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Erotomancy School (3.5e Magic School)

745 bytes added, 16:24, 15 January 2021
Any spell from the [[Love (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Love domain]] is from the Erotomancy School if cast by someone that has this domain.
====True Erotomancer====
As a special option you may transform any spellcaster in a true erotomancer. To do this just limit the spellcaster's spells list to erotomancy spells (comprehensive of domain spells), adding any erotomancy spell not from its original list. In addition, it should cast erotomancy spells at caster level +1, and add +1 to the DC of erotomancy spells it casts (it has the [[Spell Focus]] feat for the erotomancy school). It gains one extra prepared spell or spell slot per spell level (as a specialist wizard) and +2 to [[Knowledge]] and [[Spellcraft]] checks involving erotomancy.
Be aware that you may adapt spell levels for minor spellcasters (such as bards) and partial spellcasters (such as paladins and rangers).
===Homebrew Erotomancy Spells===

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