Clarity edit.
|fluff=You summon a spark of ionic energy from your body and soul and shock your enemies with the primal lightning of creation!
|benefit=This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
|bab0= All your attacks deal an additional 1 point of Shock Electricity damage, ; you can suppress and resume the effects of this feat as a free action.|bab1= Your attacks force a reflex Reflex save, (DC 10+1/2 babBAB +chaCharisma modifier), or become [[SRD:Shaken|shaken ]] for 1 round. This only works on the first successful attack against a given creature which this can force this save each round.|bab6=Your attacks are Shocking[[SRD:Shock|Shock]], dealing 1d6 Shock Electricity damage per 3 levels.|bab11=Your attacks function as a Shock bursting weapon [[SRD:Shocking Burst|Shocking Burst]] weapons and on a critical deal 1d10 shock Electricity damage for every d6 of damage your weapon deals.|bab16= - In battle , your weapon erupts with Lighting lighting as you reach the peak of the power of the ionic charge in your body. Once every 3 rounds, on a successful attack against an enemy, a bolt of lightning will scream out from your weapon dealing 1d6 damage/level, hitting the enemy you struck first before arcing to nearby enemies as long as they are in range (60ft). The number of enemies it can arc to is equal to the enhancement bonus of the weapon + your dex modDexterity modifier (minimum of 1). A Reflex save (DC 10+1/2 BAB+Cha Charisma modifier) for half damageis allowed.