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Warrior (3.5e NPC Class)

8 bytes added, 08:15, 14 August 2009
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'''{{Anchor|Replaceable}}:''' Warriors represent the faceless hordes of grunts, guards, and mooks. They are intended to be easy to use, and very easy to replace. Instead of worrying about the feats that a Warrior has, simply give Warriors +1 to-hit for each feat they would be eligible for.
'''{{#Anc:Anchor|Signature Weaponry}}:''' 2nd level warriors are proficient with all racial and cultural weapons and armor of their people. For example, 2nd level Dwarven Warriors are proficient with the Dwarven Waraxe and Stone Plate armor, while 2nd level Elven Warriors are proficient with Elven Thinblades and Darkleaf Armor.
'''{{#Anc:Anchor|Loyal to Death}}:''' 3rd level Warriors will fight to the death and remain conscious when below 0 hit points (they are still staggered as normal).
'''{{#Anc:Anchor|Rank}}:''' 4th level Warriors are qualified to lead troops, and have a Command Rating equivalent to being a Sergeant.
'''{{#Anc:Anchor|Unshakable Morale}}:''' 5th level Warriors never have to make Morale checks and receive a +2 bonus on saves vs. Fear.
===Trading Out Warrior Levels===

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