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Create the page "One Barbarians" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- ! colspan="8" |''One-Handed Melee Weapons''5 KB (574 words) - 21:06, 25 February 2014
- ! colspan="8" |''One-Handed Melee Weapons''6 KB (790 words) - 21:06, 25 February 2014
- ! colspan="8" |''One-Handed Melee Weapons''5 KB (618 words) - 21:06, 25 February 2014
- ...e is still a tie, the tied characters should roll again to determine which one of them goes before the other. ...Free Actions|free actions]] during the surprise [[SRD:Round|round]]. If no one or everyone is surprised, no surprise [[SRD:Round|round]] occurs.3 KB (489 words) - 20:39, 17 October 2015
- ...udes both thrown and projectile weapons), its relative encumbrance (light, one-handed, or two-handed), and its size (Small, Medium, or Large). ...iated with two-weapon combat, just as though the character were wielding a one-handed weapon and a [[SRD:Light Weapon|light weapon]].10 KB (1,635 words) - 19:31, 24 February 2011
- ...:Armor|light or medium armor]] ([[SRD:Ranger|rangers]] and [[SRD:Barbarian|barbarians]]) or no armor at all ([[SRD:Monk|monks]], [[SRD:Wizard|wizards]], and [[SR2 KB (280 words) - 23:56, 2 October 2014
- ...RD:Attack Damage#Wielding a Weapon Two-Handed|two-handed attacks]] receive one and a half times the Strength bonus. A Strength penalty, but not a bonus, a2 KB (289 words) - 23:56, 2 October 2014
- ...of a multiclass character’s classes, the maximum rank for that skill is one-half the maximum for a class skill. If you have levels in more than one [[SRD:Classes|psionic class]], you combine your [[SRD:Power Points|power po7 KB (1,058 words) - 17:17, 16 July 2014
- ...ond mere magical power: it is a transformation into a form that most suits one’s evil. For some fiends, physical power is the route by which they work t '''{{Anchor|Natural Weapons}}:''' A Fiendish Brute has 2 claw attacks, one attached to each arm (or its two front legs if it is a quadruped, if it has14 KB (2,266 words) - 15:11, 22 June 2022
- '''Alignment:''' Every alignment has its share of Barbarians; however, more Barbarians are of Chaotic alignment than of Lawful alignment. | class="left" | [[#One With The Beast|One With The Beast]]12 KB (1,816 words) - 20:07, 28 November 2017
- ...dditional nonlethal hits have no effect on the character. When he recovers one nonlethal hit, he becomes conscious. with good [[SRD:Saving Throw|Fortitude saves]], such as [[SRD:Barbarian|barbarians]], [[SRD:Cleric|clerics]], and [[SRD:Fighter|fighters]], and classes with p16 KB (2,571 words) - 22:00, 9 April 2011
- ...r first class level (see Table 3-1L Skills by Class). Human characters add one to their number of known skills. |COLSPAN="2" align="left" |<small>1 Minimum of one skill known, regardless of Intelligence penalty.</small>11 KB (1,798 words) - 08:03, 28 August 2011
- As important as your character's [[SRD:Races|race]] is, it's (usually) a one-time choice made at the beginning of your character's career. Your selectio ...crapping them and starting from scratch. Whether they involve swapping out one class feature for another or trying a new twist on an old favorite, these v5 KB (677 words) - 00:11, 10 April 2011
- ...hey are in ancestry. Most half-orc paragons come to identify strongly with one or the other of their parent races, and see themselves as the bridge betwee Half-orc paragons understand the harsh life and ferocity of [[Barbarian|barbarians]], particularly those paragons who hail from regions populated by barbarian7 KB (1,005 words) - 05:29, 3 March 2011
- ...that weapon is a sword, axe, bow, or even a magic staff—is eligible for one of the scion prestige classes presented below.]] As long as the wielder doe ...elder of the item. Each sample weapon described in this section is tied to one of the following prestige classes (and the weapon description immediately f9 KB (1,413 words) - 07:45, 28 August 2011
- ...[paladin]]s, [[ranger]]s, and [[rogue]]s may select Weapon Group (axes) as one of their 1st-level Weapon Group proficiencies. A [[fighter]] may select Weapon Group (axes) as one of his [[fighter bonus feats]].[[Type::Fighter| ]]}}</onlyinclude>759 bytes (111 words) - 18:29, 9 April 2011
- ...[paladin]]s, [[ranger]]s, and [[rogue]]s may select Weapon Group (bows) as one of their 1st-level Weapon Group proficiencies. A [[fighter]] may select Weapon Group (bows) as one of his [[fighter bonus feats]].[[Type::Fighter| ]]}}</onlyinclude>716 bytes (105 words) - 18:30, 9 April 2011
- ...]]s, [[ranger]]s, and [[rogue]]s may select Weapon Group (claw weapons) as one of their 1st-level Weapon Group proficiencies. A [[fighter]] may select Weapon Group (claw weapons) as one of his [[fighter bonus feats]].[[Type::Fighter| ]]}}</onlyinclude>721 bytes (108 words) - 18:30, 9 April 2011
- ...]s, [[ranger]]s, and [[rogue]]s may select Weapon Group (druid weapons) as one of their 1st-level Weapon Group proficiencies. A [[fighter]] may select Weapon Group (druid weapons) as one of his [[fighter bonus feats]].[[Type::Fighter| ]]}}</onlyinclude>819 bytes (117 words) - 17:02, 22 December 2012
- ...nger]]s, and [[rogue]]s may select Weapon Group (exotic double weapons) as one of their 1st-level Weapon Group proficiencies. A [[fighter]] may select Weapon Group (exotic double weapons) as one of his [[fighter bonus feats]].[[Type::Fighter| ]]}}</onlyinclude>2 KB (370 words) - 22:48, 17 July 2012