edit]

Balls of solid brass, polished to the Nth degree!
—Testile the Brass describing his embedded ball and chain, Warforged Fighter/Spellborg Adept

NPC Reactions: You're a freak with your metal bits. But maybe some will take pity on you. After all, with so many augmentations you much have lost those hands in a terrible accident.

Spellborg Adept Lore[edit]

Characters with ranks in Knowledge Engineering can research spellborg adepts to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge Engineering
DC Result
10 Spellborg Adepts are grafted individuals with mechanical parts. Now they have more parts than ever!
15 Some spellborg adepts have spellborg abilities that are ever stronger than most!
20 The very best spellborg adepts can be killed, but put back together as easily as you would repair a machine.
30 Those that reach this level of success can research specific spellborg adepts, what augments they have, lore, motives, and whereabouts.

Spellborg Adepts in the Game[edit]

Adaptation: The spellborg template is easy to reflavor into augments from any source, not just machines. Adjust the flavor of the class to match.

Sample Encounter: A spellborg adept's new parts have a mind of their own. Can you stop the poor victim and his mechanical hand of doom, before his nuclear core goes boom?


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Allowed AlignmentsLawful Good +, Lawful Neutral +, Lawful Evil +, Neutral Good +, Neutral +, Neutral Evil +, Chaotic Good +, Chaotic Neutral + and Chaotic Evil +
Article BalanceUnquantifiable +
AuthorEiji-kun +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionOther +
Class AbilityOther +
Class Ability ProgressionPartial +
Fortitude Save ProgressionOther +
Identifier3.5e Prestige Class +
Length9 +
Minimum Level3 +
RatingUnrated +
Reflex Save ProgressionOther +
SummaryGain more spellborg abilities and become the 6 million dollar warrior. +
TitleSpellborg Adept +
Will Save ProgressionOther +